186 Recording Stock Video – Camped At a Mountain Creek – Sony A7R Camera Body
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Hello, and thank you very much for listening to this episode of The Billy Newman photo podcast. Today I wanted to talk to you about my progress with working in the stock video market. super interesting stuff I’m sure everybody has, if they’re interested in stock video, they probably got more experience in it than I do. But as someone who’s just kind of more recently started, I’ve been trying to upload a lot of elements to a couple stock photography and stock video websites. I’m having a complication that because really, it seems like a lot of the staffs of these locations are, are quite slow to jump on the opportunity to add more video to their services agree Of course, they say that they will and it probably will happen but I guess specifically what I mean is that there doesn’t seem to be an automated approval process. So even once you list some of these things out, like currently, I’ve been waiting about four and a half weeks for someone, some person physically in an office at this location, which is probably a very small company really in actuality for some person in that department to review the content and then make contact with that person as they onboard them into the system of selling stock video in the marketplace where whatever that is. So it’s kind of interesting learning about that a little bit, but it’s definitely a little hiccup in the process of learning how to organize stock video out of the marketplace. I don’t know something to point out and do consider thanks a lot for listening to this Billy Newman photo flash briefing. My name is Billy I mean you can see more of my work at Billy Newman photo comm or on Instagram, I bet you could find it maybe even on my website. Wow. So many opportunities.
Listen. You can see more of my work at Billy Newman photo comm you can check out some of my photo books on Amazon. I think if you look at Billy Newman under the authors section there and see some of the photo books on film on the desert, on surrealism on camping, and cool stuff over there. How’s it going thanks a lot for tuning into this episode. I’m Kevin up on sun national forest land right now about cold Creek in an area kind of outside of where I’m living in Oregon, and it’s gone pretty well we’re having a good day, I’m just here by myself. So I’m doing a solo camping trip. It’s the first solo night out I’ve done this year, and I’m excited to be doing it. I think it’s gonna be kind of cool. It’s been fun so far, it’s been it’s been pretty mellow. I’m out here at my campsite, I got my recording gear kind of rigged up and I’m at the tailgate of my truck and made a fire earlier in the fire ring and it’s a pretty clear night pretty mellow weather seems kind of cold up here it’s sort of a mountains and I think it’s close ish to the snow level but still a few it’s still a bit above me I drove up to it earlier so earlier when I was coming in I left at about noon today and I took off and drove the town up into the forest and then up kind of on this meandering Forest Service road and you think right now that you know maybe a lot of stuff would be empty or or you’re not in a lot of use but really when I got out here I noticed a good bit of traffic it’s a nice day It’s May It’s May sixth so I bet people are kind of getting out and and just kind of given the environment that we’re in right now where people don’t get to or you know that are just kind of stuck at home or they don’t they’re not at work or something they’re probably the for the first time you know a lot of free time for a lot of these people do so it seems like this area here as soon as I got to the region that you could camp it was full of campers as noticing that when I was coming up so there’s an area where I think you have to go at 17 miles up the road before you hit the area where you can begin just camping on the side of the road and i think that’s that’s probably the spot where the national forest land begins. And before that, I think you’re in a region of BLM land that structured out below there as you get kind of closer down toward the highway and so this further out, made it through the BLM land that’s I guess there’s no camping I think you can do like a lot of day use area stuff out there a couple campgrounds a pass just sort of like Forest Service campgrounds or BLM campgrounds but sort of a more organized pull out with the bathroom. Those were closed or you know there’s like I think one of them at least I saw the picnic area had remained open for day you stuff that you know you just kind of walked down to the river or something.
There was a number of people out by the lake earlier down in the area was lower down on the mountain side. And then as I kind of had come up here into the hills, most of this road had been paved, so it’s a pretty commonly used road. I think I think it goes pretty well I think it goes all the way through. So if it were clear you could get from here or from the side that I was on, I guess it would be kind of the South, the southwest side to the north east side of the corner of the forest and kind of pop out on the other side of the highway and when I was driving through earlier I’d gone just a bit further than where I am now. And I travelled up uphill a bit more and it kind of started getting windy and then I started noticing a little bit of snow in the shade your spots the the north facing slopes and stuff. And then after a little bit further it was pretty crazy it was it was probably a couple hours It must have been a couple of 100 down to trees that had come come down through the road and so the truck had come through so far and just cut out a small route you know just cut out maybe eight feet of the tree there so you could get a vehicle through investment more than that but it was just enough to kind of squeeze a truck through but really the posts of the logs are still just kind of sticking out strewn across like toothpicks What was that like pick up sticks game that you could play it was kind of like that when they were just kind of like all stacked up on each other Yeah, they’re just kind of laid out over each other all the way up this road and I go over or go under a couple low bridges to you know we have to like skirt around to the side that you know the tree was still just hung all the way across the road I hadn’t been cut down I think it was too high. I’m not even sure if it was a forest service truck that did some of this seems like it must have been given the effort but it just seems like they just started or they haven’t really got around to finishing the work I don’t know maybe maybe the snow had just melted up at too high of an elevation but as I gotten just a little bit further up the way I saw I saw like the road was just packed out in snow and there was a couple tire tracks that have gone in about four feet and then backed out and twisted around and then I guess come back the other way so it seemed like I’d seen a couple cars come from that way I guess they just turned around before I did you know but it was good I travel all the way up there and checked out a couple spots out man it was there was a spot where there’s there’s this man I would hate to have to be the person or the engineering crew that was putting in bridges out in these really really rural areas. I look at some of these engineering projects you know just like steep steep cliff sides really. And then they have to reinforce this wall and then build like a bridge out over it too but there’s this area that I was passing in I must have been a couple years ago or whatever it was but they built a new bridge sense but the old bridge the bridge that used to be there for years I guess had been washed out in a snowstorm or a flood app and it’s only you know 100 yards down the creek way there and you just see this this giant bomb. You know a very large probably 75 foot bridge structure they’re supposed to cut cut across this creek is just kind of laying out over the rocks down river. They go well hey, there’s a bridge is washed out over there. So it’s a trap but I’ve seen a few of those things out here in some of the spots of the big rural areas where things get washed out. It takes a couple couple years for them to kind of reestablish whatever was over there. So I don’t know but it was cool. I took a took a couple photos of it I’ve been trying to take some photos of this Creek area here and it’s cool there’s a lot of a lot of nice river rock and stuff at the base of it and a lot of fresh snow melt two so the water looks really really green or you know just kind of that pure kind of Emerald and aqua blue look that you can get to some of this mountain water that’s up here in the Cascades really pretty really fresh, really crisp kind of kind of area. I noticed though this region as opposed to others is maybe a little drier in its it’s kind of forested climate. How is that see I’m in the area that should be pretty mossy and stuff so maybe I’m not sure what I’m talking about. is interesting. There’s there’s different regions of the the environment as you kind of go through areas Oregon but even though this is a pretty forested area some of these areas real near here are real lush and wet and or they just have you know kind of a lot a lot going on in that manner. This is really a little bit more arid of an area but it’s a nice forest area it’s it’s a big area to I think just a ways up there’s a wilderness area and a couple trailheads that’d be cool but I bet they’re kind of snowed in now given the elevations. So we’ll see if all my plans come together but as it was for the most part it was to travel out and to try and get some some photo stuff down some photo work and I’m trying to do more on the side of you know just kind of like creating stuff that I’m really interested in you know like the photos that I really want to get to. I’m going to try and put those together and then kind of put those out is you know a little publishing pieces and
stuff here and there but you can check out more information at Billy Newman photo comm you can go to Billy Newman photo.com Ford slash support. If you want to help me out Participate in the value for value model that we’re running this podcast with. If you receive some value out of some of the stuff that I was talking about, you’re welcome to help me out and send some value my way through the portal at Billy Newman photo comm forward slash support you can also find more information there about Patreon and the way that I use it if you’re interested or if you’re more comfortable using Patreon that’s patreon.com forward slash Billy Newman photo so I worked with this film buddies for a while then I tried to switch out and I bought and a Sony A seven R which was really interesting I was really interested in what Sony was doing with the mirrorless systems that they’re creating those the interchangeable lens cameras that are out. So I used I use a Sony camera at work to do a bunch of the production photography that I was doing. And then on top of that I bought the Sony A seven are to work with at home and work with on all the landscape stuff. And it was great it was you know, it’s a 36 megapixel camera, which is you know, mind blowing and astonishing. When you think in comparison to the 4.2 megapixels I was working with with the Nikon D two h so it was awesome to kind of get that expansion, you know when working with digital systems. And I love doing that. But there’s some limitations to the a seven are aligned like the original a seminar, I liked that camera and I probably shoot with something like that, again, it kind of reminded me more of like the Leica model of cameras, it seemed more like a rangefinder kind of camera, the way that was built the kind of small structure of it and the way that it was designed, it seemed like
like it wasn’t quite a full DSLR replacement at the time. And I think that’s not what they were really aiming for by the design of it. And you know, by the options, and by the mechanisms of the camera that in the way that it worked, it seemed like it was kind of supposed to sort of be a camera, sort of to the side of your professional camera. If you’re if you’re doing professional work like it was really difficult. We shot a couple weddings with it, made some beautiful photographs with it had some great lenses that I worked with. But there was a lot of things that was really lacking out. I think I talked about that in earlier episodes of this podcast to where there there just be problems with the autofocus, where it was great for landscape stuff really slow, you know stuff where you’d have your camera on your tripod, and you spend some time trying to set the shutter, trying to set up the focal length of the lens and having time to focus the image in a way that we know worked out. All right, all of those features really worked out really well. But if you wanted to go through and in a pretty short amount of time hammer out a couple 100 frames that were all that, you know, you’d all want to be in focus or you’d all want to be, you know, pretty functional raw images just had a harder time getting that sort of stuff done and the way that the buttons are laid out and the way that the menu is laid out, you didn’t really have the ability to kind of reach for and grab those sort of professional unnecessary photography features quickly as quickly as you would want to. So I learned a lot by working with it is great to use, I probably want a camera like that again, and especially the a seminar two or the a seven two and a seven s and now the seminar three, all those and a night Gosh, all those newer Sony line mirrorless cameras have a lot of interesting features. And they’ve also I think try to directly target some of those limitations that the first a seven a seven Arline had with them. So I think now there’s way more dynamic video features way more dynamic auto focusing systems in it that I think quite a bit better base. So here there’s some seek problems, that’s what I had is that, you know, you’d go to focus the image. And then the autofocus point which is seek forever, wouldn’t grab onto the thing that you needed it to. And, and then when you take the photograph, you’d have a blackout like because it’s it’s a digital representation of the image in the viewfinder instead of a through the lens single lens reflex style view of it, you would lose sight of the photograph that you were taking. And then if you’re trying to hammer a few frames all at once, it would just it would just stay black the whole time, you know, because it was about a second to process and then you would try and take maybe two or three frames a second. So you just wouldn’t see anything the whole time that you were trying to get the image. And that’s where I was noticing that, that that kind of digital model wasn’t really what I wanted at the time now and the a nine I think there’s like a whole whole feature system that sort of eliminates that whole problem. And now there’s just like a blinking band that kind of pops in yellow so that you know that you’re taking a frame right then but it never really loses or goes blackout. But I was noticing that, you know, with that I was like, well, I really liked the stuff that I was doing with film. You know, it was just way more analog and where you could just kind of look right at what you were taking. And you could really focus in on the expression and the moment that you’re capturing in the photograph. And that way you could be more selective about the way that you were taking the photograph. So I wanted to kind of move back toward the DSLR system anyway, and I wanted sort of a, I guess like a more professional feature set where it was weather sealed or where it was, you know set up what You could hammer out a lot of frames on it for work all the time and you just know that it would work all the time. Also also, in addition to Sony and cameras had sort of some issues with the battery system that they use on this first couple models, it was pretty small, or in the camera was kind of power intensive, because everything was always running a screen either on the back of the screen for the viewfinder or, or pardon me for the screen or for the viewfinder itself that you’d look through with your eye. That was always like a screen that was running. So it would run through your battery pretty quickly. And it was kind of an anemic battery system. I think there’s a lot of views that sort of mentioned that same problem with it all the time. And it was just sort of an issue that people would run into especially people that were trying to work a professional job you know, if you wanted to work with a camera for a whole day, you would just run into a lot of problems and you’d have to have a lot of batteries to kind of run through it. And so I liked it for a lot of stuff that I did it worked really well but but overall it wasn’t really a camera system that was able to use for for some of the jobs that I was being asked to do. And so that was kind of why well, if I need to make all this or elephant are trying to make some money doing photography, then I’m gonna have to switch over to something that I can kind of use more as a tool all the time. Thanks a lot for checking out this episode of The Billy Newman photo podcast.
Hope you guys check out some stuff on Billy Newman photo.com few new things up there some stuff on the homepage, some good links to other other outbound sources, some links to books and links to some podcasts like this a blog posts are pretty cool. Yeah, check it out at Billy new minnesota.com. Thanks a lot for listening to this episode and the back end
186 Recording Stock Video – Camped At a Mountain Creek – Sony A7R Camera Body