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Hello, and thank you very much for listening to this episode of The Billy Newman photo podcast. I wanted to continue on talking about a little bit about vertical video, sort of a strange thing not really used to it in this day and age. But one thing I’ve noticed is that YouTube YouTube itself is now going to support I think maybe for the last six months has supported vertical video playing or playback, at least on mobile phones, I think iOS and Android within the app. And when I go to the website, still it shows me the player in horizontal, regular video mode and then it shows me the video kind of, I guess pillar boxed in there as a piece of vertical video in a horizontal frame. That’s what it shows me on the web. And so I’m interested to see if they’ll end up changing that over time or you know, maybe reorient at least a little bit so that it just sort of shows it without the black bars around it. But kind of interesting I’m not sure if I’m totally sold on a format of vertical video outside of the mobile, handheld you know phone experience and so that’s probably why they’re they’re focusing so much just on that that first but definitely interested in kind of seeing the way that the Instagram TV is sort of competing and the vertical video market you know, the produced vertical video market, different Snapchat different than the story stuff that you see on Instagram or Facebook so
you can see more of my work at Billy Newman photo comm you can check out some of my photo books on Amazon. I think you can look up Billy Numan under the authors section there and see some of the photo books on film on the desert, on surrealism on camping. You cool stuff over there. This last week, I made a trip out to Central Oregon, and it was still really nice. You know, we had a little bit of rain, I think out there last Thursday, Friday and then Saturday, Sunday we it just it just brightened up a ton. It was super crisp, super bright, really cold though. I think my friend David just got out to Eastern Oregon, I think got towards Smith rock. And he said it was super cold out there too. But yeah, this trip, we did like an overnight trip out there. And I think today I just posted a photograph of something I thought was really cool. It’s one of the archaeological remains that are out in Eastern Oregon. And there’s a whole interesting history about stuff in Eastern Oregon. But the photo that I posted to Instagram and Facebook and all the other places today is a photograph of this rock teepee ring. That’s still in very good condition. It’s out in Eastern Oregon in this area in between sort of near like where a dry lake bed where once just a lake would have been now what we see in our modern time is just a dry like that. But the cool thing is is as we kind of look around you can see the remnants of an old indian camp that was really quite established in that area. I think it’s it’s just amazing to get to go see you’ll find other artifacts from Indian populations out in Eastern Oregon. Once you start looking around like you’ll start noticing ups obsidian ships that are on the ground, or you’ll start noticing really unlike some places through a lot of Oregon through a lot of the the less developed less forested areas of Eastern Oregon there’s there’s a lot less erosion that’s taken place natural erosion that’s taking place over the last few 100 years, like over here on the west side of the coast with all the deciduous plant matter that comes up. There’s a lot of turnover that seems to happen like a lot of the vegetation is going to end up hiding or over growing some of the older encampments or establishments that were made. I mean right now I’m in the Camus Valley. I’m in the Willamette Valley where the calapooia Indians were I’m sure out here in front of me in this big field out toward the Willamette River. There’s tons of Indian artifacts, tons of old indian casts, but none of that’s really visible because of all the deciduous organic material that’s been developed over here. over the many hundreds of years since it’s been that there was an Indian population in the area. Now what’s interesting about Eastern Oregon is that because it’s way more remote, there’s very few people out there there’s very few people to disturb a lot of things and really, sagebrush doesn’t grow very fast. Things don’t really move around very fast out there I was there I think maybe more than a decade ago and it was really almost the same as it is now very little has changed out there. You know, there’s no new houses, no new development, maybe maybe a fence around the thing. That might be it. But I was really cool. So you get out to this area. You hike out to a spot then you can really see all over the crowd. It’s just a ton of black obsidian shucks, these unworked pieces of black obsidian that were carried in by people and then dropped there at some point. And all these pieces were used, I think in the in the in the camp to chip out arrowheads and a ship out of the tools that they would use but it’s really cool this tip ring is really the only rule there’s a few TP rings like a few smattering of like piles of rocks this teepee ring was really the one that was that was the most established still, it was most upright still. And you wonder like how far back to these go like how far back to these, these stones that were laid into the ground go but they were using sort of like as a foundation for for the tent or the height of the teepee that they would have established there. And then they would, you know, work out of it. And they worked out of it on a bluff, and then they would look out over the, the hill to the Lake area. And yeah, I don’t know, there’s a whole system out there. But it’s really amazing when you really start to, to come in and sort of understand the layout of the land and where people would sort of go. And it’s very interesting man, surreal, really to get out. And like be in a spot like that, or sit in a spot sit in the center of the teepee ring where you know, there’s people, other men 1000s of years ago, that were doing work and trying to survive out in really what is now a very harsh environment. And back then was still probably quite harsh, at least in the hundreds of years ago. But man, if you start going back 1000s of years, even a few 100 years ago, I guess 500 years ago, a lot of those dry lake areas out in Eastern Oregon really still had at least a marsh or at least a wetland or, or something like that. I mean like similar to summer Lake now you know, parts of the years drive parts of the year, it’s filled with water. So it might be a quite a bit more like that now, but I think in the past, it was really
it was it was just accepted that there was going to be some amount of water in in the lake bed all year round, instead of it being you know, a dry lake bed. And I think it’s I think it’s supported by the watershed of a few creeks that are in the area. And and out in that area of Eastern Oregon, there’s really, I don’t think there’s really that many, that many drainage is that really go all the way out toward the coast. So I think there’s a few parts that are like land lack watersheds, where the water flows into an area and then and then kind of pulls up and makes a large lake there. And well, I know like there’s the Klamath lake and then that runs out to the Klamath River. So that ends up getting out to the, to the ocean, but I don’t know if like places like goose Lake, or, or just like these inland lake areas, I think they’re just fed by the body of water. And I don’t really know if a lot of that would actually get back out into the water cycle to head back out to the ocean, and then you know, come back up or something. So it’s kind of interesting thinking about just some of the old watershed stuff that used to be out there, how populations used to try and try and work around all that, you know, like you go to a place like fort rock and you read some of the signs. And you look at how back in the Pleistocene area there, that whole region out there was part of, I think, what’s called a Peruvian lake. It’s like a prehistoric Pleistocene era lake that really took up a huge amount of land out in Central Oregon really what we think of now it’s just a large desert area covered with sagebrush, there’s really very few land features was actually just all underwater, the land feature of Fort rock that we’ve used visualize now, I think came about geologically, during the Pleistocene era, era before before the before the Ice Age, and probably a while back before that, but during that time, it was underwater, it was under a lake bed. And so that’s where you get that formation is it was underwater, and then it kind of eroded around it this aquifer and lava or LA aquifer magmatic, I met at a certain time and made this big ring, this big guy. It’s big fort rock style formation. And that’s still what’s out there now. But it’s really amazing when you get out there and you go see it. And then you kind of start racking with the perspective that this all was once underwater. This is like an inland sea. And then after the ice age or before the Ice Age, there’s some evidence of kind of, well, I don’t know. Who knows. But there’s evidence to show that the Clovis people, the closest tribes, which I think were the ones that at least in modern archaeology have been identified as the group that was first to come over the land bridge first to come into the Northwest and populate parts of the West Coast and into the south and onward and such. But I guess these club is people had had like a specific type of way of building their tools or stone tools that they would use and that’s a bit of a way that you can track some things. If you do find an archaeological artifact, you can kind of identify by the technique used to build the stone tool. Like there’s, there’s different measures I think one of the oldest ones is look for is fluting. And that was a technique used by the Clovis people where they, they were sort of making an arrowhead or spear point really spear points I don’t know if they had had flying bows and arrows at that time that far back but they they build these spear points, and they would flute the end the bottom of it. So like if you would imagine they would be kind of this concaved slope. That was those sort of dremeled out of the bottom base of the rock so that you could you could kind of fit that down in the center of a stick really and then and then wind that up. So you kind of make both ends kind of taper off to a point and then you would jam one end into the stick and then wrap it and then you know, put SAP on it or, or, you know, whatever you can do to fasten it down. But I guess that was one of the techniques that was used early on, and that’s one of the things that they look for when they’re trying to find really old populations in Oregon. Sometimes it’s fluid and that doesn’t always mean that it’s really old though I suppose. But I guess there’s like handfuls of different technical or technological generations of stone tool building out there and you can kind of tell a little bit but it’s very fascinating stuff and man was it not amazing to get out there and to really recognize it, you know, I was around a natural human manmade, while a semi natural but man made artifact of a home or of an establishment that’s as Oh, I don’t know how old it is. Maybe it’s as old as early Rome, late Rome who would know how old it is in comparison to Europe? I’m not really sure maybe it goes back even further than that. It seems like there’s population and that area of Oregon for 1000s of years I think was it the pie you those out there could be different but I know the pie you
the pie you were south of that area. The pie you were in Lake County I think like through heart Mountain alvord Nevada the now here area all of that was piute. So maybe this was still in the pipe section. But I know that that really you know, like what we’ve noticed in the last few 100 years if you were to look at the changes of the map even within the United States over the last say take 600 years not even 7000 years think the last 600 years of the United States of America and then look at all the different maps that would be the territorial ranges of those people who ended up being in power during that time. It’s really interesting to see and to kind of take note to how something that seems permanent or seems to have the nature of permanence in it when you speak about it like the that was the range of the pie you Indian well was it for 600 years or for that long did it move around? Did they have I don’t know territorial engagements was it really that many of them were they there all the time? I don’t know any of that information. So it’s got an interesting when you sort of think about it, but it could have been any number of large groups of people that probably would have no idea they were called the pie you Indian. But all really very interesting stuff. And man was it so cool to get out there and see. See a real a teepee ring. It’s really fun. It’s one of the the cooler pieces of archaeological artifacts that I’ve run into. I mean, you know, you see Patrick glyphs, you see a lot of things, but really, you know, you were sitting in the home of someone that lived 1000s of years ago that lived out in the same place that that I do now. Yeah, really fascinating stuff, but had a blast going out there and getting to check it out. It was really, and I just I love I kind of love this stuff with the with the story with the background to it, where you kind of get to attach some thing that you recognize with it with, with what you get to talk about what you get to show with it. So I thought was really cool story. It was it was really fun to get out there and go see it. I remembered it from years ago. I think I’d seen it about 10 or 1112 years ago. And I think I tried to go back to it, but I didn’t really see how to or where it was and I wasn’t really sure it’s not something on the map.
You can check out more information at Billy Numan photo comm you can go to Billy Numan photo.com forward slash support, if you want to help me out and participate in the value for value model that we’re running this podcast with. If you receive some value out of some of the stuff that I was talking about, you’re welcome to help me out and send some value my way through the portal at Billy Newman photo.com forward slash support, you can also find more information there about Patreon and the way that I use it if you’re interested or feel more comfortable using Patreon that’s patreon.com forward slash Billy Newman photo.
Data Management stuff that maybe we can talk about some other time. Like how to use hard drives, how many you need, how many backups you need, how to like re archive stuff, and probably just talk about like the Trump like because we’re not experts, but just the trouble that we have of trying to sort out the hard drives that we have. And like where the data is, do we have duplicates over like I think you were talking about that today of the duplicate that you have. files in the archive?
Yeah, I’ve been putting together I’m also trying to get in shape for 2018 all my photo work for that year. So I’ve been putting together an archive of all my stuff. And yeah, I’m at that point where I really just have to weed out all the duplicates, but I have so many things.
Yeah, yeah, I’m definitely there to where there’s so many different little parts of files that have been made from the original RAW file that was taken like the original photograph, there’s so many derivatives of that that have come out of it over over time, especially if it was a photo that I like that I ranked highly, you know, and then I’d already exported, there’s already copies of that as a JPEG, or some other like smaller web sized die,
I have a lot of different sizes. Yeah. And that’s
the one that I’m trying to get through right now, I’m going to try and go through this catalog. And I’m going to try and sort it out so that I pull like the top few 1000 photos of the last decade, that are the raw files that I really want to be able to work on or get access to, or make new versions over prints over something, whatever that might be. But I just have access to kind of quickly or, you know, like, Oh, yeah, these are all the memories that I’m really after, I want those best versions of the files available to me. But a lot of us are noticing that, like it’s really difficult to get to that given like the current archive structure that I have, where it’s just all 100,000 photos that I have, yeah, I can’t really get the stuff in the way that I need to. So I’m going to try and like figure that out where it’s all the best stuff that I want to have with me, right now everything gets archived to the cloud, or to some some cold storage thing, or, you know, to some old hard drive that gets shut off or something but some some place where we get like everything stored there. And then really just like the last like year, or 18 months or so, and like the next six months or so is what I want to be able to, like keep on the harddrive that I’m working on. But we should talk about more like harddrive data stuff. As the year comes in a little bit closer.
Yeah, I know we’re planning on. Or we’re kind of in the process of changing around how hard drives are set up for stuff.
Yeah, we’re trying to get I think a little bit bigger stuff because like right now I have a four terabyte hard drive here. That’s the one that plugs in. And that one’s been great for, like doing some storage stuff. But now like, you know, like the data rates, they just the cost comes down so much that you’re able to get a really large size, large capacity, hard drive for not much money. And I think the like the the cost of that is a lot better than some of the cloud storage stuff. And just some of the efforts of trying to put something in the cloud, and then trying to pay to keep it there year after year after year. I’m really looking for a lot of these things that aren’t really super important and super high priority to be able to put in some kind of cold storage thing like this, like what we’re talking about, where we have a backup of it on a hard drive. That’s kind of put aside that we don’t have to worry about too much. But kind of like what we noticed, I think like with one of those burned out cables, it’s in the trash right now. Is a signal a signal of is that hard drives go bad sometimes, like the hard drive, that we had that portable one where it burned out of the USB port.
Right? It’s terrible. Yeah, yeah. There’s nothing on
it. Yeah. So that Well, yeah. And yeah, he’s not backed up. So yeah, that’s the thing. There’s a back so it would be terrible if you know, one of these hard drives went where it was the like the soul, the soul House of all of the data that we have, especially like all like the decade of photographs that we made and stuff. So I’m really trying to be conscious of trying to keep those in multiple places at the same time. So we’ve done an effort to put those up on the on like a cloud storage service, which has been okay. But I think it’s like, it’s not the best version of those files. If I understand, right, it’s like a JPEG version. There’s a few limitations are added if I understood, right, but it’s, it’s okay, no, no, we’ll try and put a bunch of stuff up on the prime photos service like that.
I was gonna ask which, which services you’re using right now?
Yeah. But amazon prime cloud services is what I’m trying to use for the photo storage. And they have like unlimited photo uploads for a lot of stuff. And we put up a lot of stuff on that, but you can’t keep you have to make it current. There’s all this stuff from 2016 and 2017. That wasn’t really part of that. And so I need to upload all of that content. I’ve been in the cloud.
Sure. Yeah. You just have to keep keep adding to it. Yeah, I
have to keep that keep some stuff saying Tim, I think he will still there’s there’s a lot of gaps within like 2015 and 14. And that’s all just stuff that we can file ourselves but, but stuff that didn’t make it up originally. And so now that I have like this, this like new catalog, like so what I would say before I get out of myself, what I did this weekend is that Yeah, I took the hard drives had this one terabyte hard drive that I use is like my portable drive that’s like my storage and stuff like the tank that I have with my laptop when I’m in my bag out on the road. And then as all my photos on it, and it’s really just a copy of like the whole photo archive for a long time. But what I’ve been wanting to do is update that for 2017. Take every photograph I have every JPG DNG file any any RAW file or photo file that I have on my computer on any amount of drives, I want to try and condense that down into one set of files that are organized in some way. And so I wanted to use Lightroom to do that since Lightroom. And its back and when it when it brings in files, it’ll bring in files from one hard drive and then write them into a new file architecture on another hard drive. And so I tried to take I tried to take everything and I backed it up into the four terabyte hard drive. And then I brought everything back over. And I filtered it through Lightroom. So that I could get everything put into a new file architecture that matched by by like month and date and year of the file date. And most most of the metadata is correct. But like, you know, Marina, like a lot of the metadata for whatever weird camera or whatever set of film that we had that was scanned by some computer that never had its clock set, and still says 2002. There’s all sorts of stuff that has the wrong metadata date, where it shows up, like when my d3 battery died, and instead it was 2007 in February, again, because I was the first date that that computer knew in that camera, and just reverted to that date again.
So first,
so it’s Miss, it’s Miss dated, but it’s really fine for most cases. So I was able to bring all this photos back over, I put a new collection together, it was about 500 gigabytes or so. And then it was able to transfer that back over to the to the larger drive. And then the plan is to wipe the go drive, the one that I have with me all the time. And and then bring back over like I was talking about at the beginning, like the top few 1000 photos, and then everything that I’m kind of currently working on for this year. And last year, so there goes a heat, bang, bang, bang, bang sounds like hammers on a pipe, it really does every time exactly what it sounds I never get used to like when it comes into in the fall, and then start popping. It’s pretty funny all through the winter, all through spring. styling is like in the 70s. late May. But, but yeah, so we’re trying to do like this collection of archiving all these photos, and trying to organize it together. And it’s been a fine process so far, but like trying to get your harddrive straightened out, especially when you’re a little short on space, because you sort of wait until you start to organize your harddrive until, until you’re running low on space and you’re like Oh man, I gotta do something, I gotta move these files around so I can kind of get by so and that’s what I was running into problems with to where like every hard drive was starting to get full and I go, Oh man, I gotta get like a new hard drive. And like we were just talking about hard drives go bad, especially portable ones, especially the spinning disk drives like the mac book I have now that’s an SSD, the solid state systems are going to last a lot longer than the spinning disk disk mechanisms because that magnetic spinning disk plate is going to mechanically fail after some number of miles of revolutions that makes that the motor does that the solid state system has the advantage because there’s no moving parts, it’s just electricity. And so it’s really conceivable that there’s really no finite point that that drive will fail. Like most thumb drives or something optical media, it’s kind of like thought that that’s going to burn out after 20 or 30 years, you’re not really even going to be able to use the disk as it’s stored unless it’s stored like a good condition. But thumb drives and other like solid state media. If if the ROM doesn’t lose whatever data was on it, it’s likely that you know it’d still be readable if it was damaged. So it’s kinda interesting, like how different types of interesting and
what’s not. Yeah.
Thanks a lot for checking out this episode of The Billy Newman photo podcast. Hope you guys check out some stuff on Billy Newman photo.com a few new things up there some stuff on the homepage, some good links to other other outbound sources, some links to books and links to some podcasts. Like this blog posts are pretty cool. Yeah, check it out at Billy numina photo.com. Thanks a lot for listening to this episode and the back end