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200 Hunting Camps – Creating IPFS Networks
Hello, and thank you very much for listening to this episode of The Billy Newman photo podcast.
Here different industries kind of talk about, you know what a good day of work is or how that is to kind of get out and get what you need done. And just as like a creative system, it’s sort of tough in photography, there’s a lot of that the entrepreneurial and sort of business related stuff of, you know, how do you got to get paid and how you operate in a business, how do you function as a photographer sort of thing, but there’s still outside of that you need to do something nourishing in the system of creativity, where you’re kind of gaining new ideas and putting new materials together, and sort of figuring out a way to make a union of something new with media with something visual, especially as fast as technology is moving forward. It’s definitely an interesting vector, kind of using the progression of technology and artistic creativity to try and make new pieces of media to put out and that’s what I really like about new media as it goes. So it’s kind of interesting how kind of thinking about the way of making pieces of media and new media elements and working with photographs and stuff, but it’s something that I’ve been really interested for a long time.
You can see more of my work at Billy Newman photo comm, you can check out some of my photo books on Amazon, I think if you look at that Bitly Newman under the author’s section there and see some of the photo books on film on the desert, on surrealism on camping, and cool stuff over there.
But I was going to talk about that a little bit, I thought it’d be kind of cool to talk about at least some of the stuff that I know about. Some of the stuff sort of around hunting stuff, I don’t I guess I don’t really get into a ton of hunting stuff. But But I was trying to think a little bit about some notes that I had about finding and scouting out dispersed hunting campsites or dispersed campsites that are that are away from parks away from state parks and, and sort of those, those bigger areas that are just kind of wide out open that you can camp in. And I’ve been able to find like a number of them over the years, it’s really cool getting to kind of find those locations that you can kind of keep a memory of their spot and then go back to year over year. And these are spots that are cool, because they don’t offer any facilities or any services. So there’s no no water there, you got to bring all your water in, there’s no bathroom services, there’s no pavement, probably it’s like a pretty dispersed remote location that you can kind of drive up to, but it’s also still connected to a road. So it’s not as deep into the back country is like a real place that you go. So for like a lot of hunting stuff, I think what I’d seen in the past, and what some of these seem to be set up for is like a hunting party of, say, for for cars, you know, for a couple of groups of people coming together, and then meeting meeting up for their hunting party. And then having a location where they can have like a big enough base camp where they can have all their equipment there for cars. And then they can go out on their couple day expeditions or their morning high and come back to the camp go out on the evening, come back to the camp sort of stuff for what seems like a lot of people in in their different locations that they go go out on hunting trips and stuff. But I was out in the john de river area driving the john de River Canyon, which is like an area, I guess you can probably find it the john de river empties out into the Columbia River. And and then I think kind of is one of the larger river systems larger River drainage is that exist out in Eastern Oregon there. There’s a few others that are kind of out there. But I think that’s one of the bigger ones that cuts through some of the sections that Eastern Oregon otherwise there’s like the Deschutes, that runs down the east side of the Cascades and drains a couple a couple of the rivers into it before it empties out into the Columbia River a little closer to like the Mount Hood area. But the john de river area is cool. It’s out there in Eastern Oregon. And that’s where I was camping a little bit earlier in July. And as I was driving through I have that that map app that onyx mapping tool. And it’s going through and I was marking locations as a driver I really didn’t like stay there I stopped there I take pictures or something. But I go through and mark these locations as I was driving around for these dispersed campsite locations that had passed. And so it was kind of a good way for me to make a catalog kind of passively as I was driving around but make a catalogue of the locations that I might be able to go back to, and some of the campsites that seemed a little bit more suitable for a day or an overnight kind of trip or a couple days or something like that. And so that’s what I was thinking about for for like dispersed hunting campsite locations have some of the stuff that people kind of use, but by setting up the mapping tools, and using like the photo geotag service or that that option. It’s in the honor an off road map app or the Onyx hunt app works really well I was I was finding it worked really well to, to kind of grab the phone, take a picture when you arrived at a location that was like a good hunting camp, but I found like, probably like six or seven on the last two or three trips that I’ve done just kind of scouting around as I was driving around in the woods and stuff, you know, places that I didn’t end up camping that night. But I thought it would be a pretty reasonable spot to head back to some time in the future. So yeah, the john day river area had like a lot of stuff sort of that area, I guess between, like the Painted Hills, around Mitchell, and there’s probably a lot of stuff that goes up that highway toward the town of john day. But I think I took like a background that follow the john de river from like the Mitchell area up toward Clair now, which I think is like north of there kind of jumps like to one of the highways that runs north of there, but the I got clear no and up. So I kind of took that section and I was trying to mark like a few of those dispersed camping sites that I would find on the sides. And a lot of these, like I was saying, like, there’s no services or anything, but they’re set up on BLM land or or national forest land. A lot of them I think, are BLM land. I’m not totally sure about that how that goes. But is this was Yeah, it was like, like,
just, well, what am I trying to say about it? What’s cool about these dispersed campsites is that you know, you can set up as much stuff as you want, you can be there pretty much undisturbed the whole time. And it’s cool. Like I think a lot of these sites are great to combat during the summer stuff. But you can kind of see why they’re designed like how they were set up that they’re really laid out for hunters coming in in September and October to do like the elk and deer, like hunting trips. But you can kind of tell that I think by like some of the tools and stuff that he’s set up for, like some of the ways they have their tables, you see those you see like a branch that’s been like nailed in about 10 or 12 feet or 15 feet up in a tree. And I think that’s where you can like bring in a deer after it’s after you get it while you’re out hunting, you can bring it back and then string it up and then start carving up the meat. While it’s like while it’s hung up on that, but I think that’s like one of the signs that I see a lot but also it was like I don’t know just whatever they use for their fire pit or whatever else they use, really you’re gonna see hunters probably like this week and for the next like month straight if you’re out in any of those. This further Eastern Oregon places that people set up to do their hunting trip and stuff. But there’s a couple on and offs between the hunting seasons and stuff in the next couple of weeks. But it’s kind of it’s kind of interesting going out there. And I remember this time of year like out out in Eastern Oregon toward heart mountain, there were like a bunch of hunters that would be set up in different spots. For like a couple sections after Labor Day. I remember when I was a kid I didn’t totally reckon how many people would be going to certain places for hunting season stuff, but I was thinking like wow, there’s a lot of people camping for some time after Labor Day and you think oh yeah, this is like it’s actually like outdoorsman really like to go hunting like to go do stuff into October into November. And I was thinking oh yeah, they’re not doing like summer camping trips anymore. They’re, you know, they’re actually doing doing something else out here in the woods. But it’s uh, yeah, it’s kind of fun, going around, checking out stuff and trying to do some scouting for that. It’s cool, though, you know, one thing I’ve kind of recognized over the years is, it’s really tough to like just go out into an area that you don’t really know very well and try and find a good campsite. And that’s why I’ve, I’ve kind of started. That’s really a definitely a big reason why I’ve tried to start making like a little catalog of locations, a good campsite, I find why I pass them. But also I’ve been trying to notice that some spots are going to be better than others for different times of the year. So I’ve been really trying to do a lot of like off season scouting, where at different times of the year when maybe even I’m not on a camping trip, I’m able to kind of scout out a couple different areas and marks and locations or at least like write down remember that there’s a location that I want to go back to. But that helps a lot when you’re trying to go out to a campsite or to a camping area, or when your circumstances change like a lot of time of camping by myself. But it’s kind of cool to remember locations that are a little bigger or something or have a little bit a little bit more of a Ease of Access. If you’re going with like a group of people that’s a little larger and you want to accommodate a couple different cars or a couple different people. I was kind of noticing like the difference between like, like group sites, and like kind of like more remote sites that you might go to. And that’s sort of something that you’re going to notice that they’re two of these kind of these bigger group sites where it seems like you’d almost have like a horse camp or something. I’ve seen that as a as an option out there too. It’s kind of strange when you go out you know, there’s like kind of regular camps it seems like you get set up and then there’s like a camp with a with a corral built into the campsite. And it seems like it’s made from timber That was cut in process you know they just like cut down a tree right there and then split it and then made a corral out of it to keep their horses for their horse camp that they have for you know some hunting thing that they’re up to or some outdoors thing they were up to, but it seems like a lot of these places are like big enough to like bring in an ATV or you know they have like a quad or something like that but it seems like there’s kind of like a big circle that area and then otherwise there’s like different locations that kind of like more like high clearance trucks or you know like some kind of four four wheel drive location that’s a little bit further or you can kind of get back a little ways into the what would kind of be the back entry or into an even closer to a wilderness area and then you can take that and then jump back further and do some hunting in an area that you may be scouting out earlier in the year but for me like I don’t really want to do any of that stuff I’m just out kind of hunting for pictures and hunting for good campsite and stuff so that’s kind of what’s been fun about that going through the john de river area up there there was a lot of stuff that that bordered like some BLM land is stretched up a hill and I guess that areas like one of the one of the drainage is that people go to for a lot of elk hunting
and here it’s known for that where you know know for some pretty big elk that they’re able to to get out of that area which is kind of it’s kind of cool, be fun, be fun to see some elk out there I’ve only seen a couple elk and most of the time I just see the female elk I don’t think I’ve really ever seem like a big ball elk out there in the woods let me kind of fun that I’ve had a good time yeah getting out to go to some of those dispersed camping sites and stuff there’s yes I’m out in deep Eastern Oregon by like heart mountain that I’ve always really liked. There’s a lot it kind of that Eastern Oregon section when you get out there but what I’ve noticed though is a lot of the stuff in the National Forest section of say like the Cascades it seemed like pretty pretty well populated it’s kind of harder to find good spots up there you can you can find like you know, little pull outs and dead end roads and stuff but but as it goes for like just kind of big free dispersed campsite sections it’s a little bit harder to find it’s a little more organized out in those locations. That’s what’s cool about some of the BLM stuff and some of the high desert location stuff is it’s just it’s just kind of wide open you’re just you know sort of driving around you take some little dinky road off to the side and then you’re at a cool fire pit and the big Juniper tree and it looks like people have been camping there forever You know so it’s it’s cool you can kind of find some stuff like that and I’ve had a good time going out to Eastern Oregon to find some stuff like that for myself. So I want to get out there and try and go camping at some of this some of the spots you know like I’m kind of competing with the hunting season like I was saying but but even silly I want to jump out there and try and do some fall camping it’s really like one of the best times of year to go out there I really liked the springtime like even the early springtime like late March and April well it’s still pretty cold if you can if you can gear up for it, it’s really a cool time to be out there because you have so much like texture weather in the sky and then the clouds that it kind of keeps the terrain pretty interesting it can be pretty miserable you know if the weather is totally turned on yet but as it goes for a lot of it it really is kind of like a cool time to be out there in the summertime. It’ll even buy like Mayor little in the June for sure. It just gets so hot that it’s kind of tough to be out just kind of wandering around hiking around in the in the daytime. So it kind of cuts down on the amount of just kind of trekking around or wandering or poking around so that you can do you probably do some from the track or something but it’s a little more fun to get out there and hike around. Check some stuff out so it seems like the fall like when the temperatures are down a little bit. You have a little bit better opportunity to do that and then early in the springtime but I think the Fall is my favorite time to be out there when you’re you’re watching the aspen trees kind of turning from green to yellow to orange and get a lot of color out there and some of those simoes Aspen groves grow out in Eastern Oregon. So I want to try and go out there and get some photographs of it as the seasons start to change and the colors come on and the trees I get about there’s gonna be some nice days and stuff out there It seems like some of the trees are already starting to turn a little bit like I was saying in that last podcast I’m seeing a lot of a lot of trees kind of start to get the late late summer early fall tinge to them what it looks like they’re about to about to turn over and get brown and began fall began items so it’s gonna come on pretty fast. It’s already with the Yeah, like the second week of September.
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So I’ve been checking out the ipfs network. I’ve been talking about it a few times before here on the podcast, but it stands for interplanetary file system, it’s kind of a cool way of sort of creating a distributed hash table. or in our case, it’s something where it’s like a distributed network instead of having like a server system. So I’ve been trying to set that up, it’s pretty complicated, but you can go to, say theories and download a program called Orion. And that’s like, a browser that you can use to upload and then download, you know, send files back and forth over the ipfs network, which is pretty cool. It’s kind of interesting. So I downloaded it on a couple of computers here at home. And I was trying to use this, this key to connect the two of the nodes together so you could kind of create, like a direct connection in the network. And I was trying to do this with a couple other computers I had around the house to to do some stuff, but But yeah, the ipfs node is pretty interesting. And we’re trying to put up some media stuff onto that over the last couple days. I’ve been using this site called D sounds dot audio. And I’m trying to upload a bunch of mp3 files of my podcasts. And it’s just kind of interesting to check it out. But yeah, it’s it looks like a lot like SoundCloud or something when you use it, but instead of any of those files existing on a website’s server, they exist distributed across the world United States I don’t know how far it’s really distributed yet. But those files are distributed on different computers so it can be reproduced from from different areas of the network. It’s interesting, I don’t know I’m kind of curious how it works out I’m also using this video program or video website called de dot tube, I think is what it is it’s supposed to really just be like a YouTube clone. And it works pretty well it’s it’s not I think, the full resolution and flow that YouTube is but really as it goes, it’s it’s quite far along for what you would think to do with it. I’ve also been checking out bid shoot, which is another sort of YouTube video competitor but they do a lot more with ads and with paid content. And I think that the D tube stuff is it seems like a little more homegrown in some ways when you look at the website but but as I consider it, I think it’s you know, it’s ad free, it’s crypto, decentralized, it’s really it’s interesting like when you log in, you don’t really even use your email address or anything like that it’s just it’s this cryptographic key that you log in with and that’s like your account data and if no one has it so if you lose it that’s gone I think forever You know, so it’s kind of cool checking it out you can go to the new page you can kind of upload media like you would on YouTube or so that it’s a little slower though it seems like that’s that’s definitely something that I was noticing. I’m trying to make an upload right now. And it’s going fine but I think it’s a little bit slower than maybe some of the other the other like YouTube or something like that if you’re apple in attending dp video it’d be more robust as a service This is definitely like something some some piece of the internet that’s being made by people like you and me so it’s it’s kind of cool that it works at all really, but yeah, I think these these D tube sites and D sound sites are going to be kind of interesting media players and not players like but just interesting kind of media side features that that I think are kind of interesting as people are starting to maybe consider moving away from centralized services like Facebook and Microsoft and Apple and Amazon and all that so yeah, it’s gonna think Google you know, YouTube and Google and all that but but it’s cool, try to check out the ipfs stuff and get it connected I was trying to upload some videos that I have on my YouTube page right now and trying to download a bunch of YouTube videos. Also, I go to the YouTube videos that I have there’s there’s a couple different features out there there’s like maybe one that you’ve heard before we put s s before the YouTube domain name and that’ll send you over to a website called I think it’s like save form or something like that. And then you can you can download sort of a lower resolution version of that. That file which saved me a couple of things I helped me out a couple times it was you know, audio video of it, you can download it, I think it was ad free. That it’s as a website that kind of, you know, pushes you to buy stuff a lot though, to think of the way the service works, as opposed to trying to check out this thing called the YouTube dash dl which was like a youtube downloader. So I was trying to go through and download some of the videos that I had on YouTube, but that I don’t really have like the same same clips from on my computer. So it’s cool to go through and check it out. As to but and was it D sounds distributed sounds,
distributed audio, it’s kind of cool checking it out. So I’m uploading a video in the background right now on my laptop. It’s like a screen capture video working in Lightroom. And going through the editing of a photo. So I’m throwing that up there on the two, which is like, probably going to take forever to upload, it’s kind of a larger, I think it’s like more than 10 minutes or something like that. It’s one gigabyte. So it’s like a bigger file for that network to take. So I think it takes like a little bit more time. But it’s cool, I’m trying it out. And then I guess we’ll kind of see how it goes. It’s also cool, too, I guess you can just you can publish websites to the ipfs hash tables. Also, like if you write like a static HTML site or HTML CSS site, I guess you can package that and then upload that. And you will have a web link to go to that HTML site, and it will pull up like it was pulled up on the server, which is pretty interesting. I really learned quite enough about it. Yeah, I’m trying to figure it out a little bit more, I want to try and get like some kind of distributed distributed blog, website app or you know, something where you can kind of update it a couple times, I think there’s another one called steep shot dot i O. That was this, this photo sharing website that I was checking out, which is kind of cool. It’s still all these are still in alpha. I was having a hard time actually like getting stuff to upload when I was using it. So it was kind of interesting, but I think it’s you know, it’s stuff that it kind of comes and goes as you’re sort of an early adopter some of the services. But I’m gonna try and try and use steep shot.io to continue doing some stuff too. That’s another distributed photo sharing site, which is kind of cool uses the, I think I think when you post a photo and post it to the blockchain ledger is still sort of something that’s out of my depth, it seems to me, but I think it’s kind of cool that you’re able to do stuff like that. And yeah, but put stuff up on the web and download it from the web without ever really going through a centralized service. So it’s kind of fun stuff. But thanks a lot for checking out this episode of The Billy Newman photo podcast.
Hope you guys check out some stuff on Billy Newman photo comm few new things up there some stuff on the homepage, good links to other other outbound sources, some links to books and links to some podcasts. Like this. blog posts are pretty cool. Yeah, check it out at Billy numina photo.com. Thanks for listening to this episode and the back end.
Thank you.
200 Hunting Camps – Creating IPFS Networks