I wanted to write about were some Mac apps today. My Macbook is configured with a few more utility software, making it more functional.

istat menus.
The program istat menus is good for adding system information to your computer right at the top Apple menu time and clock. You get a lot of information about your disk space, network speeds, uploads and downloads, and CPU and GPU. It’s interesting to have graphs that indicate when or how much the system is going toward a task. For example, I’m uploading to Amazon photos to make a backup of images. I’m looking at the network monitoring and I can see the upload speed and its history for the past hour. iStat menus is showing me a history of my network upload speeds up to the last 24 hours.
Magnet reproduces the functionality you get in Windows seven. If you pull a window to the edge of the screen, it’ll snap to the edge of that side of the screen or oral snap to a beast split-pane window. I have been frustrated in the past that I don’t have that utility in the Mac OS system. Windows are built to float all over each other. It t’s interesting that the workflows rate changes over time.
Magnet – Window manager for Mac
Gemini II is a duplicate removal app that I used on my MacBook. The app Gemini will scan through your local hard drive or an external drive. The app will find duplicate name files and duplicate files with different file names. It will also find images that are reduced files. For example, consider a raw file and a low-resolution JPEG file. The Gemini Scan will detect the two files and show them to you with the option to categorize them. This utility has been helpful for me to find and remove duplicate photo files that I do not intend to archive. I have been able to save hours cleaning up my photo library by using this tool.
Black magic raw speed test
The black magic rock speed test app on my Mac is an excellent hard-drive speed test. Are use this at times to test the upload and download speed or read and write time on an external disk drive. This app is built by black magic. The app shows the video format standards that will work functionally with the current read-right test time.
Daisydisk is a complex drive visualization tool.
This Mac utility allows a user to see what is taking up space on a disk drive. The app uses colorful circular pie chart graphs with layers to represent the files and their sizes on the Disk Drive. The app can scan your local disk or scan an external drive. Are use this utility often. For example, it is beneficial to find temporary or cash files that I want to delete after a large video project.
DaisyDisk – Analyze disk usage and free up disk space on Mac
The paste app is a utility that I use daily. With a command, VI can pull up a history of items that have been copied to my clipboard. Instead of just the last item copied to the clipboard or cut to the clipboard, I can now see a history or a specific file of familiar standard texts that I would paste regularly. I use this utility while I am working on my website. As a result, I have standard texts available for common Lee written links to other sites.
Sublime text is a text editing program that is similar to the built-in Mac app-text added. Although sublime text is a very functional text editing program, I have other programs and applications for writing and creative writing. In addition, there are other utilities that I think I better for organizing paragraphs and drafts of text. However, I can work very quickly with the free text editing application sublime text for editing code or editing through chunks of text.
Another application is BB edit. BB adds it is a text editing and code editing application similar to sublime text. BB adit has been around for many years, several decades now. The software is premium software, and therefore you have to pay a fee to buy the application. However, there is a free version that allows most users the standard functionality at no cost.
Bare Bones Software | BBEdit 14
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