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202 Ektar Film – Rockhounding Agate – The Right Camera Lens
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202 Ektar Film – Rockhounding Agate – The Right Camera Lens
Hello and thank you very much for listening to this episode of The Billy Newman photo podcast.
Talking again today about another the pictures that I’m putting up on Instagram and up on Facebook and up on Flickr other places you can go check it out this picture today was taken on film it was on a roller acti film actor, it’s kind of interesting. I’m not sure if I’ve talked about it on this video series yet, but actor film was was developed by Kodak. It’s an interesting type of film stock, though there’s lots of different ones out there. Unfortunately, in 2015 16, that’s really one of the few that’s still available widely. Like there’s portrait, and there’s other there’s velvia. There’s other stuff out there, but they give like a certain color and tone to the type of picture that you take. So you pick different film stock for different types of photographs, like portraits might be a softer one, landscapes might be more contrast, the more colorful, more vibrant type of photo. And this photo was taken with that actor, that’s where you get those really bright purples is really soft greens. And that and those two towns, those purple and greens really seem to come out with a lot of clarity and vibrance and this photograph of a flower in a field with a ladybug, a real bright red Ladybug that had climbed up to the top of this purple flower and perched there in the sunlight. But I thought this is a real pretty kind of a theory, a little bit of a dreamy photo.
You can see more of my work at Billy Newman photo comm you can check out some of my photo books on Amazon. I think if you look up Billy Newman under the authors section there and see some of the photo books on film on the desert, on surrealism on camping, and cool stuff over there. I ran into another guy out there. And he was like an agate picker. This is something I want to get into too, I was talking a little bit about aggregates, how they’re formed and how they show up and all that and I’d be interested to find out the geology of how some of these creeks have aggregates formed in them here along the west coast I think it’s kind of cool the land formation or the geology is over here. And however that goes back in history of the agate formation of what went on over the coast there but I think just north of Newport there’s a beach called agate beach, apparently a place where there’s gonna be agates found, but this guy that I was talking to he was saying what he was saying like if you kind of Prowl around town, and these kind of these older, smaller you know, coastal cities here in Oregon and probably in Washington or wherever they might be, but if you kind of Prowl around the town you’ll you’ll sort of see these almost kind of just it says rock shop or gem shop or something like that at some sort of little shack kind of place with the old sort of weathered sign on it sort of looks goofy looks like an old time prospect to kind of just works there and kind of does it himself but I guess some of those people some of those guys are some of the more invested rockhounds in the area. And some of those guys if they’ve retired I guess you know, the lead up some of their picking spots or their lead up some of their information on on what they’ve done to collect some of these cool rocks and gems over the years. But some of those people in those local town spots, have some good kind of easy starter information for people that are getting into some of the rock counting stuff, but I was told recommended by a guy over a Newport to try to find a man named rooster. So I could find out about the good rock hound in spots. Sounds fun, I haven’t taken up on it yet but the guy gave me an agate that he collected and he was telling me that the good time to go is in the winter time after some of the bigger winter storms come in off the coast and then dredge up well I guess not dredge up but I guess they wash out the light I guess like we were talking about they washed out the sand it’s kind of come into sandbars they wash out then it exposes some of the gravel beds some of those those rock beds that are a little bit lower down in the sediment and that exposes some of the beds that have the agates in them and I guess those come up during low tide in the winter time I guess after what January February something like that. And that’s when this guy has found most of the agates that he’s spotted out there in areas like agate beach up to up to where I don’t know what’s up north of there is your corner head or is that below it? I can’t remember now but it’s cool. Yeah, so it’s not going out and doing some some agate hounding stuff.
You can check out more information at Billy Newman photo comm you can go to Billy Newman photo.com Ford slash support. If you want to help me out and participate In the value for value model that we’re running this podcast with, if you receive some value out of some of the stuff that I was talking about, you’re welcome to help me out and send some value my way through the portal at Billy Newman photo comm forward slash support you can also find more information there about Patreon and the way that I use it if you’re interested or feel more comfortable using Patreon that’s patreon.com forward slash Billy Newman photo
pretty lousy now I understand so much more about what good class does to change the quality of the image like when you’re getting those kind of foggy images or hazy or dim images I’m really seeing what how that really affects like cheap cheap lenses that’s the thing that really affected my photography for the longest time for the first five years or so it was really just me trying to combat how difficult it was to shoot with the cheapest 18 to 55 millimeter three point f 3.5 to F 5.6 lens that they had it was all plastic the bracket on the back was all plastic and I think like even the lens elements themselves built into it were plastic, then you can kind of see it we just never would really get Chris would never be super sharp and it was just kind of this plastic warping that would cause that I picked up a couple other lenses over time to like I had this Tamron lens that that was used that I’m sure had been dropped a few times but it just never would come in sharp, it would always be like out of focus, even though you know it acted like it was focusing it would always just come out soft and so now I understand like oh that’s what they mean when they say this is a soft lens. So I don’t know just things that you learn over time but but I’m really happy to be working with kind of the setup that I have right now. And I’m sure I’ll kind of change some stuff out over time too. I think I still though it’s been really interesting kind of moving system to system to system you know from Nikon to Sony. And then over to canon I’ve kind of learned a whole bunch of different button layouts of how to use a carrier how the camera works and all the different features and stuff that are associated with it, though, as as I think about it, I was probably always and maybe I’m still the most comfortable with the layout and the system and the ergonomics of the Nikon camera system I’ve really always liked that a lot but I’ve definitely gotten very used to it after shooting a ton of these 10 of these portraits and family sessions and waiting sessions it’s kind of become way more natural for me to kind of put this in manual I got to roll this over here I got to change my my ISO to this so I kind of know how to like hammer out these little maneuvers now that are those muscle memory pieces that are really maybe one of the hardest things to learn when you’re changing your gear system from say one brand to the next brand of Canon camera manufacturer so all that’s been getting interesting and it’s been my my journey into the Canon camera world so have you guys had a nice time listening to me go on about some different lenses and different Canon camera opportunities that are out there but I was impressed yeah check out your US market if you’re interested in trying to pick some stuff up. There’s there’s really some inexpensive items out there where you can get pretty quality images I mean, you know, if you’re if you’re a student or you’re just starting out or you’re trying to get into photography, there’s really a lot of opportunity to pick up some interesting canon equipment for pretty low prices if you’re checking out your US market and if you’re higher end and you’re trying to get into stuff. new stuff is great that the five D Mark four that I’ve gotten to use a bit. It’s fantastic it’s really cool. I don’t think it’s gonna change my photography so I’m not going to try and upgrade it from my five D Mark three right now but there’s a lot of things that does. There’s also a lot of things that are super interesting about that one dx that you know like that’s a big one It looks like the sports photographers camera is the one that’s got that big battery pack base to it where it’s you can you can roll it to the portrait mode and then you got that second shutter button there looks like you put a battery grip on your camera, but it’s built into it right? So it’s all cool stuff. But for right now I think I’m super happy with it. Until until you know, a year from now six months from now that’ll be the switchover again I got a Leica. That’d be fun, right? No thanks for listening. Appreciate it. You guys have a good one. We’ll check in again soon. Thanks a lot for checking out this episode of The Billy Newman photo podcast. Hope you guys check out some stuff on Billy Newman photo comm few new things up there some stuff on the homepage, some good links to other other outbound sources, some links to books and links to some podcasts. Like this blog posts are pretty cool. Yeah, check it out at Billy numina photo.com. Thanks for listening to this episode and the back end like your next