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Sunrise on the Sierra Nevadas

I took this photo yesterday morning just after the sun started to come up.  We drove up the road from camp and set up near the top of a hill.  Glad we caught the light.  Really like this image. 

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Postcard from the Alabama Hills

This image was taken this morning just after sunrise. Marina and I have been camping just east of Mt Whitney in the Alabama hills.  We are taking advantage of the BLM land and camping out for a few days before heading to Death Valley.  We woke up early this morning to head out and try and make some photos before the sun got to high in the sky.  After we wrapped up and made it …

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Camping in the Alabama Hills

Spending a few days in the Alabama Hills camping. This image below was taken near there.  Marina and I are coming up to nearing the end of this trip.  Soon we we will be traveling back up north to head home to Oregon.  For the next few days, we will be out enjoying the sunshine and warm weather. 

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HWY 395 South

This photo was taken just off of HWY 395 south of Carson city. We have been doing a lot of driving over the past few days.  We travelled from Sonora California north on Hwy 49 in a huge rain storm. Then we travelled east toward Lake Tahoe.  That was a long steep climb for my old car to make, but we made it over the pass before the approaching storm added any more snow to …

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Leaving Yosemite

This image was taken by Marina the other day in Yosemite.  It is a really incredible place, but far to over regulated to feel like a wilderness.  Today we are in Sonora California working on editing photos and working on some of our projects.  Next up we head toward HWY 395 to travel down past the sierra nevada mountains.  Should be beautiful… but freezing cold.   Watching the weather closely and strongly considering heading south …

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Postcard from Yosemite

Postcard from Yosemite. Marina and I endured the cold for a couple freezing nights but it has been worth it. We arrived at the park early Sunday morning on my (and Marina Hansen‘s) birthday. Yosemite is an easy place to photograph, but it It’s hard to make something original. It’s hard to find a spot where Ansel Adams tripod holes have not already been.  This image is one of my favorites from Sunday, the light is …

Working from the road

Marina took this image yesterday while we were editing photographs in my car. Part of what makes this kind of a trip possible is the combination of new technologies that are smaller cheaper and lighter then they have ever been. We are taking advantage of all of our tools to help us produce work from the road. I admire photographers of the past that would have had to travel with boxes of film stock, then …

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Postcard from the King Range Wilderness Area

I made this photograph yesterday evening just after sunset.  This was taken on the beach of the King Range Wilderness area in the Lost Coast.  The glow on the ocean was created by the crescent moon setting in the west. For this image I left the shutter open for nearly 2 minutes to create the smooth, even look on the ocean water.  Right now we are camped out along the lost coast. I am currently in the …

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Blue Impression of Tyler Surfing

I have spent the last few days in Arcata California with my friend Tyler Kappen.  Today we are heading out, traveling south toward the Lost Coast.   Not sure where we might camp but that will be part of the adventure.   We are also really happy that we decided to go on a road trip through California while gas prices here are a whole dollar more then they are any where else in the …

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3 Photos from Sisters Rock

Marina and I are now in Arcata California spending some time with my friend Tyler before continuing to travel south. Next stop should be somewhere in the trinity alps or the Lost Coast, either will be an adventure, but the choice may be weather dependent.  While we are here in Arcata, we are both trying to work through the images that we have been working on.  Catching up on ‘work’ and trying to increase our …

Postcard from sisters rock on the Oregon Coast

Camping along the Oregon Coast for the next couple days. We arrived yesterday at sisters rock just north of Gold Beach and just south of Port Orford. Everything seems to have a way of breaking while your out camping. We already had to macgyver the tent pole and rethread the campstove to fit the propane tank. The light changes are really cool out here. We arrived yesterday in really thick fog, couldn’t see more than …

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Ocean Rocks in Bandon Oregon

Nikon D2H 50mm- 3.0’’ – F/1.8 – ISO 200 This is a photo that I just finished working on. I took this yesterday evening during the blue hour in Bandon Oregon.  This photo is a little noisier then I would like it to be, but that is the price I pay for shooting with a DSLR that is 10 years old. In this photograph I really like the wash of the waves as they moved …

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This is another image that I shot at Pikes Place.  This fella was working at one of the fish markets adding ice to the fresh fish. I saw him go to the back, get a shovel load of ice and return to the front to toss it on to the days catch. I set up this shot, tried to set my exposure and focus before he was in position, he walked out and shoveled the ice onto …

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Camping at the Gorge for the Dave Matthews Band

As it normally goes for me, I am a little bit busier than I had expected, but in fairness this is the busy hectic part of the trip. I am now just wrapping up the first section of the trip. Today I am back in Portland Oregon, currently working out of a Peets coffee while we take turns feeding the parking meter outside (which reminds me of how much I can not wait for the actual wilderness …

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Postcard from The Gorge

Right now I am currently working out of a Starbucks in Seattle near pikes place.We have been gone now for almost a week. I think I have put about 600 new miles on my vary old car and had [part of 😉 ] the best trip ever.  Dave Matthews was a great experience.  Ready to call myself a ‘DAVER’ like the temporary locals say.  This is my first time camping at the gorge, it still has …

A Few Travel Notes

A few travel notes At this time I am probably off somewhere near the Gorge,  ready to watch  the Dave Matthews band perform.  While I write this however, it is Friday afternoon and I am still spending some time in Hood River, working on a few projects and catching up on some road work. This weekend really starts the trip for me.  Friday evening we are meeting up with a few friends and traveling to …

350,000 miles

I am currently in Hood River Oregon, working out of a cool coffee shop that I first visited this time last year.  This marks the second day of our trip traveling through the west coast of the US.  This post is a shout out to my car.  Yesterday, while driving into Hood River, my Camry passed 350,000 miles.  The car is a trooper, and I know I should treat a 20 year old sedan better …

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Occupy Grants Pass

This is an image that is part of the 7-24 project  you can see more of those photos here

My Daily Commute

Check out this time-lapse I made of my daily commute.  Take a 45 minute drive from south Grants Pass to the Almeda rapid on the Rogue River in 3 minutes. 

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Perseid Meteor Shower

Enjoying the Northern sky watching for shooting stars Sunday night:  ISO 200- 24mm- f 3.5 -5 minute exposure The city lights and haze from town sometimes get in the way of a dark summer sky  so I drove out of Grants Pass toward the Applegate valley.  I ended up in Provolt near some open field; I set up my chair, faced northeast and spent the night watching the shooting stars as constellations came up over the horizon.  I …

Abstract lights

I found this image in my iPod touch’s camera roll. I processed the image through instagram and uploaded it. I thought the image was interesting, it was a mistake . a result of bad automatic settings and poor light. This is also a test to experiment with using just an ipod touch to work on publishing blogs and work from the road. I am trying to figure out road production solutions before I end up …

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Recap of the Oregon Country Fair

The Country fair was a really cool place to visit. This was my first experience with the fair but this place has to be one of the more unique events that I have gone to.   I was only able to attend the fair for 1 day, but I hope in next several years I will be able to stay for a few days.  This place is a really exciting and diverse location to photograph …

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Western Overland Excursion eBook Release!

The day is here! Today Marina and I are releasing our first eBook.  We called the e book Western Overland Excursion.   It is a book that covers photographs from our travels through the western United States.  We designed it to read kind of like a coffee table book. The e book has more than 60 pages of photographs, collages, and stories.  Western Overland Excursion is priced at only $2.00 and is available to purchase from …

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Photo Credit – Marina Hansen.  This image was taken at the Oregon Country Fair in a 6 foot open ended kaleidoscope. On one end, there is myself with my film camera,  and on the other end, Marina. I am still waiting to get the counterpart to this image developed. You know… the film photo of Marina that I took at the same time.  When I do, I will post it. I will save the country …

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7/24 photography project- a return to film

This is the start of my film photography project. I have been really interested in creating photographs for over 5 years now. I love photography, I love creating images and sharing them but I am a photographer that came about in the digital age. That is in part why I wanted to start this project. Granted, my first camera was a 35 mm film camera, and with that the first year or so of my …