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Hello, and thank you very much for listening to this episode of The Billy Newman photo podcast. Today I wanted to talk to you about the performance of the new MacBook Pros. Is there an issue with it? I don’t know, I’ve heard a couple of stories about it where these higher I’m sure probably the entry-level system is quite adequate and a very positive type of computing experience that you’re going to get from I’m sure you’re going to be happy in a lot of experiences. But there’s talking about the I nine system specifically because of its heat output. I think that you know, that’s the new division of there’s the I five processors, the ice seven processors. Now for laptops for the first time, in Mac, at least, you have the option to get a nine processor. Now I guess this has a significantly higher heat threshold than the processes before. And the laptops don’t have a better system of removing that heat from the system than the previous laptops are then the other iterations of the laptop in the same line that produce much less thermal energy. So this is kind of, I guess, been performance hinders, in some cases, because there’s something called thermal gating. It’s a system where when the computer gets too hot, somewhere around boiling temperature, can you imagine that’s happening just in your little laptop, heat venting out of your keyboard? Goodness gracious, that’s what you have to do to get a 4k video coming out of a laptop. So with all this going on with that, that process, you’re trying to not reach a boiling point, it does something called thermal gating where I guess it turns your fancy new four gigahertz I nine processor into quite a bit slower, one gigahertz processor kind of churning through some things because of its heat output, and because of how much heat is generating. So it’s kind of an interesting thing. I guess there was a YouTuber that did a video render from an Adobe Premiere file, they did it, you know, on the desk, where it was pretty, it was spinning up, the fans producing a lot of heat and stuff, they put it in the freezer, which is maybe a good idea, maybe not I made me do it and put it in the freezer. And I guess the render time was 20% faster because it was not running up to the thermal gating fast, I guess because it was a better heat dissipation system, though. It’s not an optimal system to run a computer freezer. Because of that system. And you know, it’s a laptop of a very thin laptop, trying to run very high-performance utilities. So I’m kind of curious about, you know, really what the design perspective is on that. It’ll be interesting to see where things go from here. And I’m sure things will probably be fine, but I don’t know I don’t I just still don’t like USBC that’s how old I am. Give me a headphone jack.
You can see more of my work at Billy Newman photo comm you can check out some of my photo books on Amazon. I think you can look at that Bitly Newman under the author’s section there and see some of the photo books on film on the desert, on surrealism, camping, and cool stuff over there. Oh, yeah, there’s been so many discoveries since last year, gravitational waves have been verified and had been projected before but now they’ve been verified, I guess I suppose. They say the math is strong. I’ll let the scientific community that that’s all but yeah, they say that they found what was it like a 26. And ours, I think was 26 and 34. solar mass black holes orbiting each other came closer and closer kind of spiraling in on their same-like point. And then they finally merged when the two giant black holes a solar mass, like we talked about before, is the size of our Sun. So one sun around Earth is one solar mass. So these black holes were each 30 solar masses, so 30 times more massive than the mass of the sun. And these two black holes smiled at each other. And it’s at this rate, I think, predicted in Einstein’s theory of special relativity, where it kind of matches a pattern of how gravitational bodies will orbit around each other and then collide with each other. And so when these two bodies collided with each other, there was an X, I think there was if you think of E equals MC squared as energy equals mass times the velocity of light squared, then what that would mean is that when mass is accelerated to a certain point turns in energy. That’s what happened in this event, these 230 solar mass, black holes collided with each other. It released three solar masses That are three times the whole mass of our Sun, from mass into energy out into space. And I think this is one of like the largest or the most energetic events that we’ve been able to record. in cosmology. It’s really big. Yeah, well, yeah, or not, not in priority, but in the amount of energy that’s exchanged at a single point that’s verifiable. And so that’s, I think, what the type of thing that this, this type of observing observatory was looking for, was something to collect these gravitational waves. So it’s a cool story, they’ve kind of figured that out. I think that was back in September, that they made the observations, and then now, and was it early February, mid-February, that’s when they kind of announced it probably won’t make a lot of changes for any daily use, but it will change a lot of the astronomical. Well, I’d say like, part of the study of astronomy going forward in the next 50 or 75 to 100 years, you know, it’s because now we can make gravitational telescopes, we can make these tools that can observe gravity waves out in space. And this is just the first time that we’ve done it, this was an observation of one of the strong signals are strong events that we’d be able to gravitationally pick up. And so now from here, over the next several generations of this, this technology, they’re going to be able to refine it so much more that they’re going to be able to pick out much more subtle gravitational waves. And once they’re able to do this, or once you’re able to, let’s say, now that it’s proven this type of technology out into space, and then make that experience vast, we’re going to be able to refine details of these gravitational waves to a much smaller resolution. And that’s going to give scientists and cosmologists and these new gravitational wave astronomers, more tools to look into the universe, and especially the look into the early stages of the universe forming, we’re just going to be exciting. I think this event that they observed was one and a half billion light years away, they say, it’s not triangulated. So they don’t know exactly where in space, this event took place. But they say that it would be out somewhere past the Magellanic Cloud if we were to kind of think about it in the sphere of the sky that’s in the southern hemisphere.
Pretty cool stuff. Pretty cool. So say, okay, the coolest thing. So it’s kind of up to us to sort of wrap our head around what it means what are they observing, what is the gravitational wave, but this ripple from this event that happened one and a half billion years ago, sent a wave in Gravity through space-time across the universe? And it adjusted the width of the Milky Way galaxy by the width of your thumb? Oh, yeah, that’s so in the room. There’s, in any kind of human perceptible distance, there’s no change. There’s like an Adam’s with a change. For us experiencing it here on Earth. That’s why we didn’t see any kind of crazy, you know, thing happened, there’s no kind of observable event, you with something that’s probably one of the strongest events observable. For us, you know, out in outer space, these collisions of black holes. But, yeah, that wave, I think stretched and then shrunk the Galaxy by the width of a thumb. So that’s like, 100 lightyears across. I think it’s 100,000 light-years across the Milky Way galaxy. And that kind of wiggled by an inch. Yeah, see a gravitational wave,
are you saying that it? A got a space in it. That was the width of a thumb. And then it got closer together.
You know, it’s really strange, it warped space-time. So there was no, there’s no physical space that changed. But that was complicated. Yeah, that the, that the fabric between the atoms had flexed outward, and perceivable. To us, as beings that don’t have the capability of perceiving something like that of the change in space-time, we’re not able to do what we perceive because it says we’re in it, we perceive time to be pretty constant. But if we were outside of that, we could see that the fabric of it the size of it stretched out an inch, and then came back together. So if we think of the expanding universe, it’s the expansion of space-time that’s traveling outward. So the physical distance between the two proton-proton in an atom is, is expanding outward. And the size of those atoms is expanding outward. And it’s just it’s like space-time is expanding. It’s just sort of all expanding together. But in this situation, just this wave came through, as we think of a wave on a beach that rolled through. And like when we were in the waves in the ocean a few weeks ago, we you’d kind of be in the wave, it would move through but then it would go back to The status of the water before the wave, right? So the wave similarly came through, it didn’t displace anything or move anything permanently. But it is just wave time. And it’s going through, yes, stretch it by some amount, and then had it come back together. But that’s the amount of distortion that was sent across. From that gravitational wave. And gravitational waves. The reason that it’s important to us is that it was the thing that was one of the last things to be identified, or how would that be one of the last items in Einstein’s theory of special relativity that was yet to be? Um, well yet to be proven. So this item of gravitational waves has just been theoretical, up until this point, because it has not been, there’d been no technology developed to make that observable phenomenon, these gravitational waves. And so it’s this huge feat of engineering that we’re even at a place where we can do that now. Yeah,
that’s pretty incredible, is it? So now that they’ve officially, I guess, said that that’s happened, they’re going to be working on telescopes now, or newer telescopes, I can detect that. Yeah,
there’s, so there are two locations right now. And these were all part of a scientific grant to look for a theoretical piece of science that no one believed even existed. Even Einstein, I think kind of sort of tried to retract this idea during his life, that there is that there was even the possibility of observing these gravitational waves, they were able to make this system to do that. There’s, it’s a gravitational wave Observatory, really interesting stuff, I won’t get into exactly how they do it. But it’s a Laser Interferometer. And it uses a period amount of time to bounce a laser beam back and forth. And if a gravitational wave goes through there and stretches spacetime out, then the wave of light takes longer than the speed of light to go all the way down to the end and then back. And so they’re measuring that amount of time, that period accurately. And then when this happened, the way it came through, it stretched spacetime over that distance. And then the wave didn’t come back at the right time. That means that there was a measurable gravitational wave that passed through that space-time, that stretched that tube of the observatory. And that’s what they recorded, they did this in two locations, all part of the same. I don’t know, observational? Well, there are two observatories, they both get recordings, and then they match that data together. So that they can do noise cancellation, to drop out any of the disturbances that be localized to the earth. So if there’s an earthquake in one, you could kind of measure that against whatever the other one would pick up. And you can cancel that signal out. Okay. Yeah, it’s cool stuff. So now that it’s been proven, now, this experimental thing that cost billions of dollars to get set up for the first time has been proven, it’s going to be this huge expansion into the scientific community, where they’re going to be building a lot more of these tools to do gravitational wave observations. That’s cool. It’s gonna be really exciting. Yeah, I’m really glad that it came through, we’re gonna see a huge expanse in the field of cosmology in our lifetime. And now that this is something that’s out there that people well that, that astronomers will be able to research on, it’s going to be interesting to find out, I guess, what kind of discoveries kind of come from this? Yeah. Time to best, but it’d be cool.
Yeah, that’ll be neat to see what new things are figuring
out? Yeah. Be a lot of fun.
And so what are the names of the observatories that proved this?
Yeah. So like, I think I mentioned that two observatories were picking this up, and they were doing noise cancellation against each other, to try and refine the signal, which is part of how the technology works that you’re using. And so, the installation is called Lego. It’s the Laser Interferometer gravitational wave observatory. It’s an acronym. And there are two installation sites right now. They’re both in America, I think they’re going to expand soon out from that, because there’s going to be an advantage if there were at least if there are more than two, because right now with two, they’re not able to triangulate the position of a signal that they get. And so once they’re able to triangulate things, that question that we had a few minutes ago when we were talking about where this event, this, this black hole collision took place in the universe, we’d be able to better pinpoint that answer if we have three of them because we’ll be able to triangulate that signal. So with the two of them, we’re only able to tell right now that they’re out in the Magellanic Cloud. So the two observatories exist. One of them is in Washington State, and one of them is in Arkansas. Right now, school, I think the best place for them to be would be off the earth entirely. So same is like the hub telescope, when we started doing optical observations of space above us, we use the telescope here on Earth. But, ultimately, the best highest resolution way that we can make observations of the universe was by putting that telescope outside the gravity world view of the earth and putting it out into space, where there wouldn’t be any disturbance from light pollution or atmosphere or vibration. And they could put this telescope up, make it perfectly still and have it take these long exposures, or long periods of light collecting to get these images or to get this resolution of data so that they can look out so deeply into space, really cool how they’re able to do that, with optical telescopes. I think, in our lifetime over the next 3040 years, if this seems like a promising field of science, we’re going to see that expand out into Laser Interferometer gravitational wave observatories that are put out into space as like long satellites, or satellites that communicate to each other and send a pulse back and forth, or send a laser back and forth to each other, and then try and pick up that same period is the technology and algorithms for this get a lot better be cool. It’d be cool. Yeah. Yeah, it would be really neat. So I think right now since they have proven that there are gravitational waves, there is now funding made available for the third Lego installment to I think, be put into somewhere in the US probably take another 10 years for that installation to go online. I’d bet we might see others like this come up from other educational institutions around the world. Like we might see something from CERN or we might see something from, you know, just from some other installation that would want to build something like this. Now that it’s a provable scientifically researchable field of cosmology be cool. It’s going to be one of the most exciting things that happens in the next century of scientific discovery. I think this is probably one of the groundbreaking things that will be part of learning about gravity learning about that part of early universal history. be interesting.
Yeah, interesting.
Yeah. You can check out more information that Billy Newman’s photo comm you can go to Billy Newman photo.com Ford slash support. If you want to help me out and participate in the value-for-value model that we’re running this podcast with. If you receive some value out of some of the stuff that I was talking about, you’re welcome to help me out and send some value my way through the portal at Billy Newman photo comm forward slash support, you can also find more information there about Patreon and the way that I use it if you’re interested or feel more comfortable using Patreon that’s patreon.com forward slash Billy Newman photo.
So I wanted to talk about the training stuff that I’ve been doing, I think I’d mentioned I had done a good bit of work with, you know, other programs in the past. But this is the first time that I’ve gotten into spending time learning specifically about some of the features and the controls in Logic Pro, and now Logic Pro 10 by five. So what I’ve done is gone too now what’s called LinkedIn learning. LinkedIn learning com, there used to be a website called lynda.com. And lynda.com was these screencast video tutorials of how to use different types of software and how to be trained and you know, just training for different types of most of the time computer related skills. So I’ve used that service for several things over the years specifically, I think, Chris, or wigs. Lightroom tutorial is probably like a standard for a lot of photographers that have been interested in and learning about photography and editing. And so all of those courses that have existed over the years, have a lot of good information in them. But so I went back, to what would be lynda.com now as it has been purchased by LinkedIn, through Microsoft, it’s now called LinkedIn learning. Right on Hmm. So LinkedIn learning has all of the old Lynda videos including all the updates to the videos that they’re continuing to produce. So I went on and I tried to find some training videos about Logic Pro 10 there are several videos like Essential Training for Logic Pro 10, but there’s nothing because now this new update Logic Pro 10.5 is only maybe two weeks old, or something. It’s there’s no there’s just no new video training established for it. So I think for Logic Pro 10.4 there’s a full Essential Training Video that was produced by Scott Hirsch, a music producer out of New York, and he just kind of goes through the controls in the system and stuff and you get a good feel of like how to how to make changes, how to use different features, how to use the mixer versus like the linear tracking system, you know how to use different controls and stuff, a lot of the stuff is similar if you’ve used GarageBand like I was mentioned, or another digital audio workstation that does multitrack in the past, but it was cool, yeah, learning licks and techniques about how to apply different compress, or how to make the settings of a compressor do more specifically, the types of things that I’m wanting to do in a mix, I think was some good information for me to be learning about through the Logic Pro training stuff. Also, in addition to that, if you don’t want that, so LinkedIn learning is a paid service, you can get a one-month free trial at that too, which I’m taking advantage of at this moment to get some new information. But what you can do is go to YouTube and look up similar, similar training videos. And there are a lot of people a lot of music producers out there that have done their screencasts of kind of walking through different services or different techniques that these digital audio workstations provide. So looking at a guy, guy’s website, I think it was why Logic Pro rules calm and that had a lot of good training videos on it too. He had a lot of information about how different pieces of it work and just how to make use of a lot of the techniques that you’d have to apply in a certain piece of the software to make it more effective. And I thought that was cool. I appreciated some of the stuff that he’d done and thanks a lot for checking out this episode of The Billy Newman photo podcast. Hope you guys check out some stuff on Billy Newman’s photo comm a few new things up there some stuff on the homepage, good links to other outbound sources, some links to books, and links to some podcasts. Like these blog posts are pretty cool. Yeah, check it out at Billy noon in a photo calm. Thanks for listening to this episode and the backend