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Hello, and thank you very much for listening to this episode of The Billy Newman photo podcast. I’m talking about a photograph that I made on the Oregon coast today doing blue hour probably, I think it was after the senate set sort of like you know, the golden hour to talk about right as the hour as the sun is setting into the sunset, the blue hour, they also talk about as after the sun goes down, there’s a lot of those blue kind of purple tones that show up in the atmosphere, or you know, in the clouds and the water. There’s just a lot more of that tone as the sun drops and as the spectrum shifts from what we see in the daylight to what we see at nighttime, but I think this was a photograph taken on the Oregon coast. I think you’re Bandon if I’m right, and I really liked this photo just had, it wasn’t really a big structure in the wave or a big curl or anything like that. That’d be that’d be really striking. But I really appreciated this photograph as kind of a close up look at just sort of the dreamy feeling of being on the coast but there’s definitely a photograph that I liked a lot and I liked that line in the skies it is it cuts across. As you can kind of see at the top there there’s a bit of a like a cloud break that goes down and that’s where we get a lot of that light from the sky in the background that kind of cuts underneath. That big brand of cloud that goes over the top of the snapback causes a lot of bounce from the ground back up to the sky and then back down and you get a cooler or well you get a diffused sort of soft light and net effect which I think is really cool.
You can see more of my work at Billy Newman photo comm you can check out some of my photo books on Amazon. I think if you look up Billy Newman under the authors section there and see some of the photo books on film on the desert on surrealism on camping, you cool stuff over there kind of continue with some of the stuff that I’ve been talking about the last couple episodes talking about some everyday carry camping stuff that a an outdoors II stuff that I have around with me as I was gonna talk a bit about flashlights too. I’ve been trying to pick up some some kind of outdoor flashlights that I can have around with me had the headlight I have a headlamp I have a black diamond headlamp I like that headlamp works pretty well for me it’s a pretty rugged, kind of outdoorsy sort of Rei ready tool works pretty well. I think it’s around like 190 lumens or so for the spotlight piece and then there’s sort of a not as bright kind of wild angle LED light on there to also as the switch over to the red LED a lot of that stuff is nice works pretty well hasn’t really failed me yet runs on three AAA batteries I think it’s a pretty cool piece I think it’s been fine I’ve been also kind of looking around at other flashlight units and other kind of outdoors sort of work and utility flashlights that I can get ahold of for the longest time as as a kid I was really into the mag light systems you know like the the kind of like the cop lights that you’d have the runs on the DSL size batteries and I had like the the to sell flashlight That was a good one to kind of put they had like a truck holster these little pins that you can put down kind of drill them straight down to the bed of your truck by your your left hand driver side as you kind of dropped down to the floor there before you get out your driver’s side door and you could kind of pop in a to sell mag light there as you truck like I said that was pretty cool and but I’d have the add the mag lights and stuff around a long time I think that’s what you know what they have like the five seven mag light that for sell three so they have the two double a mag lights yeah you know the model across the lineup and stuff had those for years. Those ended up kind of failing on me after a while and now they’re really not supposed to but I think like the back end sort of rested up and then I had some trouble with corrosion with the batteries that were in there and I wasn’t able to break it open with the the PB blaster penetrating fluid that I was hoping to use on it. Anyway that’s all to say that maglite has been put aside I think for a couple years I haven’t used other stuff LED is the way to go maglite hasn’t really updated the technology so that you’re still using kind of a real lame like 50 or 80 lumen incandescent ball but they just pop in there which I think is really inferior especially at this point and they’re LED conversion options that they make, I think are really limited and aren’t really anywhere near the type of LED it’s you know, it’s just it’s it’s like a reproduction of the same incandescent ball but as like an LED as a real kind of harsh I thought blue light to it. And it doesn’t really have that kind of bright and crisp sort of layout and focusing beam system that you get even with really cheaply made Chinese LED lights now So I was trying to find so that kind of brought in some of the cool sort of outdoorsy or utility stuff toughness that the maglite had with its branding, or you know, kind of with its flashlight engineering. And then something that kind of brought in some of the cool LED, focusing being light technology stuff that we have with the more modern flashlights that that we’ve had over the last 10 years or so right, like blue LEDs came out in 2008, something like that. So that’s the first time that we had red, green and blue LEDs, which allowed us to make white LEDs and that allowed us to make you know, all these cool color changing light emitting diode patterns that we have now and that’s where we can get these diodes that are real bright and just kick out a ton of light versus their power output. So we can run these incredibly bright 1000 lumen flashlights out of just like a handheld couple battery, you know, like I know, a few afford DSL battery or an eight double a cell battery. You can load up these flashlights or you can load them up with your own rechargeable batteries which is a really cool new feature you can juice them up with USB like your iPhone and then punch that light on you can run a sustained like 1000 lumen torch for hours off of that it’s really cool yeah those kind of options now so that’s the sort of stuff that I was looking into I was looking into a couple different brands, a sort of durable, reliable and useful sort of outdoor utility flashlights. I think that the Marines or special forces use one specific light that’s like $1,000 insanely priced then it’s finding this other ones stream light I don’t know if you heard these flashlights I’ve heard of them a bit before I’ve seen them in some other stuff and it seems like they’re kind of
I don’t know sort of like an industry standard so I think if you’re doing a lot of like first responder work or like you work with and you’re working an ambulance I think you have a Streamlight has a contract with a lot of emergency response people and so they have like these stream light flashlights some really cool stuff it seems like nicely made utilities a lot of metal flashlights, a lot of polycarbonate flashlights, lot of safety flashlights, a lot of wood lanterns, and I like these big new kind of like big carry lights that have like three sort of like three led diodes laid out in this triangle shape on the front. And then a red flash on the site manager big old honkin lights but they’re expensive man if you get if you get I think like their top whatever they’re they’re 20 it’s like it’s like iPhones or something they’re serious about their 2020 model flashlight is like $170 you get like 1000 lumen handheld flashlight it’s rechargeable it’s got a bunch of buttons on it supposed to be dropped proof shatterproof tactical proof or you know all sorts of stuff that they’re kind of making claims on on its usefulness and and its reliability and it’s pretty cool man these lights are just incredible on like some of the stuff that they can do it seems you know I mean, or at least like to whatever degree they’re trusted in emergency response or police use I think like the police use these Streamlight lights a lot a lot of people in kind of professional settings seem to use them a lot so I was looking around at him minimum even just for Penn lights those are starting at like 30 bucks it seems like and then as you’re getting into like some of the nicer mid range stuff you’re talking about 50 bucks a light or you’re talking up from there into something even even higher into like the $100 like averaging $80 to $100 to $200 or $250 for some of these these lantern lights that they have listed out there so cool, cool lights, cool flashlights man, if I was gonna get a premium flashlight I probably get one of these seems like they’re gonna last a long time seems like they have good warranties with them and they’ve got like a bunch of a bunch of different stuff around it that this seems like man What a cool like Marina like that’s gonna be a really reliable constructed piece that you can carry around with you but at that price point, I just can’t really see that it matches what I need and where I need to go very well I can’t really spend $75 on a flashlight it just sort of doesn’t really quite fit with what I’m trying to be up to right now and for the way that I’ve kind of been talking you know, it’s like flashlights sort of go bad, you know, use them for a while, but you don’t use them all the time. Or at least like in my circumstance like you know, it’s like I use it, I like to use it, I need to have a flashlight. I got him. I got him around where I need them. But I needed to be good. But I also needed to fit a certain price point where you kind of get the best sort of trade off between these two different things. And I think you can make a quality flashlight for less than $100 right. So I was looking around I found this other brand out of Portland called coast and you see him they’re distributed everywhere. You can find them in a lot of places you can I think you can find them at Walmart. You can find them online. on Amazon, they’re all over on Amazon in stock. You can find them on their site you can find them I was gonna say Home Depot, they’ve got a big selection just laid out at Home Depot you can get a bunch of different pieces lanterns, magnetic work lights like utility lights and then a bunch of ranges of flashlights and they have a steel or like how do I say like a mag light style series that’s sort of a steel metal casing and then they also have this other one that’s a polycarbonate casing that’s sort of like almost like plastic but it’s like a steel case with a polycarbonate coating is supposed to be good for some outdoor or you know some kind of I guess higher work stress threshold flashlights so I think that’s kind of what I went I went with coast and I thought it was kind of cool that they are a Portland company. They’ve got a whole led line they’ve got like a line of knives too that are inexpensive and kind of cool to get ahold of and if you can find them I throw one of those in the toolbox it seems kind of fun. But these lives these these lights these flashlights is pretty easy to get ahold of I picked up a poly steel
400 I think that’s a 400 lumen handheld poly steel Latics for double A’s and that’s got like a real solid beam on and the poly steel is cool it’s that polycarbonate case so it’s kind of like it’s kind of like plastic but it’s like it’s like that it’s a polycarbonate so it’s like the plastic or you know it’s like that kind of the plastic that’s on a Glock handle or it’s on you know like a knife handle or something like that but real sturdy, you can kind of swing that thing under the ground and it seems like it it still stays intact still still works I think that’s sort of one of the things that this this model prides itself you can go online to coast Portland calm their website and you can watch these tests these stress tests their flashlights where for whatever use this is I don’t know if you’re going to do this a bunch I guess get this flashlight but they have a guy up on like a 10 storey building and he checks this lit flashlight off the building down into an empty parking lot below you watch the flashlight fall to the ground drop boom bounce kick over slide off and the light stays on why would a miracle so works so I guess the I guess it’s tough is what they’re telling me which is really actually pretty wild. If you try and do that with a lot of other led flashlights you’re really going to have that led you’re gonna have the power to the LED interrupted from the battery source that’s going to get knocked out and probably cracked or messed up. And the LED circuitry itself is going to crack and shatter and you’re not going to be able to use that chip anymore to emit light in the same way that you had been before so that’s what’s really cool about these is that they can take what seems like you know like what are you doing this for kind of a thing but they’re crushproof
I think they’re waterproof IP x eight rated flashlights they’ve got the the CO be the chip on board, light panel LED light panel kind of on the side of one of the flashlights that I picked up you know it’s got the straight beam ahead. But then it’s got that kind of newer led lantern effect that some of these flashlights have now where it’s got instead of just like a single spotlight led lens through the front of the light, they’ve got this like strip of LEDs now on the side of it you kick a kick another switch that turns on and it’s sort of more of a broad and open lantern light that you’d have if you’re walking the dog or something like that or you want to kind of fill ambiently the light in a room with a flashlight you can kick that light on and sort of a softer illumination across across the ground without any kind of spotlight and a sort of a warmer white color to you also click that button one more time boom it turns into red so you got a safety light you click it one more time and you got flashing reds which is pretty cool that you have a few of those different options but but yeah, I got I got that one that’s a I think almost 1000 otherwise it should get that right i think it’s I think it’s 800 lumens out the front spotlight and then another 500 lumen light out the side chip on board see ob or whatever it is but that that sidelight so yeah really bright lights I got that 400 lumen spotlight there’s also like I was talking about headlamps early add that Black Diamond one I think that was like maybe like 150 lumens it’s sort of averaged out to be there for the spotlight and the wide the wide light that I had there for for this coast stuff they have a they have a headlamp it looks more like a miner’s headlamp you know like the cool thing about the LED stuff the backpacker stuff that’s all kind of sleek in design it’s small it’s kind of a compact methodology that they’re laying it out and but if you look back in time and you look at like the miners lights add these minor headlamps is Oh man, how’s it Without a bin but I think it was just kind of a shiny piece of metal that kind of cupped around a pretty regular incandescent bulb and that was supposed to sort of lens forward your light for you so you can kind of grab it and focus it all toward the toward the front of you. And that was a pretty inferior way of doing it at the time but that was how they produce their headlamp spotlights at the time they kind of improve that technology over the last 100 years of course, and even during the the you know, the battery operated days you’d have like a big miners like like the high end headlamps or like just these big old beastly lights and then it runs a wire down to your hip, we’re on your belt, you have a battery pack hooked up, and then you kind of switch it on from there, it juices up your light up your back on a on a cable and then boom, out the front of the light comes. I don’t know 500 lumens or 400 lumens or whatever it is you get your real sustained light there. Now with some of the advancements of the LED stuff, you still have those lights and those are really high end and really cool tactical lights but even just looking at some of these kind of more simple headlamps from coast that they had, they had the kind of the big kind of miners headlamp style spotlight section thing there. And that put out 400 lumens of light, which was a you know, maybe done a double at least what my little headlamp was doing. So it’s kind of cool that you can just kind of pop in, pick up some of these other tools and stuff and and they’re waterproof crushproof ip x eight rated kind of outdoor utility tools and so it’s cool that you can get a hold of those things. And it’s nice that they’re as inexpensive as they are, they’re really a lot less than the Streamlight lights. But man, I really like those stream lights also. So I’m going to try and keep an eye on him and if it seems like it comes up with a good deal or a good value, I’m trying to pick up one of those, those kind of Streamlight higher end lights. I might go for it too but really for the value for money and utility that it provides. It seems like these coasts lights are a real score. The last one I picked up was a penlight. So this is sort of the everyday carry light that I’ve got with me in my bag are actually in the ammo can. I put that that kind of that smaller poly steel 400 Coast’s light that’s in the, in the ammo cam box been in the pocket every day I’ve got this, this little pocket pen light still kind of the same thing. I think it’s a 110 lumen light.
It’s got two AAA batteries in it. And it’s about the size of a pan just a little bigger, kind of like a bit of a like a like a thick Sharpie is sort of about as big as it is. But that size in the pocket, it’s got the same waterproof rating. crushproof rating is as the other pieces that I talked about. But yeah, it’s just a smaller handheld penlight that I like really quite a bit I think it’s pretty cool to have like a more full size light I know my I know my phone has its LED on it, that’s really nowhere near as bright as what I’m able to get out of this out of this panel light so it’s kind of cool having that piece around me and even even already in the last couple of days of nurse I pull this thing out a lot more than I thought I would to try and try and use it as a utility, especially in spots where the the phone light would come in is no good. So kind of fun stuff going around, working the flashlights, trying to check out some different brands and stuff. Maybe I’ll still try out a maglite in the future. Those are kind of fun for nostalgia sake. But I think some of these coastlines might be the the direction I go and it’s kind of fun.
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data management stuff that maybe we can talk about some other time. Like how to use hard drives, how many you need, how many backups you need, how to like re archive stuff, and probably just talk about like the Trump like because we’re not experts, but just the trouble that we have of trying to sort out the hard drives that we have. And like where the data is, do we have duplicates over like I think you were talking about that today of the duplicate that you have. files in the archive?
Yeah, I’ve been putting together I’m also trying to get in shape for 2018 all my photo work for that year. So I’ve been putting together and archive of all my stuff and yeah, I’m at that point where I really just have to weed out all the duplicates that I have so many things. Yeah,
yeah, I’m definitely there to where there’s so many different little parts of file. They’ve been made from the original RAW file that was taken like the original photograph, there’s so many derivatives of that that have come out of it over over time, especially if it was a photo that I liked that I ranked highly, you know, and then I’d already exported, there’s already copies of that as a JPEG, or some other like smaller web sized die,
I have a lot of different sizes. Yeah.
And that’s the one that I’m trying to get through right now, I’m going to try and go through this catalog. And I’m going to try and sort it out so that I pull like the top few 1000 photos of the last decade, that are the raw files that I really want to be able to work on or get access to, or make new versions over prints over something, whatever that might be, but I just have access to kind of quickly or, you know, like, Oh, yeah, these are all the memories that I’m really after. I want those best versions of the files available to me. But a lot of the time, I’m noticing that, like, it’s really difficult to get to that given like the current archive structure that I have, where it’s just all 100,000 photos that I have, yeah, I can’t really get the stuff in the way that I need to. So I’m going to try and like figure that out where it’s all the best stuff that I want to have with me, right now everything gets archived to the cloud, or to some some cold storage thing, or, you know, to some old hard drive that gets shut off or something but some some place where we get like everything stored there. And then really just like the last like year, or 18 months or so, and like the next six months or so is what I want to be able to like keep on the hard drive that I’m working on. But we should talk about more like harddrive data stuff as the year comes out a little bit closer.
Yeah, I know we’re planning on, or we’re kind of in the process of changing around how hard drives are set up for stuff.
Yeah, we’re trying to get I think a little bit bigger stuff because like right now I have a four terabyte hard drive here. That’s the one that plugs in. And that one’s been great for, like doing some storage stuff. But now like, you know, like the data rates, they just the cost comes down so much that you’re able to get a really large size, large capacity, hard drive for not much money. And I think the like the, the cost of that is a lot better than some of the cloud storage stuff. And just some of the efforts of trying to put something in the cloud, and then trying to pay to keep it there year after year after year. I’m really looking for a lot of these things that aren’t really super important and super high priority to be able to put in some kind of cold storage thing like this, like what we’re talking about, where we have a backup of it on a hard drive. That’s kind of put aside that we don’t have to worry about too much. But kinda like what we noticed, I think like what one of those burned cables, it’s in the trash right now. Is a signal a signal of is that hard drives go bad sometimes like that hard drive, that we had that portable one where it burned out of the USB port.
Right? It’s terrible. Yeah, yeah. There’s nothing on it.
Yeah. So that Well, yeah. And yeah, he’s not backed up. So yeah, that’s the thing. There’s a back. So it would be terrible if you know, one of these hard drives went where it was the like the soul, the soul House of all of the data that we have, especially like all like the decade of photographs that we made and stuff. So I’m really trying to be conscious of trying to keep those in multiple places at the same time. So we’ve done an effort to put those up on the on like a cloud storage service, which has been okay. But I think it’s like, it’s not the best version of those files. If I understand, right, it’s like a JPEG version. There’s a few limitations are added if I understood, right, but it’s, it’s okay. I don’t know, we’ll try and put a bunch of stuff up on the prime photo service like that.
I was gonna ask which, which services you’re using right now?
Yeah. But amazon prime cloud services is what I’m trying to use for the photo storage. And they have like unlimited photo photo uploads for a lot of stuff. And we put up a lot of stuff on that. But you kind of keep, you have to make it current. There’s all this stuff from 2016 and 2017. That wasn’t really part of that. And so I need to upload all of that content. I’ve been in the cloud.
Sure. Yeah, you just have to keep keep adding to it. Yeah, I have to
keep that keep some of that stuff saying to him, I think he will still there’s there’s a lot of gaps within like 2015 and 14. And it’s all just stuff that we can file ourselves, but, but stuff that didn’t make it up originally. And so now that I have like this, this like new catalog, like so what I would say before I get out of myself, what I did this weekend is that I took the hard drives had this one terabyte hard drive that I use is like my portable drive that’s like my storage and stuff like the tank that I have with my laptop when I’m in my bag out on the road. And then as all my photos on it, and it’s really just a copy of like the whole photo archive for a long time. But what I’ve been wanting to do is update that for 2017. And take every photograph, I have every JPEG DNG file and any RAW file or photo file that I have on my computer on any amount of drives. I want to try and condense that down into one set of files that are organized in some way. And so I wanted to use Lightroom to do that since Lightroom. And it’s back and when it when it brings in files. It’ll bring in files from one hard drive and then write them into a new file architecture on another hard drive. And so I tried Take, I tried to take everything and I backed it up into the four terabyte hard drive. And then I brought everything back over. And I filtered it through Lightroom. So they could get everything put into a new file architecture that matched by by like month and date and year of the file date. And most most of the metadata is correct. But like, you know, Marina, like a lot of the metadata for whatever weird camera or whatever set of film that we had that was scanned by some computer that never had its clock set, and still says 2002. There’s all sorts of stuff that has the wrong metadata date, where it shows up, like when my d3 battery died, and instead it was 2007 in February, again, because I was the first date that that computer knew in that camera, and just reverted to that date again.
So worst, no, sir.
So it’s Miss it’s misstated. But it’s really fine for most cases. So I was able to bring all this photos back over, I put a new collection together, it was about 500 gigabytes or so. And then it was able to transfer that back over to the to the larger drive. And then the plan is to wipe the go drive, the one that I have with me all the time, and then bring back over like I was talking about at the beginning, like the top few 1000 photos, and then everything that I’m kind of currently working on for this year. And last year, so there goes a heat, bang, bang, bang, bang, sounds like hammers on a pipe, it really does every time exactly what it sounds I never used to like when it comes into in the fall. And those start popping. It’s pretty funny all through the winter, all through spring style, I guess like in the 70s. late May. But, but yeah, so we’re trying to do like this collection of archiving all these photos and trailer, organize it together. And it’s been a fine process so far, but like trying to get your harddrive straightened out, especially when you’re a little short on space, because you sort of wait until you start to organize your harddrive until, until you’re running low on space and you’re like Oh man, I gotta do something, I gotta move these files around so I can kind of get by so and that’s what I was running into problems with to where, like every harddrive was starting to get full and I go Oh man, I gotta get like a new hard drive. And like we were just talking about hard drives go bad, especially portable ones, especially the spinning disk drives like the mac book I have now that’s an SSD, the solid state systems are going to last a lot longer than the spinning disk disk mechanisms because that magnetic spinning disk plate is going to mechanically fail after some number of miles of revolutions that makes that the motor does that the solid state system has the advantage because there’s no moving parts is just electricity. And so it’s really conceivable that there’s really no finite point that that drive will fail. Like most thumb drives or something optical media, it’s kind of like thought that that’s going to burn out after 20 or 30 years, you’re not really even going to be able to use the disk as it’s stored unless it’s stored, like a good condition with thumb drives and other like solid state media. If if the ROM doesn’t lose whatever data was on it, it’s likely that you know it’d still be readable if it was damaged. So it’s kinda interesting, like how
different types of interesting and what’s not. Yeah, this guy.
Thanks a lot for checking out this episode of The Billy Newman photo podcast. Hope you guys check out some stuff on Billy Newman photo.com a few new things up there some stuff on the homepage, some good links to other other outbound sources. some links to books and links to some podcasts. Like this blog posts are pretty cool. Yeah, check it out at Billy numina photo.com. Thanks for listening to this episode and the back end