Edit photos in Lightroom library after 6 months, 1 year, 2 year, 5 year.
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177 Billy Newman Photo podcast mixdown Second Edit For Past Photographs
Hello, and thank you very much for listening to this episode of The Billy Newman photo podcast appreciate guys checking out this episode of the show, I wanted to talk today about, about working through some of your photo library stuff again, and I’ve been doing that a bit through this part of the year. But I’ve been going back through my photo library; like I talked about before, I was trying to do some hard drive backup stuff so that I have my photo library copied over to a couple different locations so that I have everything kind of backed up more reasonably as I was talking about the three to one backup strategy on a couple podcasts ago. And so as I was trying to do that, I’ve been kind of going through those photographs, and then starting to do not re-categorizing but just kind of going through and grabbing some photos, putting them in a bit of side collection in Lightroom. And then I’m going back to those at the end of the day. And then I’m trying to go through those photographs and do some re-editing to them. And so I’ve been either trying to do some re cropping to them to kind of see if there’s a different sort of photograph that I can pull out of it either, you know, make it make a change to a picture that I had initially been composed as, say, a landscape, maybe I can do something with it to make it attractive as a portrait.
Maybe I’m doing things where I’m taking a subject that I had placed in the center of the photograph. I’m pulling it to a side, or you know, to one of the thirds of the picture, but I’ll go through and do some re-cropping to kind of restructure the images. I’m also going back through and doing some re-color editing, which works pretty well. But yeah, the type of second edits goes well. So part of it is like the adjustments that you do to the photographs that you know, kind of the specific changes you make to a raw file to make it look visually the way that you want to, and there are so many choices that you can make a choice, and then you can go back and make the second edition of those choices. And you can really end up with a whole new, at least artistic expression of that photograph, which is kind of fun. It’s cool to do. And it’s cool to go back through the pictures and sort of reworking them. And often, you can kind of redrafted in a way that that maybe you like a little more or that is, I don’t know, part of at least something that you’re sort of more excited about and more interested in than the first take of it you had. So a lot of the time, this works better with work that’s maybe more than a year old or more than six months old at the least.
And I like doing it with stuff that’s about two years old or so. That’s where I’ve gotten it out of my mind enough, or that artistic style of editing I was into at that time. And I can kind of go back through and look at those images with natural fresh eyes, you know, hardly even remembering the time or the technique that I was trying to implement at the time. And I can go back through that photograph, make it a digital or, sorry, a virtual copy in Lightroom. And then make additional edits to it in a way that I hadn’t before, which is fantastic., I was leaning toward changes that would be maybe like the color or like the warmth of a photograph or like a coolness, you know, kind of shifting inward toward a blue or purple town. That can kind of change the emotional impact of a photograph or a landscape photograph a lot of the time.
And it’s kind of excellent to do that. And it’s, it’s nice, sometimes it’s like softening stuff to make it just a bit more simple of an edit, you know, a little less dramatic or a little less present. And sometimes, it’s just kind of softening up some textures. So that, yeah, just like a bit of a more straightforward sort of light image. Sometimes it’s some sort of making it more dramatic. So I really like shifting these color photographs into black and white conversions. And you probably haven’t seen those. If you follow the Instagram channel at Billy Newman or on my blog, I have some Instagram, black and white conversions posted on some blog posts there, too, that you can check out. But, still, I’ve been going back through a lot of photographs and then doing these, these black and white conversions and trying to work with the color mixer and stuff to try and get these more dramatic effects in the black and white where you can really go in and pull, say like the blue channel down to be dark or bright in the mix of the black and white image.
And this can really bring out a lot of this kind of tonal contrasts are like using a polarizer something, you can pull out a lot of these contrasts in the sky that I kind of difficult to pull out otherwise, really cool that you can get a lot of superb dynamics and cool textures and stuff in the sky and the clouds and the water in the landscape and stuff so but kind of trying to mess around with that with the black and whites and stuff. And really, with a lot of second edits of color photos. So that’s pretty cool too. And I think like going through and trying to make sort of clean print-ready photographs. So it’s always some kind of like a thing that you can kind of update or kind of go back through and revise a bit. But also sometimes it feels like photographs are just sort of cooked, and it’s just some kind of whatever it is, is the way that it is more often than not, you know, as opposed to just going back to an old photograph of some mountain. I’m taking a picture of before was really kind of nice is, is going back out to that same area with a like another, you know, whatever camera I have now. And whatever lenses I’m working with currently and then are going back through the same area, but sort of with a different eye, and with whatever the environment my interests are now.
And that sort of is like, oh, a new experience. And you can kind of take that into the editing that you’re doing with it, even if it’s the exact location or a lot of the scene, see types of photos of a mountain or a waterfall or some land features something like I would photograph, it’s kind of cool to go back through those and, and sort of update the images with a new camera with new photographs, new files, and rework those. So we got to do a bit of both and kind of getting prepped up with some of my gear to get going on a couple longer Eastern Oregon trips. I’ve been doing some like day trip stuff that’s been working. Okay, I kind of talked about the long nights that are going on right now. And I’ve been really hoping well but waiting for this to shift over into the daylight savings time. Hoping that that kind of changes a bit. I know it’s just kind of the numbers on the clock, but I hope it shifts a bit even by that time of year; the amount of daylight versus night is a little more balanced out. It’s kind of tricky in January, and then through early February, or like it would be, I guess November, December, but just the amount of darkness is just a lot of time.
It’s like 14 hours of darkness. So it’s a lot. But, yeah, it’s just a lot of time to be out at night, especially when a lot of the activities you’re going to do we’re just going to be really only possible in the daytime. So I’ve been kind of trying to shift like a lot of my drive time tonight. At least like while it’s safe or not frozen over not, you know, snowy or icy or something like that. So we’re not really trying to hit the mountain passes at nighttime, but I am trying to go through and like if I have like a long analyze like a four-hour drive, and then I could get to a lake and do part of a day trip activity. And then really, I guess kind of spent to make a lunch, and then kind of wrap up by three o’clock or four o’clock drive back home arrived by nighttime.
That’s like a gorgeous, fully occupied day. But what I’m trying to do is Yeah, leave early, so that I get some of that drive time done in the darkness, you know, unlike if it’s not getting right out until, I don’t know, I guess now it’s like 730 I think I go deeper in the winter was like almost eight o’clock, or seemed like 830 or something by the time we get right out. So I was trying to leave a little before it was laid out, or you’re like away before it was laid out. So you’d get some drive time done in the darkness or drive time back in the evening in the darkness if I was kind of working the latter half of the day. But it was kind of sound. And it gives you a little more time to be out there. You have to like feel like you got to rush at five o’clock, is it starting to get dark, and you can spend more time through the evening hours to get some photographs, which has been relaxed. But yeah, doing the drive time stuff in the darkness has been okay. It doesn’t really work to kind of throw on the like a train or like to make a fire or something if I was camping out like to set up a fire in the dark and then have that kind of go on for a while that kind of does a bit but in the rainy weather not so fun, not easy to keep going not accessible to maintain.
And then it’s not really that great to even hang out by it a lot of the time. If it’s wet and stuff, you know, instead just kind of be a little more protected after nightfall. And then I don’t know like, yeah, just kind of tough this time of year. So Open Daylight Savings Time, we’ll bring a little later evening into it, and then we’re kind of getting close to the equinox by then, so we’re a little closer to the 12 hours light 12 hours dark that we get to buy that time of year. Kind of cool. I have a variety of works out for us. So it’s kind of stuff that I’m up to right now. I’m trying to get set up for a trip out to the Owyhee River in deeper Eastern Oregon. I think it’s a bit east of the Alvord Desert that I’ve talked about before. It’s sort of pretty far east going to be while he kind of runs through a good bit of what is it like Southwest Idaho, then into Oregon, and then a variety of cuts back over into Idaho toward the Snake River.
And then that flows into, I think, the snake around that boy; what is Ontario out there? Maybe somewhere around there. But yeah, kind of joins back in, but I’m going to go out there, and I want to try to check out some stuff. Check out some campsites and things through the wintertime. It’s kind of cool like that, that area. So maybe I’ll try and talk about that more next week. But yeah, until then, I got to wrap up another one of these short episodes of the Billy Newman photo podcast. I appreciate you guys checking it out.
You can go to the website Billy Newman photo comm to see more information about some photos stuff. I’m up to some of the quick blogs I’m writing. I have a couple of gear lists put up on the site. I’m running a couple of links out to the wedding photography, business stuff and trying to get some stuff more organized and kind of set up for this year. It’s weird with the COVID-19 stuff, but yeah, the wedding stuff is kind of coming back in and doing some work on that. Do some other busy work stuff. Getting things together. But yeah, you can check out the Billy Newman photo comm website to see some of the content that I’m putting up, and until next time, we’ll talk to you later.