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197 MT Washington – Owyhee Canyon – Lightroom Alternatives
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197 MT Washington – Owyhee Canyon – Lightroom Alternatives
Hello, and thank you very much for listening to this episode of The Billy Newman photo podcast. This day I’m looking at a picture from Mount Washington up in the Cascades. This was a vertical shot taken in portrait mode. And one of the important things about this image that really makes it show up the way that it does in the photograph is that it was shot at 400 millimetres with a telephoto lens. Now what this does is it gives the photo a lot of compression and it really brings in those distant objects to make them look a lot taller and a lot more present in the photograph. But that’s what really helps me to compress some of that foreground imagery that you see at those dead sticks are the burnt up trees at the base, the move up to the mountain, but really cool photo, great time to be out there and Christmas. And then this photo moves over to a black and white image that was taken during the summertime out by Applegate lake in well really at this point this image was taken in the mountains just south of the border when you enter California really steep mountains really cool area but a lot of dispersed camping that area that we were up in during May and June a few years ago but this image was taken with a film camera than on film and I tried to leave the shutter open for just a few seconds to try and capture enough light from that campfire to illuminate some of the gear that we were working with that we had and then just try and use that a little bit to take this photo and silhouette the dog as it was but really cool time good photos really appreciate it
you can see more of my work at Billy Newman photo comm you can check out some of my photo books on Amazon I think if you look at Billy Newman under the authors section there and see some of the photo books on film on the desert on surrealism on camping you cool stuff over there. Today I thought I posted a photograph from the wahi Canyon area it’s like really remote South East Oregon territory is really cool out there I’ve only gone out there a couple times and really truthfully we need to be I don’t know just needs to be explored much more than what I’ve put my time into it for but it’s just so remote it’s amazing how it is that they like what we did is we came in from Boise we drove down and through that you’re kind of in the ilahi area as it kind of flows into I guess though why he would flow into the Snake River some somewhere around like Ontario Oregon, but but up above that I guess the law he goes up toward winnemucca which is sort of what I understand or at least kind of it stretches on there a little bit I was hearing about we were handing to this guy. This kind of this kind of eccentric mountain man when we were in the molalla Mountains and he had talked to us he stopped for a second he was using like hiking pants and you know a jacket with a handkerchief on he was probably in his 60s maybe and he told us that he was uh i don’t know what he was using the things he had been out there for maybe like a month or so maybe maybe he said like four or five weeks of being out in the mountains and he was he had his partner going back into town to get provisions when when we ran into him but he had a tripod and a camera and he was walking around or he’s on a hike through the ego cap wilderness trying to find these these trees this type of pine that’s being affected by climate change as the climate gets warmer in the Alpine area. As the temperature starts to lift in elevation, it changes the types of tree species that are able to live in the Alpine area there so I guess it kills them off as the temperature gets higher for the certain type of pine tree this like was like a two needle pine and a five metre pine or something like that. But apparently I guess that’s that’s what this guy’s working on. So he’s trying to work on a photo project for this. He talked to us for a while though about the law. He came in about the Snake River and about I guess about how before the dams were built, the salmon run would flow up the Columbia River up the Snake River, up the law, he river and you would get salmon run all the way into the interior area of winnemucca, California or winnemucca, Nevada, way out there. So it’s just really weird how it kind of pull up these smaller tributaries of the Columbia from the ocean all the way back into the central part of the state of Nevada too. So kind of a trip, but it was interesting to talk to that guy for a few and then when we were out in the Milwaukee area. It goes on for a really long time. But there’s a few different sections of it. It’s a big river, right like so it’s a it’s a whole territory of land that sort of meanders through that section of Oregon, but really beautiful landscape out there. Well we As we went to Rome and then there’s like the pillars of Rome that’s this, this area out there but then off from that you can drive south really for quite a while for a while on a dirt road and then you pull around
and we take like this really bumpy little red like a little access road out to this point. And we did some really cool photos of the ahwazi Canyon it’s really pretty right there. At least in this spot that we were taking photos of but it’s cool I guess if you go a little further you can pull into this this Three Forks region I think there’s a dam or there’s maybe there’s a few dams on the Hawaii it seems like that’s kind of what I’ve noticed from it but there’s this backed up area where you can go in there what I want to do is I want to get a kayak and I want to set up a camping trip and and kind of do like a backpacking trip and just throw the backpack in the kayak and then cut across the water you know kind of cut down the rocky river and then pull out on different sides of it you know over a couple days and do some camping and do some photos but it seems like a really cool place to to explore the Three Forks area I guess was that like the trout Creek mountains it’s maybe somewhere near there maybe it’s not too near to there I guess that whole area stretches out in a pretty expansive way like so. So from the Hawaii section then we drove over to like the burns junction and then you have to drive past that and then you’re pretty close to the alvord Desert. That’s when we’re driving West right? So we’re way out east like near McDermott, Oregon, Rome Oregon, I don’t know it’s way out there hear that like like this week in early October right here it’s hunting season and I guess I guess that’s a huge area for or it’s a it’s a big district for some of the bigger mule deer and I guess the elk that are out there I guess that’s a big area to go hunt elk but I’ve also heard like the fossil area there’s probably plenty of drainage is that that workout is good hunting lands for this time of year for whoever’s into that but yeah, I’ve just been working on some photo stuff so yeah, the photo from the Hawaii canyonlands area is posted I put that one up I worked on it for a little while trying to do some editing stuff and but yeah, it’s really cool i like the that area I really want to go back there and spend some time there for real you know, that’s a tough thing is it’s so remote sometimes and you kind of moving over a larger amount of landmass that that whole region just sort of would take a week maybe more to kind of get into and explore and I bet there’s a lot of new interesting photos and visual things you can see down there there just be a cool adventure to it seems like like such a cool spot that’s not really seen by a lot of other people. So I don’t know an interesting thing and something to put on the opportunities list for for next season as we come back into the camping zone. But yeah, it seems like you’re gonna have a couple months here. Like winter in Oregon always is a bit kind of turning down into a little bit of a slower time for the outdoor, outdoor adventure outdoor camping travel stuff.
You can check out more information at Billy Newman photo comm you can go to Billy Newman photo.com Ford slash support. If you want to help me out and participate in the value for value model that we’re running this podcast with. If you receive some value out of some of the stuff that I was talking about, you’re welcome to help me out and send some value my way through the portal at Billy Newman photo comm forward slash support, you can also find more information there about Patreon and the way that I use it if you’re interested or feel more comfortable using Patreon that’s patreon.com forward slash Billy Newman photo.
We’re gonna live in Lightroom stuff, I’m gonna try to like develop a lot of photos like with the travel stuff that we did the trip and like the trip that I did with my dad out to Christmas Valley, and some of the stuff around like the teepee rings that I was photographing. We’re trying to like edit a few of those. And I’ve been doing like most of that in Lightroom. But I’ve been trying like a couple different other pieces of software. I haven’t really gotten super far with it. So we got to do more research. This will be an ongoing segment for our podcast, which will be fun too, we should try out some betas I don’t know where we can really get a hold up. But there’s Lightroom. And see like there’s some news about how like Lightroom is switched over to the Lightroom Creative Cloud, which is going to be sort of a cloud based photo editing system, I think it’s going to be a little bit more lightweight. And it’s going to be a monthly subscription system. And then there’s also going to be Lightroom classic, which is going to be the current Creative Cloud professional Lightroom system. And I think that’s going to be like your disk management system like how to put files onto your computer hard drive and how to edit them and then how to like process them out and put them somewhere. So that’s still going to be around and I guess going on but it’s only going to be subscription system from now on. I think it’s kind of pushed a lot of people including myself to consider like what other editing options are going to be out there for for like file management systems for your photographs. And there’s a Few new other systems that are coming up, but also seem a little bit more modern in some ways, too. But I think it’d been kinda interesting. And it’s been cool. checking them out a little bit. One of them was Capture One. And you and I had looked at that one a little bit.
Yeah, you showed me that one a little bit. When you put on your computer, it’s cool.
I want to learn a little bit more about it. I know there’s a lot of content out there about it. There’s the phase, the phase one camera system, have you heard it took me a little bit medium format, digital camera system, it’s real expensive, real nice. Apparently. I only know like a little bit about it. But those raw files, they’re really immense, medium format, digital, raw files. And so the process is they kind of constructed their own editing software. That was this Capture One software, and I think it was supposed to be a more modern system of rendering your raw file justments. And I think this was to be kind of tuned specifically to the raw files produced by by this phase one camera, which is an interesting piece of software, you know, it’s really technical. And I see like a lot of professional photographers kind of that shifting over to it, but at least I see I see it popping up a little bit more in sort of higher end fashion system or like people that are using phase one systems or a lot of Sony systems, there’s because I think it’s it’s very specific to the Camera RAW file that’s produced. It’s sort of strange, right? Like the, I think it’s built for the phase one. Camera. Right. And like for a lot of other file types, yeah, for those file types, and for a lot of the Sony file types. So I think a lot of like the Sony photographers are getting the Capture One Pro software. And they make like a free Sony editing software, that’s a little bit stripped down. It’s like the, you know, the Sony Capture One express or something like that, who knows what it is, but I pulled that on my computer, I’ve been messing with it and I pulled like a demo for. For Capture One Pro, it was cool kind of messing around with a different raw editor. It’s different than Photoshop different than Lightroom. But it’s, it’s still kind of like the same like panel and slider idea. You have a panel you have like hue and color and sharpness and haze, and whatever. And you can kind of make some adjustments on it. But it was interesting, do something different with the raw processing. And I guess it’s supposed to be faster. So the idea are supposed to be a more modern system. It’s one of those things where like Lightroom was built years ago, like back in 2006 2007. I guess there wasn’t the ability to throw a lot of processing over to the graphics processor. I don’t think like it was as important back then to use your graphics processor for rendering and processing and crunching some of the some of the graphics of the editor. So I think a lot of that was built to like run and process the raw files through the just the main processor. So I guess there’s a lot of things about Lightroom that just are made to run really slow, given the modern computer architecture that people are using, other people are developing on. So I think that’s where like there’s an advantage to maybe some future new Adobe software, but also for some of these current players that are trying to do some of this photo editing software stuff like the other one. Affinity Photo, which is one that I think you’d see a little bit right. Just a little
bit. Yeah, I really I’ve not put anything on my computer. Yeah,
I haven’t put anything on. I know, I it looks like there’s a lot going on there. It looks like and I hear a lot of people talking about how impressive the iPad app is like if you have an iPad Pro, I guess like the the affinity pro app on an iPad is really powerful for for tablet tablet. And you can do a lot of stuff like with the pencil, the Apple Pencil or with your finger to do like healing adjustments, a lot of stuff like that, that you really couldn’t do with software outside of Photoshop before. So it’s cool that they made like some progress on that. And I guess Affinity Photo is also producing a digital file management software to go along with Affinity Photo, which I really like the Lightroom part of it.
Yeah. Yeah, kind of be like Lightroom I think
it’s the Lightroom part and the part where you you can apply adjustments to multiple files at the same time. Oh, sure. Stuff like that. I think it’s like a lot of those features that they’re trying to build out this year because of the changes that Adobe’s made to the Lightroom system and how they’re changing it over to like the Creative Cloud system and the you know, kind of Lightroom Express system.
Yeah, not really as much of a pro tool.
That’s what I’ve heard it sounds like yeah, so I think that’s why a lot of professionals are a little bit unhappy with that adjustment into their workflow, you know, they’re just looking for that, that professional system that they have to increase and get better in the ways they need. Yeah, yeah, I think I think Adobe is trying to hit a wider market of hobby photographer or Instagram, you know, kind of it’s more about adjustments. Yeah, yeah. One click kind of adjustments. Yeah, sort of things. Yeah.
It’ll be interesting to see how that ends up. Going.
Yeah, it will be interesting, you know that that’s sort of the shift in modern computers in a lot of ways. And if you were working in iPad, I bet it’ll be swell a bit, it’d be pretty cool, you know, to run a bunch of photos off on an iPad through that system. You know, probably they probably work. Okay. I don’t think it’s really the direction that I’m gonna go. I don’t know, just totally seem like it’s the right, the right zone.
That was what I was thinking. I’m hoping that the change really encourages these other companies to Oh, yeah, develop their, their products where I was, yeah, I was hoping they’ll be, they’ll be something to kind of replace what Lightroom is right now. Definitely, they really like Lightroom. Before
Lightroom, there was aperture that was built by aperture, and then they stopped producing aperture. I don’t know what’s gonna really happen with Lightroom. I’m sure that it’s going to stick around. And I’m sure it’s really going to be like top of market share for a long time for photographers editing software, it’ll likely kind of remain in my workflow for a long time, too. I was looking around at Capture One, it’s not the thing I really want to use. Yeah. affinity there’s some future, you know, but I don’t really know there’s really not the thing that I’m looking to use and the way that I use Lightroom. Right now,
that was what I noticed, when I was looking through other photo editing software is really there are a lot of things that look cool. And like they could be something useful. Yeah. But it’s just not really. It just doesn’t seem like it’s there yet. Kind of editing. I’m trying to go for.
We’ll see what pops up in the next year. And I you know, I guess the cool thing is is like the the given version of Lightroom that I have right now is it’s totally fine for me. Yeah, these old version of Lightroom.
yeah, they come out. But I’m still always happy with the the older one for a long time. So I’m kinda interested, I’m really only interested in buying software that I own. I’m not interested in leasing software, even as a working professional, even if I’m making money from using the software. Yeah, it’s got to be a real special kind of business software license that I’m working. But it can’t I don’t want to rent software, it can’t be my color correction software from my photographs. I need to I need to own that. database. Yeah, it’s I really kind of thing. Yeah. And for as much as I’m working it, I think I need to I mean, it’s no service.
Right? Yeah. It’s just something that part of your daily work, again,
paying for storage, paying for a website pay for hosting, paying for processing, something like that. But the I don’t want to pay for the thing in total, if it’s just raw processing, and color correction, cropping and exporting of a file, like there’s a lot of image editing systems out there. And everything I can do, I can do it on an older system. But I’m interested if we go forward with some new software, I’m interested in trying like, like affinity, or you know, one of these other more modern just buy outright systems. It’s like, yeah, it’s like, $100. It’s not like there’s Pixelmator Pro, that’s it a new program coming out. Yeah. And that’s supposed to be kind of a Photoshop level replacement for stuff. I think that’s like, definitely when you’re like, working with layers working with, you know, textures. And so yeah, you can do a lot with it. Yeah.
I think that I had looked at that one really briefly. And yeah, that one is more like Photoshop. Yeah. Or has more of like Photoshop capabilities.
Yeah, I’ve heard people are really into that are like really surprised with the level of quality that they can do and the speed that they’re able to process that stuff. As far as like we’re talking about, it’s built to work on metal. Like, I think a couple of these things that we’ve been talking about are Apple apps. And I think metal is that system where it writes it writes really quickly to the graphics card. Right? Yeah. So what is that I can’t remember, I can’t remember the names of these, like these graphic layers, these graphic options used to work. But yeah, this is supposed to be like a way faster system of processing some of that graphic stuff. And guys, this was to be a big benefit. But that’s the sort of thing I want to try out with you is that and I want to try to kind of invest in that stuff, just because we would own it. We have a license, we get to use it for as much as we’d want to. But yeah, we should try and check it out a little bit also. Okay, I think it’d be kind of fun to get some of the software’s, and just do like little videos about it.
Oh, that’d be fun. Yeah, I’m just like, trying it out and checking it out.
Like hey, like, we’re photography. Yeah.
We capture one. Yeah. We just kind of check out. Yeah,
yeah. But I want to try some of these. I want to try, like, you know, tech check out and, and see if some of these other tools are, are better, or are more modern, or kind of make a different, more creative result. Yeah, a bit of that in Lightroom, where you seem to kind of fall in like a little bit of a rut of like, how Lightroom edits a photo.
Oh my gosh, Yeah, no kidding. Yeah, you can get a little stuck in routines, or just like how you kind of have to adjust it.
Yeah, yeah, there’s a little bit of that and I’d like to see if there’s some new thinking around around workflow that, that makes it a little bit or breaks up my creativity a little bit make something a little different. So I think it’s worth it just in the sense of that kind of investment. But, but yeah, overall, I think I mean, actually, you know, everything’s fine. So I’m one of those people that kind of says, Yeah, use use old or use. I don’t know, Adobe Camera Raw, if you have to, it’s probably like most of the adjustments that you need to do anyway, I think I’m not really big into retouching stuff. You know, but like, I think you need to like work a raw file. Yeah, process it color, correct it make something out of it. So yeah, I think there’s a lot you can do just with about anything, but it’s kind of interesting, just seeing like, some of these new software’s come out and how they’re being developed. There’s another one like on one, except in Portland. Yeah. Seems like a Lightroom competitor. So the idea behind it, I’m not really gotten into it. I think that like a beta come out, and I was a little confused about how to use some of it. But really, again, like that’s the main thing i’m saying is all these new photo editing software’s it’s like, I’m kind of confused how to use them. So grant are ingrained in using the stephin.
Oh, yes. The wire and satellite room? Yeah. Yeah,
that’s been really cool. These are, you know, it’s just been like, what I’ve gotten used to for a long time. So I know, we’re kind of making a transition. But it’s that bad.
Yeah, it’ll be interesting. Just checking out some of these new things.
Yeah. Alright, check out more stuff with you. I don’t know. We’ll have to figure it out. We got to figure out some new editing stuff to be fine. But I really, I think for a long time, I want to, I want to jump into a bunch of these raw files that we have from the last month or so. One of them is I want to try and compare presets, this is something we haven’t really done much before. But I want to try and get into some presets for Lightroom stuff. Yeah, and I want to try and do a little investment into like affinity or into Pixelmator, or you know, one of those other alternatives. I think with affinity, at least there’s a bunch of preset systems for the photo editing stuff there, too. I want to try and compare them a little bit or run some of our other photos through it and see like, what kind of creative results we get by like working with some of these preset packets, over in Lightroom, or some of the new stuff that you could do over an affinity to just be kind of cool to try and experiment a little bit with that.
Yeah, I think that would be cool. To get into the preset stuff a little bit. I see that as like a huge part of a lot of photographers workflow. Yeah. I’m curious about like, what, what that is like to use?
Um, yeah, I’m pretty interested to I see tons of people on Instagram kind of promoting their preset systems.
Oh, yeah. Something like preset time.
I don’t know if I’ll do that so much as watch a YouTube video about how one built such and such preset package. I’m interested, there’s lots of stuff out there we can find that could kind of be creative start for us to find something to do. But it’s interesting to see that the levels of editing that go into some of the color corrections that happen on these photographs. Oh, yeah. Yeah, some levels of editing that I’m not really familiar with, really. So I guess there’s a lot that I should learn about it. You know,
really, like that’s a big part of why I’m interested in seeing other people’s preset packages. Yeah, I just want to understand for like, four presets that are for photos that I think look better. Oh, yeah, like good, right. I’m just I’m just interested in seeing like, what does that look like? I’m trying to figure out like when someone else is putting a photo together like that.
I’m really trying to figure that out, too. Yeah. What What is the system of stuff on the side that you’re looking at? What are the adjustments that are going on? Like what you intend stuff is being pulled around? It seems like there’s a lot of stuff going on in there. Like there’s a few kind of granular changes into color correction stuff that that I’m probably not getting into, in my photographs. And I bet there’s a lot of stuff that could be pretty cool.
Yeah, I think it’d be really interesting to get into
Yeah, I want to do some fun imaginations, some photographs that have Yeah,
I’ve been going back through really like my portfolio, I guess, and trying to reevaluate what my best photos are. And also just re at it a lot of stuff. Oh, that’s great. Yeah, but yeah, I’m trying to get into better finer editing.
See, yeah, I’d like to try and figure that out, too. Yeah, I’ve noticed that that’s like an element of the post processing, post processing stuff that I really want to get into, in a in a heavier way. It’s like the level of evaluating stuff that I’m able to do or just the level of choices I’m able to make when I get into something like Lightroom or affinity in the future. So it’d be cool that we should really develop on that and be cool to try and push ourselves on that a little bit and see if we can learn some new tricks. Yeah, man, I like I process probably 200,000 300,000 photos and last couple years. I usually export stuff And so with that, I don’t know what I did, or you know, there’s really not it’s just it’s just sort of automatic or you know, because there’s a lot of things that like aren’t so now it’s a weird thing like of just kind of like moving through Lightroom for a long time.
Yeah, I know there’s a lot of stuff that you probably kind of just like, auto work through. I know that’s how it is for me. Yeah, a lot of pictures and I think it’s as much time on
it’s like, it’s like when, like when Tiger Woods was playing golf and like halfway through he needed to get a new coach for swing. I don’t know, golf, but yeah, yeah, like any coach, because he was like hurting his shoulder because his swing was wrong. So we need to like correct his swing. But it’s one of those things where it’s like muscle memory, right? It’s like so ingrained, like the way you do something, hold something. So it takes a lot to kind of break that habit of yourself that muscle habit yourself and then kind of figure out a new way to do the thing that you do. So we got a, we got to kind of break ourselves a little bit, but I want to do a bunch. Like as we get more and more into wedding photographs, we’re going to try and figure out some interesting stylistic things that we can do in those photographs through our post processing.
Absolutely. Yeah, I’ve been really because that’s what I’ve been doing for photo editing. Yes, the last couple months as well, like wedding photos, stuff from work that we’ve been doing. Yeah. And yeah, I really want to get into more of a stylized way of doing that. A little bit more of a particular kind of quality. Yeah, I really like because your photos are awesome. They’re so good. But I want to really, I mean, that’s kind of what I like about going back to like the Sony cameras and stuff like, like, they don’t even have to be edited. They look beautiful. Already, I want to get into making them look a little bit more like a style. Yeah, not just that it’s a really beautiful photo, but that it’s like,
No, I want to work with a good way to, I really want to be selective about our lends us,
oh my gosh, I
think there’s a lot that we know to do in that that we’re not really able to execute on right now for some of our projects. And that’s something I really want to change, you know where we get, we get some stuff in there. But that’s that, that right piece. So I really want to focus on that and the I really want to focus on our post processing element on top of that to really get the right kind of texture in the file when we make it and the right kind of colors and you know, just that the right photo. And then I want to try and really do a great job in Lightroom or in our post processing stuff to kind of pull that out and make it the most and make it look a little style. It’s a little different and a little better. Yeah, it’ll be cool. I think we’ve got a pretty distinct style with the things that we’ve been working on over the years and I want to try and push that visually into just a new directions thanks a lot for checking out this episode of The Billy Newman photo podcast. Hope you guys check out some stuff on Billy Newman photo.com a few new things up there some stuff on the homepage some good links to other other outbound sources, some links to books and links to some podcasts like this a blog posts are pretty cool. Yeah, check it out at Billy new minnesota.com Thanks level listening to this episode and the back end like you next time.
197 MT Washington – Owyhee Canyon – Lightroom Alternatives