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Hello, and thank you very much for listening to this episode of The Billy Newman photo podcast.
And this is a photograph taken up in the ego cap wilderness area in North Eastern Oregon near the Willa mountains. It’s a really beautiful spot up in that area. I’ve taken a bunch of photos from there and I’ve tried to share a handful of them over the years. This is a photograph from a backpacking trip that we did to our noid Lake about six miles in to the the wilderness area but back at the turn of the century, before it was a wilderness area, you were still able to own it or you know, buy private property in the area and then develop it so I think there was someone that came through and they built a handful of log cabins there maybe 100 years ago or so. And this is a photograph of one of those that still standing there’s a handful of them and they’re still maintained to a degree but still very rustic. But they’re they’re all out there in this this field, kind of the field that you see in this photograph here next to the lake, but really fun, really interesting spot. Apparently you can go in and rent these still like if you find the people out of Joseph that have this property, you can go up, get a key and a lockbox, go and spend a night there.
How crazy would that be right? You can see more of my work at Billy Newman photo calm. You can check out some of my photo books on Amazon.
I think if you look at Billy Newman under the authors section there and see some of the photo books on film on the desert, on surrealism on camping, and cool stuff over there. I saw what have you been seeing I saw a helicopter. There’s a thunderstorm. That was like when I was last doing a podcast right so there’s like a big time thunderstorm that was rolling through that last camp that I was having I was podcasting and then rained a bunch after that. That was nice. stay nice and dry and pretty warm and tracking the truck canopy and stuff waited out the rain then it cleared off just like a couple hours later is that that thunderstorm system move past us. And then yeah, cleared off got cold. got pretty cold. I layered up and I walked out into that field now with a ton of wet grass and stuff. walked out there brought the heater like I was talking about and posted up out in that meadow. To check out the stars and stuff from that you can see Scorpio almost all of Scorpio it’s really cool when you got a strong Southern view of the sky. And from this area in Oregon you can’t quite see the dip in the tail of Scorpio is it kind of scoops down and it comes back up with the stinger at the end. You just barely or I get out you can you can definitely imagine how it kind of scoops around but yeah, at where it is now, at this time in August. I think it’s it’s kind of tipping over and gone. not visible in that spot. But I think I see. Was it Jupiter? You see just past Sagittarius as you’re looking to the south. Then near that just a little bit further over to the east on that same ecliptic line you see Saturn. I think they both near the position where they’d be at opposition. They’re not as bright as they were a few years ago, you notice, but there’s still really bright, really cool to see. And then if you stay up late enough, maybe around midnight or so. You’ll see Mars rise over on the eastern horizon. And it looks real real coppery red and really noticeable really cool. But I think it came up right about the same or about an hour or so after the moon rose last night. So tonight it’ll probably rise along the same location as Mars. That’s interesting. Yeah. Yeah. That was cool, checking out that stuff. And I was checking it out the other night after that thunderstorm out in that field. So it’s kind of fun, kind of staying up and checking out some stuff. But then I went to bed. And then I got up the next morning and this was what was really cool. As I looked out the field I hadn’t really seen any animals out there. I heard a few a few birds like a raven, and a couple other things. I think I heard a turkey gobble. Not sure that but I looked out looked across the field and I saw that two of the biggest birds I have ever seen. There. They are the biggest birds I’ve ever seen. I’m really not sure what it is it looks like similar to a blue herring, so I figured some kind of herring maybe it’s a crane. But I would, I would guess if it was standing up it would be almost four feet tall. It really looked like a small deer or og, like in mass and size as you know, kind of like the feathery body of it wasn’t popped up in a big way but there are two of them. And yeah look like dinosaurs out there in this middle of this field. I’ve never seen a bird like that it looked like like a blue herring. That was about twice a day I see a buck is that my two o’clock lock into my three o’clock 1.2 point 3.4 point it’s a two or three point buck doesn’t see me. That’s cool. Little buck cruising through. I think it’s a mule deer out here. I saw like a group of mule deer down in the lake bed this morning. And when I started wrestling around they they all kind of started to run out or one of them got excited and then ran off there. They’re probably like two or 300 yards for me and pulled up the binoculars as scouten Yeah, they were just bugging it across this open lake bed. And then they got tired and stopped and started eating grass like almost right away so it’s kind of funny how they they kind of move around but yet this guy’s like
I don’t know. But 200 feet walking around can’t cool dude. Thanks for camping with me. Was this in two giant birds? I saw these two giant birds Thunderbirds they were awesome. They were Brown, kind of Sandy tan colored. And they had like a beak face like a real pointy beak face really similar to a blue herring. It looked like it looked like an emu or an ostrich or something out in this field. It was diet. But it looked I’d say like I’ve seen a lot of blue herrings they’re way more slender than this this really had that kind of big kind of round full body thing and then it had that cranes neck that kind of the s curved crane neck and it was just kind of on the ground walking with its buddy and they were cruising around poking at the ground trying to I don’t know get grubs or whatever but but yeah really cool to see him and then so I was watching them for a bit I had him the binoculars I think I got a couple pictures but like I was explaining in that last podcast smartly I have a wide angle lens with me which is you 17 to 40 millimeter so as way out super wide so you just so you know no telephoto my back. So didn’t get the wildlife shot that would have been cool which is fine and I accept but I did get a couple pictures of it that probably poorly show two big things out in the distance and I mean it looks like it could be dogs could be deer or it could be birds so it was pretty awesome to see but as I walked out a little bit I exposed myself into the sunlight they got they got side of me and then they they both let out these for like maybe 30 seconds to a minute or so they both just kind of stood around and made these sort of warning or territorial. croaks these like these like three beat croaks that would just echo across this whole this whole valley that or this whole metro area that I was in it you know just carried on for acres they’re probably like an acre or two away from me at that time. And yeah, they just set out these loud croaks kind of morning that these up, standing dude predator out in the distance, but yeah, then they kind of sauntered it didn’t take flight, but they just kind of saw through it back off up into the hill, up into the tree line. And then I tucked back myself back up to the tree line by my truck, made another cup of coffee that morning, and then I saw kind of popping out again and poking around that. That Meadow again, but it was really cool giant birds I really would say they’re like four feet tall. Body Mass section, it seemed like about two feet or so. You know, like kind of on their leg? Maybe 24 inches off the ground. Yeah, it just seemed like a really big bird. If I was standing right next to it. I’d be like, Whoa, man, this is this is a real critter. So it was fun. I’ve never seen a bird like that out there before I’ve heard about. Some of those are some birds like that before I remember hearing like, is like a ground colloquial family story that I think like a great uncle of mine had had probably similar to this area too, which is interesting. I like that. But he said that he had woken up one morning and looked out and saw these prehistoric looking Thunderbirds he called him and I think I had an experience like a two. I think it was fun. I’m sure it’s totally normal animal it’s probably used to be around a lake or something. You know, that’s sort of what it seemed like is just like a giant Pelican or crane or something that you would see out by the ocean. But to see out here just walking around sagebrush and a field in a meadow at 730 in the morning, it’s just like Wow, look at that. I thought I’d see a deer out there but no giant birds
You can check out more information at Billy Newman photo comm you can go to Billy Newman photo.com Ford slash support. If you want to help me out and participate in the value for value model that we’re running this podcast with. If you receive some value added some of the stuff that I was talking about, you’re welcome to help me out and cents value my way through the portal at Billy Newman photo comm forward slash support, you can also find more information there about Patreon and the way that I use it if you’re interested or feel more comfortable using Patreon that’s patreon.com forward slash Billy Numan photo. also interested in as I’ve spoken about before on this podcast is I have an affinity for taking photographs on film. And I want to get back into that in a way because right now I don’t really have a film camera with me, I still have the Nikon and 80 floating around. Though, I’m short a lens or you know, that’s what I’m saying is like I’ve kind of made it an investment now into this whole range of focal lengths that have been really quite nice pieces of glass over on the Canon side now. And so I’d like an opportunity to be able to take those photographs on film with that range of glass that I now have available to me. So what I’m looking at trying to do is, is trying to pick up one of these older now, but one of these older but one of the last runs of film cameras that canon had put out and so I was looking around and trying to do some research for that. When I talked to you guys before about it. In the podcast, I was mentioning that I picked up a Nikon F for a camera that was the full manual camera or you know, like no, I don’t actually it wasn’t for me, and I think it was autofocus and I had like a whole color matrix It was one of the first cameras have that color matrix auto system in it where you could you could kind of like set it up. But and then the nav has a lot of those same features to what I’m trying to do to get to the point is I’m looking at the EOS line of film cameras that canon had produced in the 1990s. And in the 2000s. And there’s a lot of opportunities there where you can really pick up a very nice camera body that you know, shoot film, and that would kind of accompany the five D Mark three, and all the Canon lenses that I have now. So I was looking at the EOS one n, which I think is the camera that can come out in 1994 it really looks quite a bit like a five D body shape. Or it’s it’s not like that. It was it’s not the oversize body it but it looks just kinda like that camera, SLR bodystyle. And as a bunch of the features in the back, I think as that roller wheel that canon users have come accustomed to it probably was one of the first cameras to introduce that big roller wheel to control your F stop, and then the other roller on the front to control your aperture. So it was kind of it’s interesting how it’s laid out. But but it feels it looks almost the same way. So I’m looking around at those those came out in 1994. And then in the year 2000. They had come out with the EOS one DC one n before. What was it? I think I wrote it down over here. I can’t remember what it was. There was the one and maybe the one h sunray. What would it have been? Let’s look here are the one v that’s I think the one I’m looking for? Yeah, the one V is that the film camera that canon produced in the year 2000. And probably up through like 2006 or 2007 or 2008, there’s probably even new versions of that body that are still around if you know there’s those hardcore film users out there. So I’m looking around at some of those on the US market, I
think they’re like three, four, maybe 500 bucks, if it’s kind of on the higher end of expense, but but I’m looking at some of those and it seems like it’d be kind of an interesting purchase to pick one of those up, then it could be shooting you know, film images, like I have had an interest in doing with a professional body that kind of matched a lot of the same layout and workflow that that the five D Mark three that I’m using has. So I’m pretty interested in that and then I can use all this L class that I’ve been making a purchase of two so I have the super wide angle, or I don’t know is it super wide, I think it’s just a wide angle zoom for that 17 to 40 millimeter f4. I’ve got the 24 to 72 a i would have the 70 to 200 USM f4. And then I would have a couple prime lenses on top of that. So it’s like a pretty full collection of glass that I could use to make a whole bunch of different types of art, or you know, like different different photographs, different pieces that I’ve been interested in trying to produce. And you know, like a lot of the film stuff I was I was building like all the stuff that was on that film book that I put together that was almost all done with a Nikon 50 millimeter f one a, and maybe like a couple manual focus lenses that I should not have been using actually kind of knowing better now, the optics of those we’re always kind of thanks a lot for checking out this episode of The Billy Newman photo podcast. Hope you guys check out some stuff on Billy Newman photo.com a few new things up there some stuff on the homepage and good links to other other outbound sources. some links to books and links to some podcasts. Like this. blog posts are pretty cool. Yeah, check it out at Billy numina photo.com. Thanks a lot for listening to this episode and the backend.