Photographing the OSU vs ASU Football Game

Moments after the Oregon State touchdown against Arizona State University this past Saturday at the game


 This past Saturday I had the opportunity to stand on the sidelines of the OSU vs ASU football game as a photographer for the Barometer.  This was a very interesting experience, I have to say that it felt like a crash course in sports photography (a field of photography I know very little about). I think of myself as a fairly adept photographer; at least for my age, my gear and my actual time spent with the craft. But this experience kicked my but, I have more throw away shots pulled of this CF card then almost any other shoot that I have done.

I had tons of problems with my autofocus and with my exposures but I was able to work those problems out every once in a while and pull of something that resembles a “quality” photo. 

Ill post a link to a slide show of a few more images at the bottom of the post. 

The experience of the game from down on the field is entirely different than what it feels like in the stand, really cool energy down there on the field. 



















Check out more photos from the game on my Flickr Page here