Below you will find the complete list and notes in text format. Feel free to copy/paste.
Packing List | Winter Desert Lake Photography Travel.
1 or 2 Camera Bodies
Camera Batteries (minimum 3 for each – one in the camera, one in a pocket, one charging)
Wide lens (17-40mm)
Standard lens (50mm)
Longer lens (85mm or 70-200mm)
SD or CF cards (I use 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB cards, and pack 6-10 of them depending on the duration of the trip)
2-3 Microfiber lens cloths

Cable Release – now most often I only use the built-in timer
Lee Filter Holder and adaptor rings
Polarizing Filter
ND Filter
10 stop Big Stopper ND Filter

Wet weather
rain covers
Big contractor-sized garbage bags (I bring a couple and pack them at the bottom of my backpack. )
Extra lens cloths, small dish towel.
Laptop (13” MacBook Pro)
Laptop charger / cable
Small external hard drive
iPhone, and car charger/cable
Headphones (always in my back pocket)
Small power strip
onX off-road app with a download of the offline local map
Coast 400 flashlight and Black Diamond headlamp, fresh batteries
* I put all my cables and chargers into one pouch or zip lock bag. Small compression bags can help organize contents in a pack.