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Produced by Billy Newman and Marina Hansen
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Hello and thank you very much for listening to this episode of The Billy Newman photo podcast.
I wanted to talk today a little bit about how much video I’ve been editing I don’t know if you’re in this position but now at least this year, this set of years these decades maybe what my work is but I seem to be editing more and more video as it comes through and I guess that’s just part of media expansion as you sort of move on into time. You know, obviously I’ve talked about being a photographer and working on photos and media stuff so it’d be kind of expected that I would work on that stuff a lot or a lot professionally but really, I mean just personally I just mean like on my phone, or with other tools or with GoPros or with other systems like that I seem to be shooting and saving a lot more high quality high resolution video like I was talking about these 5.2k files I was getting off of one of the cameras I was shooting with and you think like oh man, that’s a huge amount of data all that to say so I just went out and bought another four terabyte drive to save really just a video files video projects. And another part of that is like the final cut 10.4 system that I’m using I want to talk to you guys about do you use Final Cut? Do you use Adobe Premiere? Do you use some other kind of editing tool, some other conversation to have a bit at a time but I guess for this conversation it’s interesting to see how much more video is coming in to our phones into our lives over our phones you know, like I remember just what 10 years ago is thinking about how unreal it was to put up and publish so much HD video every day when we think about our Facebook stories or Snapchat stories Instagram stories. That’s all like video content driven up by everybody and everybody’s phone in HD just about all the time every day so it’s coming into the you know just such a heavy visual data world where we’re getting so much more high quality but you know so much more I guess rich media content than we had ever before. So interesting how that goes. But what I’m noticing is, man, something’s got to be around to edit all of that and it turns out I guess I’m getting some of that some of that remainder as it goes so
you can see more of my work at Billy Newman photo calm. You can check out some of my photo books on Amazon. I think if you look at that Bitly Newman under the author’s section there and see some of the photo books on film on the desert on surrealism camping and cool stuff over there. I wanted to touch him today and talk about a trip that I just just finished up going on out to have to Central Oregon over to the high desert area in Eastern Oregon I guess it’s Eastern Oregon kind of over near the the bend area we went up to Smith rock this last week and did some camping out over there had a great time it was it’s pretty nice but we did the the hike over there at Smith rock and I guess I wanted to do just to kind of short podcast about about the area over by by Smith rock some of the hiking that you can do and and some of the the trip and photo stuff that we’re working on over there but yeah, I had a great time and over to Smith rock took off for pretty quick easy weekend trip you know what’s great about living here in Oregon on like the I five corridor is you could just kind of jump over to Eastern Oregon over over the cascade pass which is definitely tracking the drive it’s different than just being on the freeway, but it’s pretty cool yeah jumping over the highways and getting over kind of into the backcountry in the Cascades and then heading over over the past and then down into the high desert area of Eastern Oregon over there so yeah, went through sisters headed over to Tara bond and then went into the Smith rock State Park area. Really man the thing I guess I should say is yeah Smith rock is just world class camping or hiking area. You really can’t camp there. I guess you can kind of camp out in and attend you can kind of bivouac there. I guess some of the rock climbers do that but there’s also like another spot the area we can to is this campground called skull hollow which is about maybe five miles away or so it’s really not too far of a drive but yeah hop in the car, go around the mountain and then on the backside of that you can you can hang out and set up a camp I think it’s there we were at was probably I guess I guess it’s BLM maybe it’s like state forest or something still but it was dispersed camping areas so you can kind of drive up this road pull out on the side and kind of walk your tent over and you know just couple of feet and set it up hanging out is all free and you know you’re just sitting out there in the, in the scrub of the sagebrush and on some lumpy ground and I think there’s like open range cattle that walk through there to other times we would camp there in the past I think Marina and I had been there maybe years ago and we had camped. Just a couple spots. So from the place that we were this weekend we put up the tent hung out there had the car park there and then that morning we woke up in the tent we could hear like, a bunch of big footsteps around and sounds and animals and we were thinking, oh man, that’s weird. And we hands up the screen on the tent looked outside and we were surrounded by cows. Were you out? Yeah, we’ve got no cows, because it’s kind of walk through in their little group during the night or during the morning and ended up in the acreage around where we were yeah kind of cool about open range cattle and stuff but it was fun hanging out over there yeah check it out the sky hollow campground was cool get our camp set up over there was cool had a couple tenths going and yeah, took off went over to Smith rock did the hiking trip over there that was pretty cool. That’s where we did some of our photo stuff. Most of the hike was that kind of a cool afternoon hike. It’s really a great one because it’s, it’s a couple miles, it’s definitely challenging. If you’re not super used to hiking, you could do it but you could try and try out for a little bit. We’re not trained for Urbino get ready I got blisters on my feet I got some hotspots and stuff so it’s like maybe there’s three miles four miles I’m not sure it takes about four hours or so you got to take like an average sort of mellow pace to it but it’s cool you know the the lower part that goes around like the crooked river, maybe it’s only two hours I don’t know. We went around the lower part around the crooked river which is really cool how the way that area was formed is really like if you kind of look at it from the outside me the ranch land that’s all surrounding is this pretty high or it’s higher in elevation, it’s just kind of this this flatter area and then it comes up to the crooked river where it drops off into this rim Rock Canyon and then Smith rock is the volcanic
remnant that’s been left there as the erosion of the river is kind of wrapped by it and pulled away all the sediment that was there that would just kind of make it look like a average boring hillside and so now you have these these really exposed like vivid kind of crisp volcanic rocks that are just alien to the activity that we see an erosion commonly across the earth here so smooth rock yeah pretty cool pretty unique kind of spot to go hike around but yeah really fun to kind of jump in there really interesting kind of spot to be yeah did the hike around the crooked river side up to the backside where like monkey faces I was really cool with with a couple people that hadn’t been there before so we got to catch on that that area for the first time in the monkey face is such a cool phenomenon because really when you come around that corner it does and through is an anthropomorphic I guess animal Yeah, anthropomorphic we look like and like that’s when you make an animal a person right? When is it when you make a rock an animal huh? I don’t know that word, but it looks like a monkey it just looks like a monkey’s face. So it’s called monkey face. No way so so yeah, we hiked around that spire of monkey face and started going up the misery Ridge trail it’s just a bunch of switchbacks that kind of gets you up in elevation to get you to the top of the the Smith rock rock there and yet walked around the top there for a bit and then hiked down the backside of it yeah really cool spot to check out over on the Smith rock side there’s a bunch of other camping and hiking and stuff you can kind of do there other than just the the top over loop of the trail but there’s there’s other trails that kind of go around the east side of the park that’s got some really cool stuff and then we’re just talking about hiking and taking pictures and stuff a little bit so far but really the cool thing there is all the rock climbing stuff that you do all the the sport climbing that goes on and and I think that’s really cool we there’s there’s a there’s really a lot more hikers that today that there were there were sport climbers there’s there’s definitely like a handful of people that were out there but I didn’t see and it’s probably because the conditions were I think scheduled to be pretty bad like I think it was raining a lot of the day so I don’t think a lot of people probably set up their their rock climbing rigs for a day in the rain but but I’ve definitely seen people there and really odd times of the year like super early March middle of the winter early April and stuff maybe there’s a better time of the year to to do some of the types of climbs and stuff but yeah, I was hoping to find some people do like a multi pitch climb I remember seeing that a couple years ago I wanted to surfaces where you’re just thinking like wow those people are hundreds of feet away that means you like to bring the rope up once and then pull it all up and then lead climate again and then like Malaysia is just like wow how do you do that? So wow so yeah really scary kind of interesting stuff how to do all the all the rock climbing stuff, but but man I wish it I wish I knew a little bit more about how I got into it kind of
what I don’t know as I guess it’d be like gym sport climbing for weeks, not not months even. And it’s fun. It’s fun to check out and learn about but man like being on the rock over it’s with rock is a lot different. I got to go climb over there one time years ago. And just like getting on the rock and trying to like fill out the routes and stuff is so much different than going Going through that hole on the wall and the rock gym and stuff is just really interesting kind of get an experience of being hot and cold and having all your like outdoor gear on and stuff and you know you’re just kind of exposed to the wind and the elements and stuff and then you’re also trying to like pull up this pull up this mountain side to at the same time. So it’s kind of fun. It’s it’s cool getting used to data and trying to rock climb stuff, but but man, yeah, interesting doing the climb and being delayed and doing all that stuff. But as far as stuff goes, we did a couple a couple 360 things that was kind of cool going over to Smith rock and shooting. But trying to get into some 360 photo work where last year, we did like a lot of a lot of video clips, which is really cool. I really like those stock video clips we produced in a lot of places. And we shot a ton of photos too, which is awesome. But But now I’m also trying to get into a bunch of a bunch of pieces where we can, well, I want to try and get the I want to try and get like collections of photos. And then I’m sort of starting to learn about where you can put these in like virtual tours. So you can put maybe four or five or whatever would take you know, you kind of go to the specific spots in a location or something and then you you get the 360 photograph and then you can kind of pieces together as a tourist, you can go from one through 60 to the next 360 is sort of this immersion well, so I’m trying to check that out trying to learn about if, if that’ll work for me very well. But But yeah, I’ve tried to do some 360 photo stuff where you take the photo, then you pull it into Affinity Photo, that’s another program. I’m using it on the Mac right now, I think it’s available on PC as well, it’s sort of a Photoshop competitor, you can buy outright, I think for maybe $79 or something like that. It’s it’s really not as expensive as the the Creative Cloud purchases for continuation. But the reason I guess I bring up affinity photos, it’s kind of noted as one of the better tools right now to project your stitch to 360 photo as an equal equity rectilinear projection in the program. And then you can still use the editing programs in the program. So so like, I guess, like the new Final Cut Pro has an ability to project the 360 photograph while you’re editing it. So you could add in new materials to it like, I don’t know, like just plates of information that’ll stay up in the 360 space that you’re at as you move through it. It’s interesting how it is you can kind of stitch things into the fabric of the scene within Final Cut in the video, and you can heal your Nadir point. So the base view is your neighbor at the top of you is your Zenith point. So the Nadir point in a 360 photograph is where that tripod is going to be or where you are going to be in that the photographer is going to be below it sort of thing. So So that’s kind of a, I don’t know, an interesting part of it, where you got to kind of go through and I guess this is what affinities for is you open up the photo after it’s stitched. You open it in affinity and then you can go down and heal out the the base there where your tripod was or where the person was that was taking the picture. And then you can have this kind of full 360 photograph without kind of a block at the bottom that says just a couple people. So yeah, it’s kind of cool. So I’m trying to open it up in affinity and do a couple color adjustments to it, which is cool, that you can go through and do do kind of like post color correction stuff to some of the photographs, you can kind of do that with a 360 video, but you also kind of can’t do it with the 360 video as well. You can add some color correction, like you can have been Final Cut. But it’s it’s really not the same as photo editing, I guess. Yeah, obviously. But it’s kind of cool. We’ve been having good time trying to edit together those the 360 photos. I’m trying to go through a bunch of the photos I’ve taken last year as well, and put those together and hope to Well, I know is it. What is that? 361. I skipped in my mind right now there’s like this 360 view year. I think it’s V or VR. And it’s sort of like a YouTube channel for 360 videos and stuff. YouTube also takes 360s as well as a bunch other places. But it’s again, it’s kind of a cool little photo and video sharing site for 360 content and social networking app and all that kind of stuff. But yeah, I put some stuff up there. And that’s we’ve got people that are specifically interested in looking at 360 images and content would go But yeah, it’s mostly it’s kind of fun. So yeah, 360 staff, some photos stuff had the Canon equipment out there. I was trying to take some landscape photos was cool. The weekend whether it was I think like I had mentioned there was kind of a forecast to rain. Really that was like some thunderstorms that were blown across the Cascades and they’re just a bigger weather system overall this weekend. Not to mention the Perseids which is you get back to you on another podcast that
was probably this but they got kind of clouded out for me. Shoot, I want to see some meteor showers. So not talking about the proceeds, but I guess kind of going back. Just the campus stuff. It was cool. We were really happy that we got to go out and do the camping stuff and share that We didn’t get to see the Perseus but I don’t know, I guess we’re camping out and stuff. So that was pretty cool. It was thunderstorms that rolled over the Cascades. And then we have these big heads. We’re really fortunate that I guess the big system, which I look really active, I pulled up the weather map on, on dark sky, the weather app that I have on my phone. And you can see just this big red hotspot, maybe 25 miles, or 30 miles to the north east of us. And it’s probably just, you know, a ton of rain, hail, ton of lightning. So I’m really glad we didn’t get wiped over by that. That’s pretty cool. But really, yeah, it was a cool kind of textured night where there’s just a lot of clouds. And like a lot of kinds of thunderstorms and stuff. It’s cool that the airplanes are kind of coming in real low, they had to go around around this huge thunderstorm system. So they were coming in real low. And kind of making these sort of strange routes, which is kind of fun to see that I remember seeing that a couple of times in the past with thunderstorms to come in. And airlines would have to take just these kind of big alternate routes to get around this, this thunderstorm cells. So that was kind of cool. Check it out, we were taking pictures of it as the sun was going down when there’s a rainbow kind of right as the evening was coming, coming to a close of our camps, that was pretty fun, get some cool pictures, that and that’s what I love. I love that that time of day or you know, right at the end of the day, as a certain type of lighting effect that happens when there’s really like mostly clouds over the sky. But right as the evening the western sky has a gap where it’s clear, and the sun is able to shine through that pocket there and you get a lot of light that bounces back between the cloud surface above you in the ground below you, we are kind of in this little pocket where it just sort of sort of reflects against itself, but you get this kind of warmer, sort of diffuse town around everything kind of changes the way the shadows are, it’s different than overcast, you know where you get a diffusion of the shadows. But this one, you get a really crisp kind of saturated quality to the light. And it’s a lot better than I think the softer sort of white light that you get in the diffuse circumstances of overcast days. But yeah, you get a lot of cool kind of rich contrast in those landscape photos with that kind of lighting condition. Sort of during that golden hour time with the right kind of cloud effect and stuff. Really beautiful really soft kind of easy to expose for photography kind of lights up. Yeah beautiful spot to be really kind of surreal, colorful looking. location and evening and yeah, fun hanging out, watch the thunderstorms, camping out getting rained on, maybe getting one a little bit. All part of the experience of being outside being in Eastern Oregon. definitely got a little sunburn, sore, all the rest of it. But yeah, going out and camping and stuff. You can check out more information at Billy Newman photo comm you can go to Billy Newman photo.com Ford slash support. If you want to help me out and participate in the value for value model that we’re running this podcast with. If you receive some value out of some of the stuff that I was talking about, you’re welcome to help me out and send some value my way through the portal at Billy Newman photo comm forward slash support, you can also find more information there about Patreon and the way that I use it if you’re interested or feel more comfortable using Patreon that’s patreon.com forward slash Billy Newman photo.
Hey, how’s it going? This is Billy Newman from Billy Newman photo calm. And today I’m going to try and walk through if I can remember how to do a resize from Terminal. And I thought this was kind of a cool trick when I figured it out for the first time, but it’s using the sips command in Terminal. And I think this is part of just about every Mac as it comes in. So it’s pretty easy to use, I was pretty surprised like that you can do some powerful things like this in Terminal. And there’s really like a lot of batch processing that you can do with a handful of files. all at one time. I thought those some of those kind of worth checking out. So in Terminal, if you see the screen up here, what we’re going to do is try and check out the photograph that we have in the thumbnail on the side. And there’s a lot of software ways you can do this. Like if we jumped into like Photoshop or some other tool like that to do a resize of a JPEG. But it can do a lot of stuff with a lot of different file types too. So it’s kind of interesting the stuff you can do. So the sips command is kind of neat, but I think if you type in man for the manual, and then sips you’ll pull up the the manual for it for it. And you’ll be able to check out like a few different parts of some of the commands that can do and what some of the modifiers are inside of it. Some parts of it way beyond me. But for this part, I’m going to navigate over to the directory where that image is stored. And then I’m going to try and do a resize of it. So I think right now, we’re going to go to this folder that we have here over on the desktop. So from the terminal we’re going to want to jump over to I guess that directory over there. So right now I think I’m in like this. I don’t know whatever like my user directory is so I’m going to do CD desktop. We’ll jump over there to see what files I have there. And then I think you want to jump to this folder called resize, right? So I’m going to do CD, and then resize. So what I did in there, what I want to see is that I have just this one file in here that one JPEG. But we also see over here on the screen that we see in this review now right now, as we look down here, it’s like 47.6 megabytes. And that’s like, a gajillion. Yeah, yeah, just seems like a ton of megapixels. I never believed that years ago. So we’re in the file over here, in Terminal. And what we’re gonna do now is run the sips command on that file. So I think it’s sips and then z for like, all files in that directory. And then this number here is like 2500, which is like the pixel size that we’re going to resize it to for the long edge. So I think that’s going to change this, like 7356 number to 2500 for the long edge of this JPEG file resize that we’re going to do. And the star I think means that do it to all the files. Hey, you got me, but we’re gonna run this anyway. Here we go. Yeah. Well, okay, so it did a little bit of that. Whatever that tells us. Now, what do we got going on? We have the same folder there. That’s open. What’s it called? Oh, well, look at that. Now it’s 843 kilobytes. And I believe is resized kind of the way that we thought it would be. There’s the image and fall there. Well, resize down from whatever giant size it was and yeah, now they added in 43. Thanks for checking out this episode of The Billy Newman photo podcast. Hope you guys check out some stuff on Billy Newman photo.com few new things up there some stuff on the homepage, some good links to other other outbound sources. some links to books and links to some podcasts like this. A blog posts are pretty cool. Yeah, check it out at Billy new minnesota.com. Thanks a lot for listening to this episode and the back end