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Hello, and thank you very much for listening to this episode of The Billy Newman photo podcast. I wanted to talk today about the Internet of Things, some of the utilities of it, and then some of the questions maybe left on answer for the more practical users out there. So considering IoT for a second, the Internet of Things, one of the biggest issues I see with it is the leverage that it takes from the home signal, your security architecture that you have within the network of your house, with a computer with like a desktop computer that was behind a router from your cable company that was running some security system, or even just, you know, like a modern operating system that’s able to run some kind of more frequent updates from the manufacturer. That’s an internet connected device, when it was just sort of one internet connected device in the home, the security system was really probably even better, even with the the amount of, I guess, information that’d be sloughed off through air of the user. But now, with all of these connected devices, all running to the router, and all sending IP data across the network to remote servers in the cloud, someone else’s computer out there, well, then, there’s a lot of other vectors of insecurity that start occurring, and especially if some of these elements of IoT aren’t really updated as frequently with patches, or security updates that keep systems like Windows 10, or like the the Mac system that you might use secure. These things just take maintenance and development. And a lot of these companies that are smaller, they don’t produce those things for a long time, even a lot of the companies that produced IoT devices in 2015, aren’t even in business anymore. And therefore, of course, don’t support the service. And oftentimes, it means even worse than just having a failure of security, the device function itself doesn’t have an IP gateway to access through its service anymore, because the company’s out of business and then your item that you paid for, without really, maybe the explicit understanding of a license agreement, continuing the service activation of the device or the company’s existence. Now your device doesn’t work at all in some instances. So it’s quite ludicrous in those situations. I hope you don’t get scammed out of money in that. IoT is great. My my echo device is fantastic for calling out timers in the kitchen and turning on and off the lights remotely. With that functionality. It’s quite fun to yell out, turn my lights on, turn my lights off, it’s great to do that sort of stuff. But outside of that, I wonder how adept some of these skills are going to be. Until we come about with a new iteration of voice recognition that’s going to be a little closer to ay ay ay, our actual artificial intelligence, then something more like coding. Like what we seem to experience right now seems like a lot like coding right?
You can see more of my work at Billy Newman photo calm, you can check out some of my photo books on Amazon. I think if you look at Billy Newman under the authors section there and see some of the photo books on film on the desert, on surrealism on camping, you cool stuff over there.
Today I thought I posted a photograph from the wahi Canyon area it’s like really remote South East Oregon territory is really cool out there. I’ve only gone out there a couple times and really truthfully we need to be I don’t know just needs to be explored much more than what I’ve put my time into it for but it’s just so remote. It’s amazing how it is that they like what we did is we came in from Boise we drove down and through that you’re kind of in the ilahi area as it kind of flows into I guess though, why he would flow into the Snake River some somewhere around like Ontario Oregon, but but up above that, I guess the law he goes up toward winnemucca which is sort of what I understand or at least kind of stretches on there a little bit I was hearing about we were handing to this guy. This kind of this kind of eccentric mountain man. When we were in the Alaska mountains and he had talked to us he stopped for a second he was using like hiking pants and you know a jacket with a handkerchief on he was probably in his 60s maybe. And he told us that he was uh i don’t know what he was using the things he had been out there for maybe like a month or so maybe. Maybe he said like four or five weeks. Of being out in the willow mountains and he was he had his partner going back into town to get provisions when when we ran into him but he had a tripod and a camera and he was walking around or he’s on a hike through the ego cap wilderness trying to find these, these trees, his type of pine that’s being affected by climate change as the climate gets warmer in the Alpine area. As the temperature starts to lift in elevation, it changes the types of tree species that are able to live in the Alpine area there so I guess it kills them off as the temperature gets higher. For the certain type of pine tree this like was like a two needle pine and a five needle pine, or something like that. But apparently I guess that’s that’s what this guy’s working on. So he’s trying to work on a photo project for this. He talked to us for a while, though, about the law, he came in about the Snake River and about, I guess about how before the dams were built, the salmon run with flow up the Columbia River, up the Snake River, up the Elahi river and you would get salmon run all the way into the interior area of winnemucca, California or winnemucca, Nevada, way out there. So it’s just really weird how it kind of pull up these smaller tributaries of the Columbia from the ocean all the way back into the central part of the state of Nevada to grab a chip but it was interesting to talk to that guy for a few and then when we were out in the Milwaukee area, it goes on for a really long time, but there’s a few different sections of it’s a big river, right like so it’s a it’s a whole territory of land that sort of meanders through that section of Oregon. But really beautiful landscape out there what we did is we went to Rome and then there’s like the pillars of Rome, that’s this this area out there but then off from that you can drive south really for quite a while for a while
on a dirt road and then you pull around and we take like this really bumpy little red like a little access road out to this point. And we did some really cool photos of the Hawaii Canyon it’s really pretty right there. At least in this spot that we were taking photos of but it’s cool I guess if you go a little further you can pull into this this Three Forks region I think there’s a dam or there’s maybe there’s a few dams on the Hawaii it seems like that’s kind of what I’ve noticed from it but there’s this backed up area where you can go in now what I want to do is I want to get a kayak and I want to set up a camping trip and and kind of do like a backpacking trip and just throw the backpack in the kayak and then cut across the water you know kind of cut down though the law he river and then pull out on different sides of it you know over a couple of days and do some camping and do some photos but it seemed like a really cool place to to explore the Three Forks area I guess was that like the trout Creek mountains it’s maybe somewhere near there maybe it’s not too near to there I guess that whole area stretches out in a pretty expansive way like so. So from the Hawaii section then we drove over to like the burns junction and then you have to drive past that and then you’re pretty close to the alvord Desert. That’s when we’re driving West right so we’re way out east like near McDermott, Oregon, Rome Oregon, I don’t know it’s way out there I hear that like like this week in early October right here it’s hunting season and I guess I guess that’s a huge area for or it’s a it’s a big district for some of the bigger mule deer and I guess the elk that are out there I guess it’s a big area to go hunt elk but I’ve also heard like the fossil area there’s probably plenty of drainage is that the workout is good hunting lands for this time of year for whoever’s into that but yeah I’ve just been working on some photo stuff so yeah the photo from the Hawaii canyonlands area is posted I put that one up I worked on it for a little while trying to do some editing stuff and but yeah it’s really cool i like the that area I really want to go back there and spend some time there for real you know, that’s a tough thing is it’s so remote sometimes you kind of move in over a larger amount of landmass that that whole region just sort of would take a week maybe more to kind of get into and explore and I bet there’s a lot of new interesting photos and visual things you can see down there there just be a cool adventure to it seems like like such a cool spot that’s not really seen by a lot of other people. So I don’t know an interesting thing and something to put on the opportunities list for for next season as we come back into the camping zone. But yeah, it seems like you’re gonna have a couple months here. Like winter in Oregon always is a bit kind of turn it down into a little bit of a slower time for the outdoor, outdoor adventure outdoor camping travel stuff.
You can check out more information at Billy Newman photo calm, you can go to Billy Newman photo.com Ford slash support. If you want to help me out and participate in the value for value model that we’re running this podcast with. If you receive some value out of some of the stuff that I was talking about, you’re welcome to help me out and send some value my way through the portal at Billy Newman photo comm forward slash support. You can also find more information there about Patreon and the way that I use it if you’re interested or if you’re more comfortable using Patreon that’s patreon.com forward slash Billy Newman photo
and I think I just been going through editing a handful of photographs and I want to talk about a few of the ideas that I had around that it was cool I was going through through an archive on a hard drive that I have for a bunch of the images from a lot of the camping that we did during September while we were out this this past year and it was cool working with with the newer Sony cameras like like I talked about a handful of times on this podcast so far and and working by like traveling around and camping and stuff work into the truck and all that so it was really cool but so with a lot of these photos a handful of or you know in a waterways they really haven’t been processed to to a final outcome yet so one thing that I was working on was trying to go through some of the photographs from imnaha Oregon and then now we’re going to talk about on here a bit was that area that’s east of of Joseph and enterprise Oregon as you get up toward Hell’s Canyon or yeah I guess up there like right on the Snake River and the Idaho border and it’s a cool spot it’s a really interesting little town and the geography out there really changes quite quite dramatically like right there out next to the Snake River and out next all those hills and mountains that are over in that area. But it looks like it used to be way more full of water out there just the amount of erosion that you can you can see that seemed like it ran through their to create this giant gorgeous that we see now that’s that’s a lot of Earth movement that had happened out there. So it’s a really cool area out there. But once you get out to him now there’s no services, there’s no gas, there’s no store really, I think there might be some type of thing if you if you could call ahead and knew what to call in head for. But there’s a road that cuts out in the m&r River Canyon where the river flows through and then there’s a road that cuts up and it would go out toward Hell’s Canyon or toward a viewpoint at least have at the top of Hell’s Canyon as you look down into the Snake River and the Oregon Idaho divide really cool area up there and definitely worth the drive if you can get out there but at a certain point there’s a viewpoint that you’re able to kind of walk out to the shows all of the imnaha Canyon and really interesting way just the angle of it I think everything starts to line up really nicely in that way and that’s something I’ve tried to kind of look for us on try to put together some photographs so that area was that was really cool you know it’s designed to look really beautiful but I try to get real low and bring in some of the some of the contexts and texture the grass in this dry grassy field that the cast stressed off on a steep slope down the hillside as it went down to the bottom of the ravine or at the bottom of the canyon you know the M the high River Canyon that’s out there but the contours of the land and the distance that kind of all flowed into the same vanishing point as as in high river you know sort of worked his way up back towards the horizon but really beautiful area up there and it was cool just sort of focusing the camera and trying to try to frame that up to sort of capture that immense sness of edge to edge what it what it was really like to sort of feel that the way that just the amount of angle there is to that and so one thing that I was working on with this photograph was an A handful that is from from them Nairobi, Kenya was trying to try to work on some some more advanced black and white conversions of these photographs and I know there’s there’s different different high contrast filters and stuff for for good black and white images and in a lot of ways I could really help a ton of images especially if they’re shot right or you know cleanly with good light that you know the files are clean, there’s a huge amount you can do with things like that but gosh Yeah, just trying to like go through and add black and white conversions that are a little bit more specific, a little bit more adjusted to some of these photographs, especially ones that have like a structural context to him or a compositional element that’s really just defining the landscape by the structure of the land and by the the angle of the land a cow like I try to mess with that a little bit so it was a school working on it now like the the way that it turned out it kind of pulls some of the yellow color out of it which is really just sometimes distracting. And then the strips it down to the kind of sharp angles that come in from the top of the top of the frame to the bottom of the frame. These these other sharp diagonals that are kind of mashed up in parallel with the two so I kind of like that part of the composition elements that come about with when you’re you start working on stuff when when you kind of work or just when you kind of start getting a little bit more trained and stuff and when you’re able to sort of make things a little bit more easily that says to come around a bit better but but yeah, it was cool working tonight on a handful of photographs from from the Ohio River Canyon and try and make some black and white conversions of them.
Thanks a lot for checking out this episode of The Billy Newman photo podcast. Hope you guys check out some stuff on Billy Newman photo.com a few new things up there some stuff on the homepage some good links to other other outbound sources, some links to books and links to some podcasts. Like this blog posts are pretty cool. Yeah, check it out at Billy numina photo.com. Thanks a lot for listening to this episode and the back end. Thank you next time