Structure fire on Redwood ave

This evening in Grants Pass there was a structure fire that started at about 7:45 pm across the street from the redwood nursery. Fortunatly the building had been vacant for some time.  I was down town, headed toward riverside park to meet some friends when I saw the Smoke coming from around the fairgrounds. One of the first fire trucks pulled out a block in front of me, I decided to follow the fire truck …

Transformers 2 review

Im always a little bit to harsh on movies. Transformers 2 was pretty good. I dont think that its as good as the first one. but its still a pretty fun story. a little outlandish, but hey there are robot cars running around so ill let it slide. I feel like they would have been better off cutting out some of the “jokes” as they were not that funny and felt cheesy. ( for example …

Snow in the quad

This video is a couple weeks late. Its really not much. just a quick look at the snow in the quad event at OSU. I found a little bit of footage on my camera and thought I would post it.

OSU in Review 6-1-09 This week on the show covers the  battle of the bands and other music in the quad. Also a look at other important news out of the barometer

Spanish video Project

This is really not my best work. This was an assignment for my spanish class. A video was not required but I dont see myself doing another power point. In the video we present different locations around the campus and explain where to go and what to do while here.

OSU in Review 5-25-09 Check out OSU in Review for May 25, 2009 This weeks news includes coverage of the snow in the quad event. Things to do in or around corvallis and more.

Twitter research paper.

                                                                                                                        The Diffusion of Twitter Twitter is currently one of the fastest growing social networking trends on …

Commercial for OSU

This term im taking a feild production class where we go through and use some of the tools for editing video.  In this project we learned some of the basics of useing the program motion.  Also part of the assignment was to use it to create a commercial for OSU.  So here is my attempt

OSU in Review 5-17-09

  Check out the new episode of osu in review

OSU in Review 5-3-09

              A new episode of osu in review is now out.  This week on the show Swine flu at WOU .A moms weekend wrap up . Student election results  and a look at weather and entertainment  Check it out

The Ministry of Love

  This last Thursday I was on a radio show on KBVR. Its called the ministry of love. If you would like to listen to 6 people talk over each other for 2 hours then check it out. All kidding aside this week we went over a good number of stories. Check it out if you missed it. also listen in live on Thursday and Sunday evenings from midnight to 2:00 AM on 88.7 KBVR …

OSU in Review 4-26-09

   A new episode of osu in review is now up . Check it out and give it a listen.

Abandon Train

  Yesterday I met Justin south of Corvallis at an abandon train. I was pretty surprised to see a train that is miles long left out in the middle of a field on a set of old train tracks. Took my camera and my camcorder. here is a clip. 

Silver Falls Hike

Some friends of mine had been planning on doing a trip like this for a while. We went to silver falls state park just east of Salem. We left Saturday morning at 10:00 am after picking everyone up. Stopped in Salem to get some supplies then drove the rest of the way to Silver falls. The trail we took was almost 9 miles long and took us by 10 water falls. Ive been to a …

Justin Ross skate clip

This video was taken during the same set of runs that the photo a couple posts down was taken at. Justin Ross skating at the GP Skate Park.

Latest episode of OSU in review is up 4-13-09

Here is the latest episode of OSU in review for 4-13-09

New episode of OSU in Review 4-6-09

New episodes of  osu in review is out. There are still a couple episodes that have not been uploaded yet.  Ill be uploading them later

Cycling Interview with Robert

Here is a video that I made for my field production class. The assignment was to interview someone , I put this project together with an interview of my room mate Robert. Check out the video

a Week or so ago I was at the skate park in grants pass with Justin Ross. Had some good time hanging out. Pulled out my camera, Jennifer Justins sister took the photo. I did a little post processing to it but almost none. Nice shot Jennifer!

OSU in review podcast

  I have been using a podcast hosting service to host the podcast/radio show that I produce called OSU in Review.  The problem with the hosting service is that it is pretty unreliable. is the service that I’m currently using; it has a limited amount of storage space for me to upload. I’m currently looking in to other solutions for me to host more podcasts. I’m thinking that I will begin to prioritize the …

Rock Climbing

  Met up with my friend Justin last night in Eugene Oregon. Today we went out and did a little rock climbing; I haven’t done much rock climbing since I was a kid. I’ve wanted to get in to climbing for a while but haven’t put enough time toward it. I went in this evening to the rec center at OSU, which is free for me to use,  and signed up for a quick belay and …

Disc Golf

One of my favorite things about spring/ spring break is the weather finaly being good enough to start up the disc golf season. I remember a couple years ago every day after school my friends and I would Play no less then 2 games a day( as im writting this ray is next to me wanting to steal the cookies from dutch bros, back to the story) Good times. I was allot better then than …

Spring Break

Right now im currently on my spring break. So far im having a very good time. I went down to San Francisco with my dad on sunday and spent a couple days down there. The first time Iwas in San Francisco was last year about this time.  While in San Francisco I try to take advantage of the oppurtunity to take photos as much as I can.  Most of the time I like to shoot …


Im thinking about printing some photo enlargments of my better work. I found a place through campus that will do large format printing . It will cost but its not too much.

More images from the D1

Ive been out shooting with my Nikon D1 over the past couple days. I really am getting to like the camera. I still have yet to go on an actual shoot with it, but besides the limited battery life feel that I could do very well with it. Im impressed on how well a 2.7 megapixel camera can do. I dont plan on doing any large format prints from the D1, my 6.1 megapixel D40 …

Skills and Distractions

I have too many things and not enough skill.  This is a flaw that I have allowed myself to develop for a while.  As I look around I have everything that I want right next to me. Though what I am beginning to notice is that I have more gear then I have skill. I’m finding that it is going to be important for me to get better at the things I like and continue …

OSU in review is up Check it out, Its the new episode of OSU in Review. A whole 5 people downloaded it last week.  this week we talk about the weeks entertainment news.  ten interesting places you can find on google earth More bad news about the state economy Power outages earthquakes and more this week.

Working with my Nikon D1

This last week I bought a nikon D1 online. The D1 was the first professional DSLR that nikon sold. This was back in 1999, Now that its ten years later the limitations of  the technology of the day are becoming more and more apperent.  the Nikon D1 was built with a 2.7 megapixel sensor, which compared to my D40 is less then half the resolution. Still for the price I paid for this camera , …