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This field of grass will grow for another month before they harvest and bail the hay

field of grass will grow This field of grass will grow for another month before they harvest and bail the hay. Gear that I work with  Professional film stock I work with I keep my camera in a Lowepro camera bag When I am photographing landscape images I use a Manfrotto tripod A lot of my film portfolio was created with the Nikon N80 and Nikon F4 The Nikon D2H and …

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Adding to the podcast studio

podcast studio   Adding to the podcast studio. Gear that I work with  Professional film stock I work with I keep my camera in a Lowepro camera bag When I am photographing landscape images I use a Manfrotto tripod A lot of my film portfolio was created with the Nikon N80 and Nikon F4 The Nikon D2H and Nikon D3 were used to create many of the digital images on this …

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Desert wild flowers blooming on the roads in eastern Oregon

Desert wild flowers blooming on the roads in eastern Oregon   Desert wild flowers blooming on the roads in eastern Oregon. Gear that I work with  Professional film stock I work with I keep my camera in a Lowepro camera bag When I am photographing landscape images I use a Manfrotto tripod A lot of my film portfolio was created with the Nikon N80 and Nikon F4 The Nikon D2H and …

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Made a few changes this month, introducing the Colorado seen here on our 1st break-in camping trip to Hart Mountain

Colorado seen here on our 1st break-in camping trip to Hart Mountain   Made a few changes this month, introducing the Colorado seen here on our 1st break-in camping trip to Hart Mountain. Gear that I work with  Professional film stock I work with I keep my camera in a Lowepro camera bag When I am photographing landscape images I use a Manfrotto tripod A lot of my film portfolio was created with …

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Look south tonight to spot Mars and Saturn in Scorpio

Look south tonight to spot Mars and Saturn in Scorpio   Look south tonight to spot Mars and Saturn in Scorpio. Gear that I work with  Professional film stock I work with I keep my camera in a Lowepro camera bag When I am photographing landscape images I use a Manfrotto tripod A lot of my film portfolio was created with the Nikon N80 and Nikon F4 The Nikon D2H and …

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I made it out to the hills for a drive this past week

out to the hills for a drive   I made it out to the hills for a drive this past week. Gear that I work with  Professional film stock I work with I keep my camera in a Lowepro camera bag When I am photographing landscape images I use a Manfrotto tripod A lot of my film portfolio was created with the Nikon N80 and Nikon F4 The Nikon D2H and …

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Small clouds colored with golden evening light

Small clouds colored with golden evening light Small clouds colored with golden evening light. Gear that I work with  Professional film stock I work with I keep my camera in a Lowepro camera bag When I am photographing landscape images I use a Manfrotto tripod A lot of my film portfolio was created with the Nikon N80 and Nikon F4 The Nikon D2H and Nikon D3 were used to create many …

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A film photo shot on ektar with a 50mm f.18 lens attached to my Nikon F4s at the Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm

Nikon F4s at the Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm   A film photo shot on ektar with a 50mm f.18 lens attached to my Nikon F4s at the Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm. Gear that I work with  Professional film stock I work with I keep my camera in a Lowepro camera bag When I am photographing landscape images I use a Manfrotto tripod A lot of my film portfolio was created with the Nikon …

A backlit tulip rises above its surroundings

backlit tulip rises above its surroundings   A backlit tulip rises above its surroundings. Gear that I work with  Professional film stock I work with I keep my camera in a Lowepro camera bag When I am photographing landscape images I use a Manfrotto tripod A lot of my film portfolio was created with the Nikon N80 and Nikon F4 The Nikon D2H and Nikon D3 were used to create many …

A pair of wooden shoes set up as garden props near the large flower bed of tulips

wooden shoes set up as garden props   A pair of wooden shoes set up as garden props near the large flower bed of tulips. Gear that I work with  Professional film stock I work with I keep my camera in a Lowepro camera bag When I am photographing landscape images I use a Manfrotto tripod A lot of my film portfolio was created with the Nikon N80 and Nikon F4 …

Spent the Friday before last at the tulip farm with Marina Hansen walking through flowers, shooting film photos

Marina Hansen walking through flowers   Spent the Friday before last at the tulip farm with Marina Hansen walking through flowers, shooting film photos. Marina Hansen walking through flowers Gear that I work with  Professional film stock I work with I keep my camera in a Lowepro camera bag When I am photographing landscape images I use a Manfrotto tripod A lot of my film portfolio was created with the Nikon N80 and …

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Low evening sunlight illuminates the tulips at the Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm

Low evening sunlight illuminates the tulips at the Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm Low evening sunlight illuminates the tulips at the Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm. Gear that I work with  Professional film stock I work with I keep my camera in a Lowepro camera bag When I am photographing landscape images I use a Manfrotto tripod A lot of my film portfolio was created with the Nikon N80 and Nikon F4 The …

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Looking across the tulip fields to the decorative windmill at the farms entrance

tulip fields to the decorative windmill Looking across the tulip fields to the decorative windmill at the farms entrance. Gear that I work with  Professional film stock I work with I keep my camera in a Lowepro camera bag When I am photographing landscape images I use a Manfrotto tripod A lot of my film portfolio was created with the Nikon N80 and Nikon F4 The Nikon D2H and Nikon D3 …

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I had a lot of fun trying to work through a roll of ektar film at the tulip farm. Happy to see the spring color

ektar film at the tulip farm I had a lot of fun trying to work through a roll of ektar film at the tulip farm. Happy to see the spring color. Gear that I work with  Professional film stock I work with I keep my camera in a Lowepro camera bag When I am photographing landscape images I use a Manfrotto tripod A lot of my film portfolio was created with the Nikon …

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A film photo of an unopened, pink tulip bloom at the Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm

pink tulip bloom at the Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm   A film photo of an unopened, pink tulip bloom at the Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm. Gear that I work with  Professional film stock I work with I keep my camera in a Lowepro camera bag When I am photographing landscape images I use a Manfrotto tripod A lot of my film portfolio was created with the Nikon N80 and Nikon F4 …

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I found out about the tulip farm last spring, it is worth the trip for a fun colorful backdrop for spring photos

fun colorful backdrop for spring photos   I found out about the tulip farm last spring, it is worth the trip for a fun colorful backdrop for spring photos. Gear that I work with  Professional film stock I work with I keep my camera in a Lowepro camera bag When I am photographing landscape images I use a Manfrotto tripod A lot of my film portfolio was created with the Nikon N80 and …

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Colorful groupings of tulips shot on film at the Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm

Colorful groupings of tulips shot on film at the Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm Colorful groupings of tulips shot on film at the Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm. Gear that I work with  Professional film stock I work with I keep my camera in a Lowepro camera bag When I am photographing landscape images I use a Manfrotto tripod A lot of my film portfolio was created with the Nikon N80 and Nikon F4 …

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Magenta tulip blooms set against a bed of deep greens

Magenta tulip blooms set against a bed of deep greens Magenta tulip blooms set against a bed of deep greens. Gear that I work with  Professional film stock I work with I keep my camera in a Lowepro camera bag When I am photographing landscape images I use a Manfrotto tripod A lot of my film portfolio was created with the Nikon N80 and Nikon F4 The Nikon D2H and Nikon …

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A tulip bloom surrounded by color on this frame of ektar film photographed at the Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm

A tulip bloom surrounded by color on this frame of ektar film photographed at the Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm A tulip bloom surrounded by color on this frame of ektar film photographed at the Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm. Gear that I work with  Professional film stock I work with I keep my camera in a Lowepro camera bag When I am photographing landscape images I use a Manfrotto tripod A lot of my …

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Last bit of sunlight breaking through the clouds on a mid April evening

sunlight breaking through the clouds on a mid April evening   Last bit of sunlight breaking through the clouds on a mid April evening. Gear that I work with  Professional film stock I work with I keep my camera in a Lowepro camera bag When I am photographing landscape images I use a Manfrotto tripod A lot of my film portfolio was created with the Nikon N80 and Nikon F4 The …

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Large wooden shoes set against a acres of Tulips

Large wooden shoes set against a acres of Tulips Large wooden shoes set against a acres of Tulips. Gear that I work with  Professional film stock I work with I keep my camera in a Lowepro camera bag When I am photographing landscape images I use a Manfrotto tripod A lot of my film portfolio was created with the Nikon N80 and Nikon F4 The Nikon D2H and Nikon D3 were …

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A photograph from the Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm near Woodburn

A photograph from the Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm near Woodburn A photograph from the Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm near Woodburn. Gear that I work with  Professional film stock I work with I keep my camera in a Lowepro camera bag When I am photographing landscape images I use a Manfrotto tripod A lot of my film portfolio was created with the Nikon N80 and Nikon F4 The Nikon D2H and Nikon …

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25 of my favorite photos

25 of my favorite photos 25 of my favorite photos. Thank you @chrisburkard and @artifactuprising Gear that I work with  Professional film stock I work with I keep my camera in a Lowepro camera bag When I am photographing landscape images I use a Manfrotto tripod A lot of my film portfolio was created with the Nikon N80 and Nikon F4 The Nikon D2H and Nikon D3 were used to create …

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Cirrus clouds in the upper atmosphere created this Halo around the sun

Cirrus clouds in the upper atmosphere created this Halo around the sun   Cirrus clouds in the upper atmosphere created this Halo around the sun. Gear that I work with  Professional film stock I work with I keep my camera in a Lowepro camera bag When I am photographing landscape images I use a Manfrotto tripod A lot of my film portfolio was created with the Nikon N80 and Nikon F4 …

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Skating through Amazon Park

Skating through Amazon Park   Skating through Amazon Park. Gear that I work with  Professional film stock I work with I keep my camera in a Lowepro camera bag When I am photographing landscape images I use a Manfrotto tripod A lot of my film portfolio was created with the Nikon N80 and Nikon F4 The Nikon D2H and Nikon D3 were used to create many of the digital images on …

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Kayaking around Oregon with Marina Hansen this spring has been so fun

Kayaking around Oregon with Marina Hansen this spring has been so fun   Kayaking around Oregon with Marina Hansen this spring has been so fun. Gear that I work with  Professional film stock I work with I keep my camera in a Lowepro camera bag When I am photographing landscape images I use a Manfrotto tripod A lot of my film portfolio was created with the Nikon N80 and Nikon F4 …

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Purple flowers popping up around town

Purple flowers popping up around town Purple flowers popping up around town. Gear that I work with  Professional film stock I work with I keep my camera in a Lowepro camera bag When I am photographing landscape images I use a Manfrotto tripod A lot of my film portfolio was created with the Nikon N80 and Nikon F4 The Nikon D2H and Nikon D3 were used to create many of the …

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A few April flowers

A few April flowers   A few April flowers. Gear that I work with  Professional film stock I work with I keep my camera in a Lowepro camera bag When I am photographing landscape images I use a Manfrotto tripod A lot of my film portfolio was created with the Nikon N80 and Nikon F4 The Nikon D2H and Nikon D3 were used to create many of the digital images on …

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Hiking around Smith Rock with Marina Hansen

Hiking around Smith Rock with Marina Hansen Hiking around Smith Rock with Marina Hansen Gear that I work with  Professional film stock I work with I keep my camera in a Lowepro camera bag When I am photographing landscape images I use a Manfrotto tripod A lot of my film portfolio was created with the Nikon N80 and Nikon F4 The Nikon D2H and Nikon D3 were used to create many …

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I have been riding this 57 inch Envy longboard for more than a decade now. Saved for weeks to afford wheels

57 inch Envy longboard for more than a decade now I have been riding this 57 inch Envy longboard for more than a decade now. Saved for weeks to afford wheels. Gear that I work with  Professional film stock I work with I keep my camera in a Lowepro camera bag When I am photographing landscape images I use a Manfrotto tripod A lot of my film portfolio was created with the Nikon …