Gear Tips
A great way to stay warm at night is to fill your water bottle with hot water and keep it in your sleeping bag with you. Handwarmers work well for this too.

Wrap a few layers of duct tape around your lighter. You’ll find all sorts of uses for the duct tape, from reattaching a broken eyelet on a fishing pole to crafting makeshift band-aids to patching ripped pants.

To take every opportunity you can get to dry your wet clothes and socks. If it’s not raining, you can strap wet clothes to the outside of your backpack and they’ll dry out while you’re hiking. At night, you can slip a pair of wet socks or underwear into the bottom of your sleeping bag and they’ll dry out while you were sleeping. When dealing with wet boots, pull out the insoles at night and place them in or under your sleeping bag. Removing them from your boots allows the moisture inside of the boot to evaporate faster.
For when camping in areas where you need to be extra aware, sleep with your headlamp around your wrist like a bracelet when you get startled awake or your tent collapses under the snow you don’t need to fumble around looking for it.

If there’s a chance of snow where you’re camping don’t leave your cooking gear and other odds and ends laying outside stashed under a tarp in your tent vestibule. There’s nothing worse than kicking around in freshly fallen snow looking for a spoon that got covered under 12 inches of snow.
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If you want to listen to the Archeoastronomy research podcast created by Billy Newman,
you can listen to the Night Sky Podcast here.
If you want to read a free PDF eBook written by Billy Newman about film photography:
you can download Working With Film here.
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Gear that I work with
Professional film stock I work with
I keep my camera in a Lowepro camera bag
When I am photographing landscape images I use a Manfrotto tripod
A lot of my film portfolio was created with the Nikon N80 and Nikon F4
The Nikon D2H and Nikon D3 were used to create many of the digital images on this site
Two lenses I am using all the time are the 50mm f1.8 and the 17-40mm f4
Some astrophotography and documentary video work was created with the Sony
I am currently taking photographs with a Canon 5D
Website Billy Newman Photo
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