Show notes for the Billy Newman Photo Podcast.
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Hello, and thank you very much for listening to this episode of The Billy Newman photo podcast. But this photograph is a cool one from the Sierra Nevada on the east side of the Sierra Nevada mountain ranges near Lone Pine, California, in the Alabama hills. And we liked camping in the Alabama hills. This was I think, right during Thanksgiving week. During 2012, we had a blast being there and camping there during the day, it was cool. It was strange because, at that time of year, the sun sets still very early. Like it was around three o’clock that the sun would set behind these mountains. But it would be pretty warm out I think we remember getting sunburned out there even on the first and second day of December when was still when we were still there. It was pretty cool. We had a lot of fun being out there. And this is a really beautiful photograph of it that we took early that morning around sunrise.
You can see more of my work at Billy Newman photo calm, you can check out some of my photo books on Amazon. I think if you look at Billy Newman under the author’s section there and see some of the photo books on film on the desert, on surrealism, camping, you cool stuff over there. Today I posted a photograph from the way Canyon area, it’s like really remote South East Oregon territory. It’s cool out there I’ve only gone out there a couple of times and truthfully we need to be I don’t know just needs to be explored much more than what I’ve put my time into it for but it it’s just so remote. It’s amazing how it is that they like what we did we came in from Boise we drove down and through that, you’re kind of in the Ottawa area as it kind of flows into I guess though what he would flow into the Snake River. Somewhere around Ontario, Oregon. But up above that, I guess the law he goes up toward Winnemucca which is sort of what I understand or at least kind of stretches on there a little bit I was hearing about we were handing to this guy. This kind of eccentric mountain man, when we were in the Molalla Mountains and he had talked to us stopped for a second he was using like hiking pants and you know a jacket with the handkerchief on he was probably in his 60s maybe. And he told us that he was uh I don’t know what he was using the things he had been out there for maybe like a month or so maybe, maybe he said like four or five weeks of being out in the mountains. And he was he had his partner going back into town to get provisions when we ran into him but he had a tripod and a camera and he was walking around, or he’s on a hike through the ego cap wilderness trying to find these, these trees, this type of pine that’s being affected by climate change. As the climate gets warmer in the Alpine area. As the temperature starts to lift in elevation, it changes the types of tree species that can live in the Alpine area there. So I guess it kills them off as the temperature gets higher. For certain types of pine trees. This was like a two-needle pine and a five-needle pine, something like that. But apparently,
I guess that’s what this guy’s working on. So he’s trying to work on a photo project for this. He talked to us for a while, though, about the law, he came in about the Snake River and about, I guess how before the dams were built, the salmon run with flow up the Columbia River, up the Snake River, up the Elahi river, and you would get salmon run into the interior area of Winnemucca, California or Winnemucca, Nevada, way out there. So it’s just really weird how it kind of pulls up these smaller tributaries of the Columbia from the ocean back into the central part of the state of Nevada to grab a chip. But it was interesting to talk to that guy for a few. And then when we were out in the Milwaukee area, it goes on for a long time. But there are a few different sections of it’s a big river, right, like so it’s it’s whole territory of land that sort of meanders through that section of Oregon. But really beautiful landscape out there. What we did is we went to Rome. And then there’s like the pillars of Rome, that’s this, this area out there but then off from that you can drive south really for quite a while for a while on a dirt road. And then you pull around. And we take like this bumpy little road, like a little access road out to this point. And we did some cool photos of the awapuhi Canyon. It’s pretty right there. At least in this spot that we were taking photos of. But it’s cool. I guess if you go a little further you can pull into this, this Three Forks region, I think there’s a dam, or there maybe there a few dams in Hawaii it seems like that’s kind of what I’ve noticed from it, but there’s this backed up area where you can go in And then what I want to do is I want to get a kayak and I want to set up a camping trip and kind of do like a backpacking trip and just throw the backpack in the kayak and then cut across the water you know kind of cut down though the law he river and then pull out on different sides of it you know over a couple of days and do some camping and do some photos but I seemed like a cool place to explore the Three Forks area I guess was that like the trout Creek mountains it’s maybe somewhere near there maybe it’s not too near to there I guess that whole area stretches out in a pretty expansive way like so. So from the Hawaii section then we drove over to like the burns junction and then you have to drive past that and then you’re pretty close to the Alvord Desert. That’s when we’re driving West right? So we’re way out east like near McDermott, Oregon Rome Oregon, I don’t know it’s way out there here that like like this week in early October right here it’s hunting season and I guess I guess that’s a huge area for or it’s a it’s a big district for some of the bigger mule deer and I guess the elk that are out there I guess it’s a big area to go hunt elk but I’ve also heard like the fossil area there’s probably plenty of drainage is that that workout is good hunting lands for this time of year for whoever’s into that but yeah I’ve just been working on some photo stuff so yeah, the photo from the Hawaii canyonlands area is posted I put that one up I worked on it for a little while trying to do some editing stuff and but yeah, it’s really cool i like the that area I really want to go back there and spend some time there for real you know, that’s a tough thing is it’s so remote sometimes you kind of move in over a larger amount of landmass that that whole region just sort of would take a week maybe more to kind of get into and explore and I bet there’s a lot of new interesting photos and visual things you can see down there there just be a cool adventure to it seems like like such a cool spot that’s not really seen by a lot of other people. So I don’t know an interesting thing and something to put on the opportunities list for for next season as we come back into the camping zone. But yeah, it seems like you’re gonna have a couple months here. Like winter in Oregon always is a bit kind of turn it down into a little bit of a slower time for the outdoor, outdoor adventure outdoor camping travel stuff.
You can check out more information at Billy Newman photo comm you can go to Billy Newman photo comm Ford slash support. If you want to help me out and participate in the value for value model that we’re running this podcast with. If you receive some value out of some of the stuff that I was talking about, you’re welcome to help me out and send some value my way through the portal at Billy Newman photo comm forward slash support, you can also find more information there about Patreon and the way that I use it if you’re interested or feel more comfortable using Patreon that’s patreon.com forward slash Billy Newman photo. Couple of things I wanted to talk about were some Mac apps today, I’ve been trying to sort of set up my mac book to be
is configured with a few more utilities and a few more pieces of software that make it a little more functional for me. So I want to try and talk about those a little bit today. But one of them was I stat menus it was this application that I’d heard about. Maybe over a year ago, I’ve been using it a lot when I was trying to render some 360 footage and a lot more like video footage, I was just using a computer like the whole day to do that. So this program, I stat menus is really good for adding in a bunch of information like a bunch of system information to your computer right at the top of was the bar at the top, you know, like the Apple menu and your time and your clock and stuff, right? If you get a bunch of a bunch of information about like your disk space, your network speeds, uploads and downloads, your CPU and GPU. It’s pretty interesting I like to get into check it out. And kind of with it, you have a bunch of graphs that sort of indicate when or how much how much of a system is going toward that task at that time. So right now I’m doing an upload to Amazon photos to try and get a backup of all my images up there. And I’m looking at the network monitoring. And so it’s showing me like a history of my network upload speeds over the last 24 hours. And I see like there’s a big dip before like 5am while I was running overnight, and then now it’s back up like two maybe 3x what it was before. So it’s an interesting kind of monitor like how, how your speeds are that sort of thing when I was running rendering video out it was cool because you can see like the temperature sensor sensors inside of the computer. And in addition to that, you could see like the hard drive space that was left on each few drives including your externals and you can see how fast the CPU and GPU are working. So I’ve been using this app a lot for kind of a The system process monitoring stuff is cool, I’ve been enjoying it, it’s kind of fun to, to get used to. In addition to that, another one that I’m checking out is probably one that a lot of people have heard of before, but I think it’s called magnet magnet, I think and it sort of reproduces the functionality that you get, I think started back in Windows seven, where if you pull a window to the edge of the screen, it’ll sort of snap to the edge of that side of the screen or oral snap to be a split pane window. It’s kind of interesting how it works. But I like I like how it works on Windows and I have been sort of frustrated in the past that I don’t have that kind of utility in the Mac OS system. So I you know, just windows are sort of built to kind of float all over each other. And I did kind of like that part of windows or even back in my experience of working windows, which is in a way I work with a computer now I have like seven windows up right now. And the windows out really always go to full screen application almost all the time. So it’s kind of interesting, that workflows, right changes over time. What else I’m working on, oh, Amazon photos, that was another one that I guess I’m I’m kind of going through right now sort of lean into another side of it. But I’ve been using Amazon photos for a while and the Amazon drive system to have some backups or, or not even really backups for the photos, backups of the photos, I suppose because it’s the dngs. And it is the JPEG images, I think you can put video up there also. But that takes up paid storage space. So for photos, you can put as many photos on the cloud as you want with your prime membership. And I think I put like probably almost 100 gigs of photos up there. So it’s cool, you do have access to all of your images in that in that library of images you have online, like I can pull it up on my phone in an app, and I can pull it up, you know, on the web or in a few other places. So it just gives me an accessibility to my images I hadn’t really had before to every image and that way at least that’s kind of cool that you know, I do see that I have access to all of those photographs. Bigger than that I really need to go through and make more functional collections of smaller sections of that. So they have just a lot of the photos I would need to use set up and a high quality system that are more accessible to me that’s still that’s still a little piece that isn’t really quite as tight as I would like it within my photo business. But I’ve been using Amazon photos to make a backup of everything if almost everything’s already there. But it can incremental area. Like as you go, you need to get all the new stuff up there. So I’m trying to put up a bunch of the stuff that I’ve had for the last couple months when I haven’t really been able to put a sync backup to the Amazon photos. cloud backup. The cool thing is though, is I’m trying to work with iCloud a little more in addition to that, and so I’ve been setting up the iCloud
Why put it in Finder so I can access my iCloud data there in Finder from multiple computers and from my phone, which is cool. But on my phone in my files app, I was going in there and I put in satellite the Amazon drive application on my phone, I had my files application sort of show that I can go to my Amazon photos files there from my phone. So without even go into the Amazon photos application just from my files app, I can go through and browse all those photos folders on the cloud and then pull up and view those images. I thought that was kind of cool. Or it was just interesting to see like Well, yeah, I can jump to each any data photos that I want back in time because they’re all backed up now and more accessible. So So I think it’s pretty cool. It’s a it’s a free service when you pay for a prime membership. So I guess the proper way to say it is it is it is a premium service that is included with your prime membership, which seems to be pretty valuable. A lot of the time. I like the Amazon cloud services and cloud storage services, which I’m trying to get a little more into, like I was mentioned, I think it’s I think it’s 11 or 12 bucks a year for 100 gigabytes of storage space on Amazon drive. Thanks a lot for checking out this episode of The Billy Newman photo podcast. Hope you guys check out some stuff on Billy Newman photo.com a few new things up there some stuff on the homepage, some good links to other other outbound sources, some links to books and links to some podcasts. Like this blog posts are pretty cool. Yeah, check it out at Billy numina photo.com. Thanks a lot for listening to this episode and the back end. Thank you next time