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193 Gear for Backpacking – Working With Nikon Cameras
Hello, and thank you very much for listening to this episode of The Billy Newman photo podcast. Today we’re talking about I guess it’s a couple other things but we’re talking about it’s hot weather season now it’s June it’s coming into summertime. We picked up like hydro flasks A while ago and these have like really changed I guess the way that we carry around water for the last 10 years it was probably the fashionable item to have in the outdoor community to have a Nalgene bottle and I’m late to the party of course and reporting this news that vacuum sealed insulated bottles are cool to have your water in I think I think hydroflask broke that news to Rei and the outdoor community a few years before I’m now bringing it to you but these are cool right Marina we got it right now.
Yeah they’re awesome.
Yeah the hydroflask bottles are definitely really cool but really any of those insulated water bottles are pretty neat and I think that’s like one of the bigger like gear revolutions that have happened in this decade is probably the LED light that’s like the the light bright white LED replacing like the battery operated bulbs and stuff for a lot of stuff before but that’s like the more the most modern revolutions probably that LED light maybe like some of the building materials they have for like the outdoor equipment, but man like insulated vacuum sealed bottles for cold water when shot one that’s probably like the other big one that we’ve gotten this year. Yeah, it makes a huge difference even though Stanley had this around for like 50 years. That was only for coffee. So so my friend Robert, who has done this podcast a bunch of times he called me and I missed the call and he called me and I missed the call and he called me again and I missed the call and he called me later and he said he said Billy I was at this gear swap it’s that time of year and so I guess a bunch of people that do like outdoor recreation river stuff if they have like kayaks or rafts or stuff that they want or don’t want any more they have like organized gear swap so I was gonna say if you’re in an area look around to see if this June before the season really gets up off the ground if there’s a gear swap happening in your area because you might be able to score a cool a cool deal like a really cheap boat or raft or kayak or something. Robert my friend like he I think he sold or he like traded out his kayak or his raft. I think he had like a big like 18 foot river raft that was like shy It was like from the 80s or something I’d seen plenty of trips I’m sure he ended up like trading that went out and then buying a new to him new use one of this gear swap and I guess he made out really well you know by the purchase of it and you know everybody got what they wanted, they get to sell the raft and Rob we got to buy a raft he was calling me because we were looking for kayaks. We were looking for kayaks for a little bit. This inflatable ones, we wanted to get like an inflatable kayak to take out and travel with us. So it was cool idea but he was saying they’re great deals. So what I was gonna say is look around in your area for a gear swap and get a hydroflask
you can see more of my work at Billy Newman photo comm you can check out some of my photo books on Amazon. I think if you look at that Bitly Newman under the author’s section there and see some of the photo books on film on the desert, on surrealism, camping, cool stuff over there. Today I’m talking about a couple of the photographs that are going up online. And man yesterday way successful got a bunch of content stuff done that time yesterday but edited a bunch of photographs. Try to cut on a couple videos, but that’ll only go so fast. But I think I got like a photo or a podcast wrapped up I got a video made. I got a photo edited and post to this stuff. So I dig it when I’m kind of jumping in and getting all the pieces together each day. That’s kind of cool. I’m messing around with anchor a little bit. I don’t know how long lasted that’ll be but at least in an effort to promote this podcast. So if if anyone had actually, I wish I doubt anybody had ever followed a link over from anchor to check out this podcast, let me know, sometimes but yeah, it’s one of those kind of budding. Well, I don’t know what budding means when it’s not 2007 anymore, but it’s one of those budding social networks that has a handful of people that that work on it or that follow it. But I’m not really sure how successful overall it is. It’s sort of like, like an Instagram app. But if the post you make was an audio post or like a podcast like really just like me talking right now. I think it’s about the same thing. So something sort of similar to that. And because it’s sort of like this podcasting stuff, that’s why I’ve been getting into it but trying to do a little audio update post over there. Each day. I think you can check that out and I don’t know It’s okay, but trying to talk about some photo stuff over there. Also, today I’m in my truck, and I’m working on a bunch of stuff on my laptop. I’m trying to edit this photograph. Well, one of them is very dark camp, or you know, like when we’re getting ready to go on a backpacking trip, and one of them is kind of the layout of a bunch of the gears are trying to pack it and get it ready that morning, which is always like a really tough part of the backpacking trip. I don’t know how much backpacking you guys do, but especially when you’re kind of transitioning from two states, one of them being car camping, where you’re sort of loaded out for for an extended period of time with more heavy equipment that you’re kind of loading and carrying around. So you kind of pack for the car but then you sort of change out when you go backpacking. You know if your car camping a couple days, then jumping out and going backpacking, you sort of have to reassess and then sort of repack everything that you would need to get through a backpacking trip and it’s man it’s time consuming, you know when you have to kind of do that swap over but anytime you’re backpacking for the backpacking trip stuff it’s kind of I don’t know if it’s frustrating but it’s a little bit about like oh man like do I take this Do I not take this is it just gonna be weight on my back that I carry that I ended up using or participating with you know this item or this thing for for just 1% of my time there you know and then sometimes even still on short trips that definitely have especially on short trips, short backpacking trips, like overnight ships, two day trips, I’d really recommend you you put everything you want to carry in, in a plastic sack, you know, like something that’s like a gallon big, but I swear, if it’s one day, if it’s one overnight trip you should eat before you go. I can like that I don’t know if I want to eat a ton of food, but you should you should leave so that you don’t need to eat right away you should hang out you know, have a meal ready and then have a power bar on the next day or the way back or something like that, but you know, some spare food and whatnot but but a lot of spare stuff. A lot of extra stuff, a lot of delicacy stuff. It’s tough when you’re backpacking. But you always you always want to do it until you start hiking the weight of it then you want to ditch it then you want to throw it out the window or you know off the trail right.
You can check out more information at Billy Newman photo comm you can go to Billy Newman photo.com Ford slash support. If you want to help me out and participate in the value for value model that we’re running this podcast with. If you receive some value out of some of the stuff that I was talking about, you’re welcome to help me out and send some value my way through the portal at Billy Newman photo comm forward slash support you can also find more information there about Patreon and the way that I use it if you’re interested or feel more comfortable using Patreon that’s patreon.com Ford slash Billy Newman photo
for the longest time I was shooting with Nikon cameras, and I’d always really liked doing that but most of that was always kind of maybe constrained by budget for I think I started with a Nikon D 40 back in 2007 is when I bought it the camera probably came out earlier than that I really enjoyed kind of picking up man that was like an entry level DSLR at the time, and now it’s like really antiquated I sold that off now years ago and kind of moved it over into other other camera equipment over time. But that’s what I got while I was in college is a really good camera for me to learn on and kind of learn some of the fundamentals of working with a digital camera and I had a lot of fun working with that made it like a ton of photographs with it then pretty soon after that. I tried to switch over to something that was more of a professional body when I was trying to take some of the work that I was doing a little more seriously and when I was trying to get hired as a photographer to do really even just student projects at the time I was trying to get a couple extra lenses and I was trying to get a couple stronger features in the in the camera body that I was using. So at the time I think it was in like 2008 2009 actually I think it was in 2009 I bought my first like professional body that Nikon D two H and at that time that was already a pretty antiquated camera I think in 2009 it probably came out in 2003 I think is what it was since already like a pretty big gap in time there there’s been at that time especially in that decade. There’s just so much advancement in the way that sensors worked in the way that the scene I wasn’t even a CMOS there was like an elb caste is like an lb ca St. Named sensor. I don’t even know what that is but it was different than the CMR system that would be in a lot of cameras I think that maybe we probably find now or you know like the sensor piece in the back and it wasn’t full frame either. It was in even the professional and it wasn’t full frame it was still like that crop sensor that Nikon had. So it was good for for a long time and I was really happy to use it and happy to kind of learn on that camera. They had a ton of features and really I probably go back to that that full professional body of Nikon. If If I will was just too big any camera that I wanted to use I think like a Nikon D five would be an amazing camera to work with. But at the time what I was trying to do was get a job at a newspaper like the student newspaper when I was going to college and to try and get some jobs or you know trying to get get some activity to try and go and take different photographs in different locations. And that job was great it was cool working for the student newspaper because you get to go to different locations to try and make some interesting photo out of the news probably not very interesting it’s normally like a person talking to a to a classroom with beige walls and low level ceiling light or something like that every once in a while you get to go to a football game or something like that something that you you don’t really have the opportunity to go to normally that was really fun that was interesting and it provided me a lot of opportunities to do some some different you know work with different lenses work with you know different lighting and some sort of you know, interesting and dynamic subject matter but a lot of the time like I mentioned it was like I think I had a go photograph that they were removing pipes from a student building on some side of campus I hadn’t been to before so it was it was the I was supposed to take a photograph of the absence of pipes didn’t really make a lot of sense it wasn’t really a very interesting photo and there was no people or story around it so it’s you know it’s always something like that or it seemed to be often something like that. That was just like had almost no subject to take a photograph so it was a challenge in that way. But it was really fun when you got to do something cool so that’s that’s why I bought that that Nikon D to H and then to accompany that I think I tried to save up some money in college that was hard for me to do. I tried to save up I think like $150 or something like that to buy the 50 millimeter one eight lens that was like the version of nifty 50 that they have over on the Nikon side It was great to use and that that kid there that the D to H and the than the 50 millimeter was what I used to take a bunch of photographs for the next many years is a great kit of a camera to have and it worked really well to take I think like a bunch of the cool landscape stuff that he did on the first couple trips they did were just both with that setup. So I bought that I bought that Nikon D to h USD on eBay when I made that purchase of it and I use that camera probably for the longest amount of time. Like I think I used that up until like around 2013 or so when I was kind of trying to shift away from it. And that’s when I was getting into more film photography stuff at that time I actually switched over to an even or just a different camera a Nikon n 80 film camera because I was I was doing a ton of stuff with with film and film roles at the time. And then I bought a Nikon f4 s another film body camera that was from like the 90s I think is one that one was manufactured I think first came out in like 1988 that I probably mentioned a couple times.
Thanks for checking out this episode of The Billy Newman photo podcast. Hope you guys check out some stuff on Billy Newman photo comm few new things up there some stuff on the homepage, good links to other other outbound sources, some links to books and links to some podcasts. Like this blog posts are pretty cool. Yeah, check it out at Billy noon in a photo.com Thanks for listening to this episode and the back end.
Thank you
193 Gear for Backpacking – Working With Nikon Cameras