The ON-X Offroad app is one of the best tools that I have found for backcountry travel. You can al get the Onyx offroad app. The ON-X map apps specialize in specific outdoor map data. For example, the Hunt app includes applicable property ownership and boundary information. In addition, the Offroad app provides detail related to forest service roads. That’s useful for many people out in the backcountry. You get a lot of really great detail with the ON-X Offroad for backcountry travel.
I think this off-road app has been my favorite tool of the year; it’s been helpful to have those maps stored offline. It’s a good map. It is a tool to have on the phone. It’s more accurate than the extensive multi-page map booklets that I’ve had for each state before. I’ve had a Washington map, Oregon map. It’s 90 pages. You get 45 miles of a high-resolution map on each page spread works excellent.

It’s got a lot of details on minor roads, trails that travel all across the state of Oregon. All across the United States, I think you get all 50 states for $30 bucks a year. So this has been great as a tool for me to find a bunch of campsites or public l locations for me to get started on activities. Then when I’m back in the backcountry, I have an exact track of my location.
I see the information that has always been tough for me to get before. There were very few sources available to find accurate map data for small trail systems and forest roads in the past. I’m surprised how much information ends up being wrong on official printed maps. If you have low-grade maps meant for highway travel, it doesn’t help you to have something that’s not at the resolution to see the off-road Forest Service roads. I would get mad that I couldn’t find the right road or trail or the correct information about how rough it would get or if these two roads would connect. It was the little things that end up being wrong. I have been lost in the Wallowa mountains because of a low-quality trail map. I have been lost above the snow line on mislabeled forest roads that dead end. Tools that get you in the right spot are precious.
Working with a map in the outdoors is essential. To know the ground truth of a landscape provides an advantage to the outdoorsmen. GPS units and detailed map apps have never been more map data available to get you on the right spot.
ON-X Offroad for backcountry travel
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