Film Photography Workflow Notes

Film Photography Workflow Notes

This process, this workflow that I attempt to describe in the preceding pages is the method that we all go through when trying to make new creative endeavors and new art. Working with a film camera was my way of learning how to slow down and how to be more intentional about my creativity. This is not to say, however, that this way is the only way. Whether film or digital, whether driven by creative constraints like I mentioned here or not; this process of grabbing your camera and taking photos is the only real photographic lesson that there is. It is simple, go out and take photos. It is very little that is easy to do in the creative process. Similarly, there is very little in the process that is not gratifying or rewarding. In the course of describing some of the photographic lessons I have embraced while working with film, I have likely oversimplified the struggle and work that it takes to learn a new creative medium. Nothing is further from my intent. My hope is that somewhere in this book I make it clear that there is a great deal to learn from adding constraints to our creativity. Working with a camera of any type is working with a tool; whether a digital point and shoot or a medium format film camera.

My intent is to use this tool to express myself; to express something that intrigued me: that I found beauty in or something that tells a story. This book is meant to serve as creative inspiration, I have chosen to focus on what helped me grow and learn the most about being on the path of a creative. My photographs are evolving in style and refinement. The photographs that illustrate this book all mean something to me personally. They are images I have made with a dedication to creating simpler more refined, more intentional photographs. As I continue to make new photographs with my digital gear or my film gear, my intent is the same. It is to continue to simplify and refine my photos, to focus on the decisions and elements that matter in my life, and capture them in a photograph.

Film Photography Workflow Notes

Abstract Long Exposure  Photography Workflow Notes ,Billy Newman Photo
Abstract Long Exposure

Produced by Billy Newman and Marina Hansen


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If you want to read a free PDF eBook written by Billy Newman about film photography: you can download Working With Film here. Yours free.

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