ebook publishing with apple books write up
I’ve been trying to work on an E-book project recently, and I think it would be an excellent topic to write about. When I first started getting into ebooks and how photographers could use them around photography and photography books. I started it years ago, back in 2010 or 2011, And at the time, that technology was still pretty new. Software companies developed many excellent technologies around the idea of digital publishing. They are more available to people now than in 2012.

There was the Kindle, e ink reader was just a couple of years old back in that time. The product category of an e-reader was only one or two generations old. Those were really about text and reflowable text. I think they were designed for novels or real nonfiction books. You could go through many pages of a text file on your device.
I was always interested in is how that would Be a magazine-style digital publishing system. I remember seeing people interested in more multimedia, like a magazine with rich content, color images, color texts, or photographs. There wasn’t a format that had existed at that time yet. Nothing made it easy to put different graphic pieces together on the page and then put that out. All that stuff was produced and put out as a PDF still at the time.
That’s what first got me interested in look into InDesign and how you could use InDesign to start producing digital publishing pieces. I started working with InDesign, and I didn’t know much early on. So I put together ebooks of photographs in a way where you could flip through the pages and look at photographs and then see text information below.
With one of the revisions of the Epub standard, after 3.0, they developed non reflowable text that could hold a frame of both text and images. I saw people publishing their photography ebooks so that you can view them online or on your screen.
The Apple Books publishing platform has non reflow-able epub pages
So that’d be an excellent way to show some photographs. There’s a massive range of books available through the apple books app where you can go on to the store, and there are tons of paid books. There’s a ton of free books too. since it’s on an iPad, its all-around rich media
I built an E-book. I’m trying to get that book over to Apple books. It’s no longer iBooks. It’s Apple books. There’s a pathway to put your book up for sale on the service. I was trying to do just put the western overland excursion book up onto the apple books site. Connect is a function in iTunes that you need to use when you’re a content producer. That’s called iTunes Connect, where you use your Apple ID to set up an account with iTunes Connect, and that’s where if you’re a content creator, you can put up different things.
I opened the PDF into Apple pages, the writing app that you can get on your MacBook.
You can put it on your Mac for free. It’s available to you if you want to get started in digital publishing. You can put audio in your book. You can put videos in your book. You can put moving animations. You can add more than just reflowable text. It was an engaging, rich media format with a lot of context.
I’ve been going through the process just today of uploading into the iTunes Connect side of the apple books. I’ve exported that as an EPUB file, the one that doesn’t reflow everything. There’s a lot of rich media that you can add in. Soon I will have the western overland excursion book in review on Apple books.
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If you’re looking to discuss photography assignment work, or a podcast interview, please drop me an email. Drop Billy Newman an email here.
If you want to book a wedding photography package, or a family portrait session, please visit GoldenHourWedding.com or you can email the Golden Hour Wedding booking manager here.
If you want to look at my photography, my current portfolio is here.
If you want to purchase stock images by Billy Newman, my current Stock photo library is here.
If you want to learn more about the work Billy is doing as an Oregon outdoor travel guide, you can find resources on GoldenHourExperience.com.
If you want to listen to the Archeoastronomy research podcast created by Billy Newman, you can listen to the Night Sky Podcast here.
If you want to read a free PDF eBook written by Billy Newman about film photography: you can download Working With Film here. Yours free.
Want to hear from me more often? Subscribe to the Billy Newman Photo Podcast on Apple Podcasts here.
If you get value out of the photography content I produce, consider making a sustaining value for value financial contribution, Visit the Support Page here.
You can find my latest photo books all on Amazon here.
Produced by Billy Newman and Marina Hansen
Website Billy Newman Photo https://billynewmanphoto.com/
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