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Hello, and thank you very much for listening to this episode of The Billy Newman photo podcast. I was just talking about terminal stuff and SSH in another podcast just a little bit ago. And I guess what I was gonna say is, how much about the channel? Do you know? Do you know any terminal tips? I was gonna try one out today, talking about it, it might be kind of tough. I’m sure that’s what you’re interested in listening to on your Alexa right now. Wait, I mean echo. Sorry. I was gonna mention the commands if you go to your Mac, or you go to a Unix system, as it were you open up a terminal. A couple of things you can run, it’s probably going to run bash, I figure like I’m some expert, but I think that’s the Bourne again, shall I think it’s kind of one of the more modern, sort of basic default shells that seems to run. If you run Linux, I don’t know got up. Yeah. And you probably know a lot more about it than I do already. So you know, you’re on your terminal tip for the moment, especially if you’re on a Macintosh, I guess it doesn’t work on a Windows machine, because that runs DOS, right? It’s not a Unix-based system shoot. But if you’re on a Mac, and you want to get into your terminal, and you want to move around just a little bit to sort of seeing what it’s like, I guess two commands that would get you started would be the ls command in the Bourne shell. So the bash shell. the ls command is like the list command. So when you type in LS, and then return, what you’re going to have to happen is it’s going to list the contents of the directory that you’re currently in, in text and command line. Oh, man, it’s pretty exciting. You’re gonna be excited when you see it for the first time. If you want to see some other things, I guess what you try, this is a bonus one, this is a big one, too, is CD, this current directory command. So if you want to, I guess move directories from what directory you’re at now, your root directory, let’s say and you want to move up to your pictures directory that you see when you type in LS, you’re going to type in cd space, pictures, and then you’re going to hit return and that’s going to move you to the directory of pictures then when you type in LS, you’re going to get a list of the contents of the directory in pictures. Wow, pretty amazing. You moved a directory in Unix and you found out on this flash briefing.
You can see more of my work at Billy Newman photo calm, you can check out some of my photo books on Amazon. I think if you look at Billy Newman under the author’s section there and see some of the photo books on film on the desert, on surrealism on camping, you cool stuff over there. I think like October, September, October and November I really like maybe one of my favorite outdoors seasons and this probably kind of set up that way for a lot of people that have like a tradition of going out on hunting trips through October or you know like going out on opening day or something like that in Oregon, I think it’s October 1 maybe in other states it’s in a part of September so I think it’s kind of kind of been tuned and tied to the hunting season in like the American cultural lore for probably 100 years or eight years or so as it’s kind of kind of been a part of the American mythologies but it’s cool though I like going out in the fall it’s really one of the best times to go camping it’s when you get to kind of take or make use of all the equipment and stuff that you’ve sort of procured over time and and that’s when you kind of also get to use some of the skills and stuff you’ve been trying to scout out or train on to kind of see how they work and the application of them you know in the summertime when it’s really nice out it’s cool to go out and camp and I’ve always had a really great time doing that but like the hot weather camping Oh, no, it’s it’s it demands a little less, I guess it’s kind of obvious, but the environment is sort of something that you don’t have to contend with as much. And in the deep winter, the environment is probably too much to contend with. So there’s a cool kind of pocket that I like, as like an ideal, but a cool kind of weather pocket or environmental pocket between I guess like parts of the fall until November when it kind of gets too deep into it. And then parts of the spring as we’re coming up into the summertime, where you can kind of feel like you’re getting to do a little bit more fires. So kind of a no, right? over the winter, it’s springtime to do that. But at least in late fall like in November or these like northern Oregon areas. After you start getting like a layer of snow or a significant amount of rain and the fire. The emergency level drops back down to the green. There’s a lot of open burning that you can do on campsites that you sit at the public land and stuff. So I think that’s always kind of a fun part of life. The winter like late fall camping stuff is when you get to set up like a bigger fire gather some wood gather some big logs to be kind of like your fuel for the evening it’s kind of fun and it’s sort of like that more I don’t know primal kind of connective to to like the real kind of Route camping stuff but as it goes for a lot of the year like in the summertime like hot weather stuff you kind of like doing it around water or you know it’s like we would we would do stuff you know you do rafting or something so it’s kind of like enjoying the day you don’t have to layer you don’t have to wear like a dry suit or you know a bunch of different I don’t know warming layers you have to kind of be conscious of so I think that’s kind of where you start getting into more of that now I think like now like river trips and stuff you know they sort of shift from like the recreational summer tourism whitewater stuff they get between I guess like may and Labor Day and now as you get kind of further into September and now deep and October you have people I guess coming down just kind of strictly for some of the fishing season stuff so you get like instead of RAF’s, you’ll have a bunch of drift boats come down, like fishing boats and stuff, guided tours and stuff for some of the lower river stuff or just people out on there. That kind of set up and prepped for a fishing trip. But it’s cool. Yeah, a lot of enthusiasm around some of the fishing stuff during this time of year. I want to get out and do some fishing stuff. I got my fishing license earlier this year, and I’ve gotten it a couple of times this far, but I need to really, I guess commit a little more and kind of set it up the right way. I think I’m always kind of doing a couple of too many things here like I’m trying to like set a camera up to record footage, and then throw some casts and let the line set and then you wait for an hour or so but maybe if it’s a non-optimal time or you kind of have to something else and move on and stuff so I haven’t caught a lot of stuff that was a keeper worthy. I picked up a couple of things out of the lake and it was like a
cheap little tiny game or a little like tiny Sunfish or Rafe, what is it? Yeah, I think it’s Sunfish like these
like the kind of like bluegill. Not a lot, you know, sheep a little better than a minute. But yeah, I want to try and get into doing some more fall fishing stuff through now until like the end of the year. And I think there are a couple of good seasons that kind of come on through November but I think it’d be cool I’m gonna try and try and jump into that a little faster. I think there’s also some kind of controlled like stocked ponds that are nearby where I’m at, I think they stocked them with trout through the winter and I’m interested in trying out a couple of those places they seem like they’re you know, just to kind of the numbers that they talk about it’s like I mean that’s kind of cool for that kind of thing for stock fishing kind of thing but I’ve been trying to get a little bit more into like what I can harvest what I can prospect what I can kind of gather from natural resource areas that are around me and I think it’s been kind of fun to do is I guess sort of a hobby. So along with like the photos that are trying to do while I’m out, I’ve tried to like us and like get a fishing license so I can do some fishing stuff on the side or pick up a little bit of information about what kind of rockhounding I can do in that sort of area or what kind of like foraging stuff I can do or what kind of like wood gathering opportunities to have so I’ve been trying to do some of that stuff a little bit more often like I don’t know to email me if there’s some other cool stuff I can do but yeah it’s been cool I’ve been trying to like now in the fall go out to do some Sion trail picking. So if I can find some spots that are good for it it’s a lot of stuff like the kind of near the coast or coastal range in Oregon probably I don’t know what like Florence to a story probably a lot into Washington too that I just have no clue about but that I think the crow’s foot foothills of the mountains they’re kind of get the moisture and they have the right type of like temperature range for them to grow during this time of year. It’s interesting though how those grow patterns go I don’t understand I don’t understand like mushrooms and how those mushroom rings work or how they like their populations work but yeah, it’s really interesting how they grow, and just like certain patches like where they are there’ll be more of those. But where they’re not there won’t be it’s kind of it’s just weird going around to find an end but we find one you’ll find more around in that area. If it’s been like a good climate for it for a while though, a lot of October still has been just a little we’ve gotten a little rain here and there and I’m glad there’s like systems moving through but it’s really kind of been dry enough still that some of the forest floors aren’t quite moist enough yet to start bringing it on the fungus growth that we need to get like a good crop of edible mushrooms out of it so we can see how it goes and I guess there’s gonna be a window of it sometimes like the years are better for it or worse for it and I will kind of see how it goes through the rest of the year. Sometimes like as soon as you snap into November, you get a week or two weeks or three weeks in November and those are really pretty Pretty good weeks, but as soon as you get a few days with sort of where you get like a strong frost or freeze overnight that messes with the growth of those mushrooms and if you get him consecutively for like three days out that’ll knock out anything for one of them you know the mushrooms that grow so fast if you have a, you have a freeze A hard freeze on Monday because then it warms up Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Thursday you’ll be able to get like he wouldn’t even notice you know, you’ll be able to get a good crop of new newly grown mushrooms out of you know that same area, so it just kind of depends on like how it goes. But as soon as you start getting like a set of hard freezes, man, it just seems like I’ve gone out and seen like a bunch of them that had been thrown in and now they’re just like mushy and you know, they just got a deep freeze. They frosted over and now it’s like a dead plant and it’s just kind of turned to mush. And that man those mushrooms turned to mush real fast. It’s really weird. I was looking at a ring that’s grown in our yard. It’s just toadstools, you know, like, I’ll pay like the, I don’t know, just buy like an apple tree. It’s cool that they come on, but they come on, and like I think kind of late September is when they start to pop up this ring out there. And then there are some other areas that I’ve noticed around town too. It seems like it’s just like a certain time of year and boom, here’s all this soon as the conditions getting that right. But yeah, right where those are, they come up and then they last about I don’t know, maybe five days a week or so it’s been a week and a half now and but they start to decay and they start to kind of fall over fall apart. And it’s interesting to see how the grass responds to grass a lot around it. Looks like it’s been fertilized heavily. But yeah, it just boom pops up bright, dark green grass, about three inches, or maybe three, I don’t know, maybe twice as tall as the rest of the grass around it. So yeah, it seems like those little toadstool mushrooms for the lawn
pretty well. But yeah, I think there’s like another growth of them coming on now, which is kind of interesting. Like they come on in a couple of phases, but some fresh ones are coming up in the ring area around it. And then those, those are kind of last for a couple of days and then wilt out over again too. But it’s cool. checking out some mushrooms and stuff around here. But yeah, I’ve been trying to go out and sort of see what I can forage around for which has been kind of fun. I’m not sure what other stuff there is I hear there’s what is it elderberry here about that being looked for and I remember now this is another one I remember seeing a person in a strange circumstance I was driving on a forest road out in the mountains here pretty deep in the mountains and didn’t see any cars ran didn’t or didn’t pass a car they drive up you know, you see a car and you’re like, oh, there’s probably person around with that car. And then after we pass this like we didn’t see a car either, but we were driving, and then there was a like a shorter man with a hat and he had two big racks of these like branches maybe about as long as like your elbow to your fingertip or so but these long like thin branches with these big broad green leaves on it. And it’d be maybe 24 inches or so. And they’re all on these stacks. And then they would there’d be like a kind of a plywood thing or I don’t know what it was maybe newspapers of the paper but then it was like more stacked on top of that and then another layer more stacked on top of that they just had this big bundle of sticks with these big broad green leaves on it. And he was standing there on the edge of the road that we were at and we drove by and then we drove down the rest of this road and the other we never saw it a car he was staying in but this guy was out here collecting these green sticks and leaves so I’m not sure what that is it looked like elderberry. I’ve never really identified it exactly and it’s something that grows up here and I know people will try and forage for it but I’m not sure what for or how it works now that I know they do it I want to do it to sort of have a shot trial thing came on I think like a lot of people never really even heard of that. Or a lot of like the mushroom picking stuff like Morales morels got popular stuff but I think it’s like the kind of because it kind of people sort of found out that you can go look for it and people are going looking for it or that it’s really expensive you think like wow it’s 15 bucks to look for it or 15 bucks to buy a pound of mastering the Shawn trout mushrooms in the store well if it’s that expensive it must be good and if it’s that good then I just want to go look for the sort of what it seems like a little bit but it’s cool going out looking for mushrooms and stuff outside I hear people talking about like like picking Morales and I guess those grow I guess as Miss grow in a different environment, like a different terrain or, or whatever it is I hear about a more like tour like in the east or like the Midwest. So I’m not sure but I know like there are different relationships of like the tree to the type of soil and the type of like environment that it’s in all kind of plays a part into like what mushroom is going to grow? Is it a micro raizel relationship I might have talked about last time but I don’t really understand how that works but I don’t see what allows there to be like a Morel versus good spot for a short trail to grow or a portabello or what is one of those regular white ones just as crimini just regular ones that we eat and stuff so I’m not really sure what kind of like allows you to farm some but not farm others and that’s a big one he can’t effectively farm morel mushrooms I guess you can you can harvest them in an area that is set up as an optimal environment that’s about as good as they’ve had it like they found like where they’re growing and the time of year that they grow well and they try to optimize for that so they can go through and harvest more of it out of it but they haven’t been able to take I suppose like an area that didn’t have the correct environment for it and then sort of artificially grow more than the landscape would kind of bear naturally I don’t think they figured that out and I don’t really understand that like how there’s some that you can kind of figure out a little bit but like it’s just like the complications between the relationships for some of them gets so complex that it’s like difficult to recreate I guess there are biologists that work on that of like how to get or what is it? Uh, yeah so biology is a type of biologist that studies mushrooms right mycologist mycology think it’s my ecology and I’m an ecologist for study and machines but I also think there’s like agriculture
interests think there’s like a food industry interest in trying to generate mushrooms of different varieties so that they’re like a commercially available product. So I think they’re trying to like work those things out. So sometimes it’s mycologist at that level trying to study it and figure that out, but I think sometimes it’s like holding different companies and groups and teams of people trying to sort of service sort of figure out ways to sort out those problems with growing and harvesting some mushrooms and stuff you know, I was hearing about this other thing too where if you get a bunch of mushrooms and you’re not quite sure what they are, there’s a lot there’s I guess a few different ways or there’s a couple of problems where it’s difficult to identify certain types of mushrooms there are some mushrooms that have never the shot goes I don’t know anything about it. So I guess I should leave it with that there’s a lot of them that are poisonous I guess it’s sort of like the cautionary point of it like people talk about mushroom picking a lot but there’s a lot of mushrooms that are pretty dangerous or that are just gonna likely make you sick so if you don’t have much expertise in it, it’s kind of difficult to go out and do that easily you know, because you’re just gonna gather some stuff that may look like it or may look almost exactly like it but there’s sort of some nuance to detail that makes it a different mushrooms or different mushroom species that is you know, not good for you or at least not edible. There’s a lot of there is a difference between like the neurotoxic mushrooms that will I think to kill you or get you sick and like sick like a neurotoxin way but then I think there’s like a number of them that are just an edible in a way where they’ll I guess one from a range make you very sick to eat. Or they’ll make you just kind of like mildly unhappy with what you ate. But generally like I prefer not to eat a lot of that stuff. Or like if it seems like it’s a bad or like an unknown I’d rather like not to eat just sort of an unknown mushroom a lot of them I guess you can eat or there’s a number of them that are like, maybe not preferred but are edible, but sort of may make you get an upset stomach. I was kind of confused about that, like, Well, why would you eat it’s like, oh, you can eat it. It’ll make you sick. But yeah, you can eat. It’s like, well, what isn’t that what
why wouldn’t you like that? I mean, it’s a thing. I mean, it makes me sick, right? Like, I eat rotten milk, too, right? It just makes you sick, like, so I don’t want it.
I don’t know. But I’ve heard of that as an explanation for some stuff. I also hear weird explanations for eating natural things sometimes. So But yeah, I was hearing about this thing where you can put you can put a bunch of mushrooms that you’ve got down on like a screen and then put like paper on the backside of it. And then if you cover him and let him sit for a while about that after they’re cut, they’ll end up throwing their spores. And I guess with certain mushrooms you can visually like see the spore pattern that’s dropped onto the sheet that you put on that screen. And I guess that’s how they’re able to identify some similar-shaped mushrooms like if this mushroom looks this way. And this other mushroom has a different species that look almost the same way a way that you can identify how they are different is by setting them on the screen and then getting throw of their spores. And then identifying the sport as you know one spore pattern will be like bluish or purplish or whatever, and the other spatter or the other spore pattern will be like a yellow color or something. So you’re like, Oh, well like this one, like through this kind of spore. And this one didn’t. So like now we can identify this is this specific mushroom. I thought that was weird though, like how, how to kind of figure that out. But fortunately, like that’s what’s cool about Shawn’s trials is that they’re one of the easiest ones to identify the golden shine trousers, one that like, almost looks like it. That’s a good thing to like, pull up a YouTube video to identify visually how to distinctly tell those differences, the differences apart between them, and sort of the way that the gills are fluted up the vein of the stem, and then as it kind of comes up to the mushroom top, how does that transition happen with chanterelles, it’s the gills are shallow, and they start real low on it, and then kind of sweep up the fluting of the stem up to the mushroom top and, and then with these imposter ones, I guess there’s kind of like a hard angle joint there where you see the gill line start. And then the gills kind of come out from there with like a deeper, a deeper sort of cut to the, to the gill Ridge with sort of some finer material, but those aren’t good. I think those are a little bit more white. There’s why Shawn trails to show how that goes. The difference between like the white chanterelles and the golden shun trails, I thought it was like sun exposure. Like if they were kind of bleached out from being sort of hidden under moss or something, they always seem to be like a lighter, kind of mo Yeah, just like real light color. But then I thought the ones that were out in the sunshine had to sort of defending against that and like, got like more of a color to him. But I guess they’re kind of a different set of mushroom types. Sort of I understand. But I’ve collected both of them in sort of the same areas. And if you find one it seems like you find both of them. So I’m not sure how that goes. But I’ve appreciated kind of collecting them. And it’s cool to dry them. That’s what I’ve been trying to do it’s hard to eat through all those mushrooms fresh as they are when you’re harvesting, harvesting those mushrooms all at one time. And so what I’m trying to do this year, as opposed to what I’ve done in past years, was just trying to make up a dish with all the mushrooms all that first time while they’re fresh, it’s fun to kind of go through the stuff you harvested and then like make a big pasta thing and like put a bunch of mushrooms in it. But this time, it’s just the ones that you harvested after you clean them. That’s cool. And it’s fun to put stuff like that together. But what I’m hoping to do is kind of gather up enough stuff from going out a little bit more frequently into a few different areas. And then gathering up the stuff that I’ve got and drying it out. And then having like dried mushrooms that are bagged and stored, so that I can have them kind of through the rest of the year. I’ve also read about freezing mushrooms. Have you guys heard of that? I know like or leaving, like when you thought out like it’s not the same material anymore at all. So it’s like you have to kind of put it into a sauce or something like that. So I was thinking like the cell damage that you get after freezing, it would just be way too much to use again. So I think what I’m going for is to like do it to dehydrate the mushroom, so I can like cut them or even maybe leave them attack but like, have those missions dehydrated. Which is there’s a lot of water if you like, especially like after it’s been like really wet like they just soak up that water in the forest floor. And then it’s all within that cell mass, the Shawn trail, but when you put like, take a cut of a Shawn trail that’s like a kind of a thicker hardier one, you take a cut of it, you put it on a frying pan, it’s hot, and you watch like the amount of water that it releases, but it’s like wow, that is just almost all rainwater that had come down and filled the cell walls. And now it’s being released as you start to cook up anything man, that’s a lot. No way. So that’s kind of cool.
It’s cool. Going through October doing some of this stuff. I’ve also been trying to go out and do some rock-counting stuff. It’s cool, I just gotta be jetting over I mean this is kind of the old and easy classic one but I budgeted over to the coast and kind of kept an eye on the high tide and low tide times of the day in the month but it’s cool to get out there and check out what rocks are sort of washed up on the surface in the sand on the beaches in times of low tide so it’s kind of cool going out there cruising the rock line and kind of just picking up some nice polished stones on the beach, which I’ve been kind of tried to do some Jade stuff it’s kind of cool if I like the little green ones, find some sand dollars and stuff but if I like some cool rocks out there I’ve been kind of having a good time trying to pull up some of those stones a couple of times. We’ve got I get a couple of times it’s
like court courts. I think it’s like courts rock. And then a lot of the times I noticed some of they’re kind of cool, normal. What is basalt,
normal rock stuff, or it’s got a line in it or something that’s kind of cool when you find one with like a textured feature of it you know words and there’s some seam or something in there I was like that kind of stuff to where it’s it’s kind of a combination of stuff but going out to the beach and trying to find some rocks and stuff through October and trying to kind of get out and do some more active stuff. I get into some of the camping trip stuff that I’ve done. You’re a little bit but yeah trying to go out to Eastern Oregon. And check out some stuff and sort of poke around you can check out more information at Billy Numan photo comm, you can go to Billy Newman photo.com Ford slash support. If you want to help me out and participate in the value-for-value model that we’re running this podcast with. If you receive some value out of some of the stuff that I was talking about, you’re welcome to help me out and send some value my way through the portal at Billy Newman photo comm forward slash support, you can also find more information there about Patreon and the way that I use it if you’re interested. Or if you’re more comfortable using Patreon that’s patreon.com Ford slash Billy Newman photo. I don’t know. I mean, it’s kind of fun to be checking out some stuff. What’s the other stuff I had to talk about? I think it was trying to figure out some stuff on like my Mac laptop, I’ve been trying to set it up more so that has the full set of applications and features and utilities on it that I wanted, I talked a little bit about that. I went ahead and got the I stat menus application on there. So I can look at the sensors that are in my Mac Book. The one is that the network in and out speeds that are current and the history of the network up and down speeds, I guess over the last day or seven days or you know all that information is in there, the amount of disk space where all these different pieces of information, you kind of want to know about your computer and your system and how it’s working. Have Daisy disk, which is what I’ve been using in the past a lot, it’s cool are a pretty good graphical way of sort of showing the pie chart of what’s taking up space on your hard drive. I mean, using Gemini as a deduplication application to go through and find like different versions of photos that I don’t want to keep stored anymore, which has been interesting to go through are just these just straight duplicates where you know, the photograph pulled in, it’s just the raw version twice. And there’s no difference between them other than just one file name to something like that sort of silly. So it’s taking a silly amount of space, this has been a good program to kind of find some of those programs and then eliminate them. And it’s good also to show you like compare like these two are said to be the same to me to kind of automatically go through and take them out, I don’t recommend that, it seems like it’s best to sort of go through and select a number of them and start pulling out.
It was sort of with some thought and care to it, it seemed like that made a difference to me when I did it. So it might make a difference if you tried to go to another app that I jumped on to was the magnet app, which reproduces some of the functionality started seeing a Windows seven now in Windows 10, where the windows like if you have some window up in some program and you drag it over to the left side, it’ll snap to the left side and then kind of fill that side of the screen or if you drag it straight up, it’ll fill the full screen if you bring it over the right side of that right side of the screen. snapping stuff isn’t really on the Mac, it’s always sort of been set to do these sort of multi-window painting things, but I kind of like it snapping over to the side. And it helps me have some bigger monitors to where you can kind of grab over to a side with if you have a couple of programs. So I got this program called magnet, it’s one of the top-selling paid apps. In the App Store. There are a few different competitors that people seem to be interested in, also, but I got this one, it was working great enough, it’s a little different than the way that the windows one does it but it’s fine. And it adds the functionality that I was looking for, which is great, a great benefit for me. The other one, other utility that I was picking up was pasted the paste app, which I think is kind of interesting. It’s like a clipboard app. So every computer I think, since we started getting graphical user interfaces, I think since as I recall, Windows 3.1 had a clipboard in it, but that’s when you do the copy-paste stuff if you copy or cut, copy or paste if you kind of copy something, it goes on to your clipboard and then when you paste it, it’s pulled off the clipboard and paste it into where it’s gonna go. But the computer convention for whatever reason is just set to that you can only copy or cut one item at a time. And if you cut again, a copy again, there’s no history of it or there’s no way to track back the level of things that you’ve had copied or cut if you want to paste those in so it can kind of add into some frustrations. But this clipboard utility pastes the paste app I think is set to sort of store snippets and pieces of information that you’re going to try and pull up and use repeatedly over time through like your workflow. So I was trying to figure out a way to do that I’m doing a bunch of SEO stuff like I was seeing on that website. So going through and having like, like, you know, this is a block of links. This is a block of explanation. Texas has a great meta tag This is for this. So I have all that sort of laid out. That’s a great workflow where I can just kind of pull up and sort of it’s like, it’s visually the UI is that like a command Another keyword of the poll at the bottom third of the screen and you have this history this row this like timeline of all the different times that you’ve copied something over to your clipboard, and you can go back to as far as a month or maybe even more than that, and it’ll share it with iCloud too. So if you have different computers, you can have this app on there, and you can kind of share everything on your clipboard around. It’s kind of interesting, and it’s a cool little, little useful Mac utility if you are so inclined to do copy-paste, but I don’t know, I know a lot of people seem to survive, which is what is it command community? I guess I have up until this point, but try it out. That’d be kind of fun. So thanks a lot for checking out this episode of The Billy Newman photo podcast. Hope you guys check out some stuff on Billy Newman photo.com a few new things up there some stuff on the homepage, some good links to other outbound sources, some links to books, and links to some podcasts. Like these blog posts are pretty cool. Yeah, check it out at Billy numina photo.com. Thanks a lot for listening to this episode and the back end. Thank you Next