nmc policy class 3 journal

Today in nmc policy there was a class discussion on

the six degrees of seperation

connectors and hubs

network effects

early networks

central office vs nesh networks

natural monopoly

and creative destruction

Over all this was a very interesting class. We had an good discussion in our group about the ownership of the network. I am on the side of network neutrality. I feel that the only way to insure that is to have an organization like the fcc in place to moderate the national policys and standards. I feel that if Isp’s, or the people in control of the tubes were in charge with no oversite there would undoubtedly be standards issues and content tiering.  currently the internet service businness is set up similar to that of a utility, where only one company in a local area has accsess to and develop the infrastructure. If the isps ran like other companys in a competitive free market then there would be another option to turn to if service is no longer good enough. Though as it is , even though i dont like comcast cable internet they are the only cable internet provider in my given area. there is some competition like dish or satelite internet. or dsl. though those are the competition the lack of real competition will in the next few year begin to slow the advancment and inovation of the national network infrastructure