Working from the road

Marina took this image yesterday while we were editing photographs in my car.

Part of what makes this kind of a trip possible is the combination of new technologies that are smaller cheaper and lighter then they have ever been. We are taking advantage of all of our tools to help us produce work from the road.

I admire photographers of the past that would have had to travel with boxes of film stock, then shoot from their location. They would have to wait until they were back at their darkroom to develop the film and create prints of their work to share.

I think that there is a huge amount of creative value in this type of work. But there are advantages that I can’t ignore with a modern digital workflow. Right now i am writing this post from my tent on the beach. I’m using a bluetooth keyboard connected to my iPod touch to put this together. Later, when I hike back to the car, I’ll turn on the wifi hotspot and connect to the internet over a very limited, but existent 3g signal and send this over the air, to the servers of this website.
That is powerful technology.

I know however that i am really only using this to its most basic capabilities. I hope to find a way to really do more and produce more using all of this technology.

The image above [ or below, last time I posted something it put the photograph at the bottom of the screen] was made yesterday afternoon as I worked through editing a set of photographs on my computer in Lightroom, then making some final adjustments in photoshop. The versions of the images that i posted will likely be drafts of the final versions of the image that I hope to finalize and print enlargements of. But it is a start.

I powered my laptop for most of the afternoon through the use of an inverter attached to my car battery. This kept things powered and running smoothly for most of the day.