New e-Book: Dave Matthews Band- A Collection of Photos From Camping at the Gorge

New e-Book: Dave Matthews Band- A Collection of Photos From Camping at the Gorge

by By Marina Hansen & Billy Newman

started this new road trip in early September, I was happy to begin the trip by
traveling to see the Dave Matthews Band perform at the Gorge over Labor Day
weekend. This event was certainly focused more on taking time off, meeting
friends and listening to some great live music which has always been one of my
favorite things. Spending a weekend at the gorge was more focused on enjoying
live music and friends then it was spent working to create photographs of the
event. Never the less, Marina and I have gone through and made a collection of
some of our favorite photographs from that weekend.

This book is a collection of 29 images from 3 days of camping out
in a crowd of Davers.

intention of this book is to show two things. First we want a space to show our
photographs free of distraction and the clutter of context. The first section
of the book is photos only. We decided on full page spreads just to show one photograph
at a time. The second half of the eBook goes into more detail about each image
featured in the book. That is where the context is. We wrote out short
descriptions of the photographs describing the stories behind each image.  We talk about how we made the images, but we
also describe how we found the scene, or who the people were that compelled us
to make the images found in this book.

Marina and I thank you again for taking the time to really look at
a collection of our images, to share in the things we saw and felt in this way

I want everyone to download it and check it out.

For the PDF go here-

 to download the E-book t – Great for viewing on computers and some tablets.

For the E-pub (great on iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, nook, e-reader) then follow this link to download it from Blurb.