Packing List | October Alpine Aspen Grove Photography Travel
I figured I might send you a copy of my packing list as I was warming up for my next trip. Any time I camp, I use a new copy, spend a moment extracting what I don’t need, adding a few items, and then I’m ready to pack.
This list assumes a 5-10 day trip. It assumes I can buy a thing if I need to, and wash laundry in a bucket at the truck.
Below you will find the complete list and notes in text format. Feel free to copy/paste.
1 or 2 Camera Bodies
Camera Batteries (minimum 3 for each – one in the camera, one in a pocket, one charging)
Wide lens (17-40mm)
Standard lens (50mm)
Longer lens (85mm or 70-200mm)
SD or CF cards (I use 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB cards, and pack 6-10 of them depending on the duration of the trip)
2-3 Microfiber lens cloths
Cable Release – now most often I only use the built-in timer
Lee Filter Holder and adaptor rings
Polarizing Filter
ND Filter
10 stop Big Stopper ND Filter
Wet weather
rain covers
Big contractor-sized garbage bags (I bring a couple and pack them at the bottom of my backpack. )
Extra lens cloths, small dish towel.
Laptop (13” MacBook Pro)
Laptop charger / cable
Small external hard drive
iPhone, and car charger/cable
Headphones (always in my back pocket)
Small power strip
onX off-road app with a download of the offline local map
Coast 400 flashlight and Black Diamond headlamp, fresh batteries
* I put all my cables and chargers into one pouch or zip lock bag. Small compression bags can help organize contents in a pack.
Small first aid kit
Small repair kit – duct tape, crazy glue, JB weld, petroleum jelly, cotton balls, knife/leatherman, knife sharpener field kit,
Candy bars – there are many good nature bar options on the market now.
Look for a good balance of protein carbs and fats.
Personal Toiletries (small Nalgene bottles are leak proof and work great for small amounts of liquids, pills, oils)
Hunting license, Fishing license, recreation parking pass, or other public lands document for the selected location.
Copies of important documents all sitting on my google drive or iCloud
Travel Medical Policy card and info
Consider Medical Evacuation insurance.
4 shirts Merino wool base layer t-shirts work well and layer great. Lighter colors get dirty faster, so most of my shirts are dark grey. I plan on washing clothes in a bucket with a drip of soap every few days, hand ringing them out, and hang drying them.
4 pairs of underwear I use merino wool, first lite and icebreakers
4 pairs of socks merino wool
2 pairs of pants – North Face Paramount or Carhart Double Duck work pants
1 pair of hiking boots ( I like Nike SFB boots that work well in all terrains)
1 pair of sandals (Chaco river sandals)
1 merino base layer hoodie First Lite
1 puffy layer North Face or Patagonia
1 baseball hat to keep off sun and rain
1 beanie hat for cold weather
1 Gortex rain jacket (Marmot)
Clothing – Cold weather winter
Warmer sweater ( wool or fleece)
Long underwear (2 pairs, tops, and bottoms, Icebreaker, merino wool)
Merino wool fingerless gloves that I can shoot in.
Leather gloves
Warm leather boots with a stiff heel and ankle
Neck gaiter
Rain pants Gortex
Clothing – hot weather summer
1-2 pairs shorts, 1 double as a swimsuit
Swap 2 long-sleeve shirts for 2 short sleeves
Sunscreen, mosquito repellent. Lip balm
Camp Duffle bag
If you plan to be remote, power becomes an issue. Consider something like the Goal Zero power kit. You can add to these various cables to charge from vehicle 12v sockets and straight off battery terminals. This kit will allow you to keep charging laptops, cameras, and smartphones.
Gear that I work with
Professional film stock I work with https://imaging.kodakalaris.com/photographers-photo-printing/film/color
I keep my camera in a Lowepro camera bag
When I am photographing landscape images I use a Manfrotto tripod
A lot of my film portfolio was created with the Nikon N80 and Nikon F4
The Nikon D2H and Nikon D3 were used to create many of the digital images on this site https://www.dpreview.com/reviews/nikond3 https://www.dpreview.com/reviews/nikond2h
Two lenses I am using all the time are the 50mm f1.8 and the 17-40mm f4
Some astrophotography and documentary video work was created with the Sony A7r
I am currently taking photographs with a Canon 5D
If you’re looking to discuss photography assignment work or a podcast interview, please drop me an email. Drop Billy Newman an email here.
If you want to book a wedding photography package, or a family portrait session, please visit GoldenHourWedding.com or you can email the Golden Hour Wedding booking manager here.
If you want to look at my photography, my current portfolio is here.
If you want to purchase stock images by Billy Newman, my current Stock photo library is here.
If you want to learn more about the work Billy is doing as an Oregon outdoor travel guide, you can find resources on GoldenHourExperience.com.
If you want to listen to the Archeoastronomy research podcast created by Billy Newman, you can listen to the Night Sky Podcast here.
If you want to read a free PDF eBook written by Billy Newman about film photography: you can download Working With Film here. Yours free.
Want to hear from me more often? Subscribe to the Billy Newman Photo Podcast on Apple Podcasts here.
If you get value out of the photography content I produce, consider making a sustaining value for value financial contribution, visit the Support Page here.
You can find my latest photo books all on Amazon here.
I am Billy Newman, a photographer and creative director that has served clients in the Pacific Northwest and Hawaii for 10 years. I am an author, digital publisher, and Oregon travel guide. I have worked with businesses and individuals to create a portfolio of commercial photography. The images have been placed within billboard, print, and digital campaigns including Travel Oregon, Airbnb, Chevrolet, and Guaranty RV.
My photographs often incorporate outdoor landscape environments with strong elements of light, weather, and sky. Through my work, I have published several books of photographs that further explore my connection to natural places.
Website Billy Newman Photo https://billynewmanphoto.com/
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/billynewmanphoto
Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/billynewmanphotos/
Twitter https://twitter.com/billynewman
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/billynewman/