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Creating eBooks For Apple Books
My process for creating the Western Overland Excursion eBook in 2012 and Working With Film eBook in 2013. Working with Apple Pages and Apple Books for digital publishing. Creating an account for iTunes Connect.
Produced by Billy Newman and Marina Hansen
Link Creating eBooks For Apple Books
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If you want to look at my photography, my current portfolio is here.
If you want to purchase stock images by Billy Newman, my current Stock photo library is here.
If you want to learn more about the work Billy is doing as an Oregon outdoor travel guide, you can find resources on GoldenHourExperience.com.
If you want to listen to the Archeoastronomy research podcast created by Billy Newman, you can listen to the Night Sky Podcast here.
If you want to read a free PDF eBook written by Billy Newman about film photography: you can download Working With Film here. Yours free.
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You can find my latest photo books all on Amazon here.
Produced by Billy Newman and Marina Hansen
Website Billy Newman Photo https://billynewmanphoto.com/
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About https://billynewmanphoto.com/about/
Hello, and thank you very much for listening to this episode of The Billy human photo podcast. I appreciate you tuning in and checking it out again. And you can,
I think, well,
I’ve been trying to do some updates and stuff since the last time we talked. It’s been a couple of days since I recorded the last podcast. And in the last few days, I’ve been trying to work on an E-book project. So I think I was going to talk about some of the progress I’ve made in some of those ebook projects that I’ve been putting together. And I guess where I was start is years ago, back in, I think, like, probably 2010, or 2011, is when I first started getting into the, the idea of ebooks and sort of how they could be used and sort of how they could be used around photography and photography books. And at the time, that technology was still pretty new. And it wasn’t really fully formed yet. And so there’s a lot of cool pieces and technologies that are sort of developed around the idea of digital publishing that are that are out now and way more accessible way more available to people now than what they used to be even in 2012. So I think back in that time, there was really just the, I think the Kindle, like the original like Kindle, e ink reader was just a couple years old, maybe like only one or two generations old, I think I had like the the second generation Kindle, they checked out from the University Library when I was still in school there. And you could put ebooks on it and read through those. And I think maybe what I mentioned last time, or in the last podcast that I recorded was that those ebooks were in like an E pub format. And maybe there’s there’s another format to imobie was that the format, I remember those two competing formats around for a little while. But what I remember is, is that those were really about text and about like reflowable text, so that you could you could put those instead of on a page, you have those just as like a text document. And then you can make you can make the text any size you wanted. or any number of fonts that you were able to on a Kindle or you know, whatever your ebook reader was, as That was really good for trying to move through lots of text really quickly. And I think that’s sort of the the first way that they were designed is that they actually be for book, you know, for real novels or real nonfiction books, something like that, we could you could go through a lot of pages in whatever way you wanted to just with a with a text file on your device. And you know, roll through those. But I was always interested in is how that would sort of bleed over into maybe like more of like a magazine style digital publishing system. And so for a long time, back in like 2009 2010 2011, while I was sort of finishing up school, what I remember seeing is that people that were interested in doing more multimedia or these pieces ad formats are more similar to like a magazine where it was a rich content format, whether it be color images, color texts, photographs, well, I guess it’d be an image, right, but either art elements or photographs or graphic design pieces, that’d be more similar to like what you think of as a magazine layout, all that stuff was produced, and put out as like a PDF still at the time. And so there really wasn’t like a format that had existed at that time yet. That really made it easy to put different graphic pieces together on the page and then put that out, there was an option. I think, like with one of the revisions of the E pub standard, I think it was maybe like after 3.0, you could you could build in graphic content into the format in a way that was a little bit more suitable to, you know, to viewing as on an E book, but I think that was really more after like the maybe like I was one of the Kindle had come out with the the the Kindle Fire when it was like the the color display Kindle. And so after that point, I think there was sort of an idea that you might be putting more images into the format when you’re building it. But really, for a long time, what I saw people doing and some of the people that I was inspired by, they were putting out like their photography ebooks just in a way of publishing some information and publishing some of their photographs in a way that you can view them online, either on your computer screen, or in like 2000. Was it 10? That Yeah, I think it was like in in 2010, like spring 2010 when the iPad first came out. That was when people really started to think about how like rich media content could be put on a tablet so that you can view it and read it and sort of an interesting way. And I remember there was different different, like larger publishing organizations that were sort of messing around with ways that they could put together put together ebooks in sort of a more colorful and interesting way online. But none of those really seem to stick around for very long.
It was not sure I remember, like a whole bunch of people put out different e magazines for a while. But what I’ve never seen a lot was PDF versions of documents it’d be produced. And so that’s sort of what first got me interested in look into InDesign, and how you could use InDesign to start producing like digital publishing pieces. So I kind of started working with InDesign maybe a couple years later, because it sort of Li even like illustrator, to me now seems kind of like a weighty program that, that I don’t really know how to use super well. So like I’m pretty good at, like more simple stuff like Adobe Bridge, or Adobe Lightroom, or Adobe Photoshop, where you can do some graphic stuff. And then some of the video programs and audio programs that are sort of on the side of that. But, but as it goes for, like the, the layout and image, or I guess layout and art programs like InDesign and illustrator, I didn’t really know much of those early on. And so I started getting into interested in how you could use like InDesign to put up for at least in my case, I put together ebooks of photographs in a way where you could kind of flip through the pages and look at look at photographs and then see like text information below it about, you know, whatever I’d written up about it. So that that’d be kind of cool way to show some photographs for a while. And I saw a little bit of a market in that, which I was never really successfully able to get into, you know, in a way that would like make me cash or anything like that. But I remember in 2000 2011 when I finished up one of my summer jobs, after I was getting done with college, I went out on like this long road trip, it was like a 50 5045 day road trip where I took my car and when we went out to a bunch of places in the western United States. So we went like from Oregon, into I guess in a Washington, then to Idaho for a while then over into Wyoming, and then up into Montana, then kind of back into Wyoming, then Utah. And then we sort of circle back around to California and then came back up to Oregon we did that over over 50 days, which is kind of a long time. So we did it, I think the whole month of the whole month of September and the whole month of October. I really like traveling in those months, like September and October, I think I like great times to get out and do a bunch of camping. So that’s really what it was, it was just camping, and go into a bunch of natural areas and National Park areas. So you kind of like put a bit of national park out on the map somewhere. And see try and add a couple spots in between here and there, you know, wherever that those places were. And we had had our camera equipment had like my Nikon D two h at the time and like a 15 millimeter f1 eight lens that’s really like the best equipment that I could have come up with at the time. And and I went out and took a bunch of photographs, I took them with Marina too. And we just made like a ton of images is probably still one of my favorite trips and favorite kind of experiences kind of growing in photography and making a lot of stuff all at one time. So that that was really, really cool to do and super fun. And I was really inspired by one of these other photographers, David Duchamp. And he was like a Canadian photographer. I remember in like 2000, I think 2010 probably he went on like a road trip through a lot of the western United States. And like an old truck. And that was like really cool. But he went to a bunch of different locations and took a bunch of landscape photos and a bunch of just kind of like fine art style images. And so I thought that was really cool. And I was definitely inspired by that and a lot of the ebooks stuff that he’d put out. And so I was thinking Well, okay, like, I guess, maybe it’s just a copycat fashion. But I thought it was kind of a cool way to sort of emulate some of the interesting art pieces that I was seeing going on. And, and at the same time, I thought there was a lot of like new media stuff that was happening sort of all around, you know, digital media, digital content, that was all starting to come out around 2010 2011 2012. I think by that time, like I picked up an Instagram account. I’ve been on Twitter for a couple of years. So I was putting up photos on Twitter while I was traveling, and putting up photographs on on Instagram too, while we were traveling around out there. And at the time, it was just on my phone. And it was kind of hard, we didn’t really have a method to like easily transfer at the time, at least easily transfer photos. And it wasn’t really in style at Instagram at the time. If you remember way back, it was really just about like phone photos and filters at the time. And that’s what a lot of this stuff from the trip was. But a lot of the nicer kind of a lot of the, I guess what I call it the fine art photographs or the landscape photographs I wanted to do some more work on and put a little bit more effort into and edit through those we’re all going to try and be set aside and then put into like an E book project that I tried to put together after I got back from this long road trip is a marina and I worked like a time after that first 54 day road trip to put together the western overland excursion ebook. And so I put that out a few months after the trip as like a PDF document, it was
pretty cool. I was really happy with it. It was it was an interesting experience to really a lot of the project was to teach myself how to use how to use like digital publishing tools and how to use like design tools, how to do layout stuff and how to get into like printing a book, which is really cool. So So a few of these copies like I printed out. And that was sort of how it was designed to be to be created is that there’ll be like a maybe a left page and a right page spread of of images. I was sort of be laid out on it. And so sort of designed around that idea. And that formatting of like a page layout, but, but really that book I put together in Photoshop, I didn’t use InDesign, because I didn’t know how to use InDesign. And at the time, I didn’t have a copy of InDesign, all I had was Photoshop. And so it was, I remember that was a really big challenge was going trying to go through and like, make, you know, just like a Photoshop, canvas and you know, as a as a project, and you just do it page by page, where you try and like open up Photoshop and then kind of paste in a picture and sort of transform it into the size that you wanted on the page, and then put a color element in and then try and like put some text information in there too. And all the tools around text layout. And, you know, just like design, they’re just the note, they don’t really exist in Photoshop in the way that you would really hope for them to, I’m sure that there is good enough for me to get started. But they don’t really exist in the refined way that they do in InDesign. So there’s a lot of clumsy elements that I see in there now not not to mention all the clumsy elements that were, you know, personal problems that I had of just being like my first book and not really knowing what to do. So it was cool to try and try and figure it out. But it took a while I made through went through a couple drafts laid out the pages and the photographs and stuff. Bunch of the stuff that I’d taken on my phone and a bunch of the like the nicer images that were kind of like the landscape photographs that I wanted to show from that trip, I put all those together in the western overland excursion book. And I made that a printed book through blurb at the time, which was really cool. And I still have that book around, which is fine. It’s meant to like open up and I made a couple copies for friends and stuff that were interested in it, which was, which was pretty fun and great to do at the time. But then I built an E book out of it to where I wanted to kind of have that hosted on my site for people to get a hold of. And so it was a cool way for me to get it way back in like 2000 probably do like the like Winter, Spring Summer of 2012 is when when it was out and when it was trying to like pass it around. And I think I added on Squarespace at the time, like as a website house, which works really well like I was able to sell it as a product and then have it like download to a computer, I thought it was like all kind of kind of fancy at the time is sort of fun to put all that stuff together. But, but now I’m not really selling the book anymore, I just want to get it out there and have some people see some of the stuff that I did and sort of look at, you know, just some something as a fun project that I put together years ago as a travel book. So what I’ve been trying to do is take that out, but it’s been free on my website for the last like three or four years, just as like one of the PDFs at the bottom of the homepage there. But what I’m trying to do now is get that book over on to Apple books, it’s no longer iBooks. But it’s Apple books, I think maybe since iOS 12, which is you know, the new one, maybe it was iOS 11. I’m not sure how long, how long it’s been in action, but that the apple books or iBooks app has been around for the last few generations of iPhone and or I guess iOS on iPad, and iPhone. And there’s a huge range of books that are available through the apple books app where you can go on to the store, and there’s tons of paid books, which is cool. And there’s a there’s like a pathway to put your book up for sale on the service. And then in addition to that, there’s a ton of free books too. And that’s cool, because I mean, since it’s on an iPad, it’s all sort of around rich media and I guess a more developed layout system of content. So it’s, it’s pretty cool. You can put like audio pieces in your book, you can put videos in your book, you can put like moving animations on you but you know you can like with your finger, you can kind of touch control aside or put in like a map where you can kind of scale in and out that the map of an area that you’re in, in a book that says really cool. There’s a lot of interesting kind of, you know, just media features, you can add into the document as you build it way more than just text and way more than just reflowable text. And I think all of that was to be laid out like on an iPad. So it was an interesting rich media format with a lot of context and when you put out the ebook, so it was a cool kind of new publishing surface that I wanted to get into. So I’m going to try and get into some of those more rich features here sometime soon. But for the time being what I was trying to do was just put the western overland excursion book up onto the apple books site. And so I think I talked about this a little bit in the last one toward the, toward the end of the last podcast, that there’s this, this
it’s a service but this function in iTunes, or this thing that you need to use when you’re a content producer. That’s called iTunes Connect where you use your Apple ID to set up an account with iTunes Connect and that’s where if you’re a content creator, you can put up a bunch of different things. That’s where you go to submit your podcast for review. If you have a podcast feed that you want to go into the podcast store, the podcast directory, it’s where you go to put in a book if you want it to go up on Apple books or you put in your music to if you want it to go up on Apple Music So it’s kind of interesting. Have you use it, but it’s like this back end system where you can upload files to it, so that you can get it, I guess, into iTunes and into, you know, all those different locations where it can either be for sale in the app store or you know, for free in the App Store. So I’ve been trying to set that at the last couple of days, you have to get like some of your tax informations, or some of your bank account information if you’re trying to look to sell a book. So you kind of like fill it in with your business information. And your bank account information of where you would get the deposit of money to if you were so fortunate to actually sell a copy of your book or music or I don’t know app seems like people sell apps. So I guess that seems to happen. Well, I guess but so I was just trying to walk through all those steps to get to get myself set up so that I could either sell books or put books up for free online. And so I’m gonna try and put up a ton of books for free. And I want to try and make some new ones. So it would be you know, things that I could sell or something in the future. Well, I want to explore both options of it sooner or later. So what I’ve been doing this last week was I was trying to go through on my computer, I pulled down the PDF version of the Western overland excursion book that I first put out in 2012. And I’ve been trying to go through all those pages, and then lay those out in a way where I could put them up into like an like a new book file, and then upload that to Apple books. And so this one will just be the same book, there won’t be any extra content or any, like redesigned content as it is, though I should do that sometime in the future. There’s a lot of those images are still still ones that I think I should should reuse it in a really cool, new way. I think I just saw a shooting star. Well, that’s cool. It was a bright one, too. It’s over about a Cassiopeia. Where’s kassiopi right now it’s like over toward the western northwest side of me. That’s cool. That was a bright one. I just thought that other corner my back to it, though. I yeah. So what I did is I opened up the PDF that said it’s like up on my website right now. And I took each of those pages, and I exported those as a high resolution image. And then I stretch that out into a Pages document, just you know, just, you know, like there’s Microsoft Word, there’s Apple pages, Apple pages is the writing app that you would get like on your MacBook or something. And so it’s I think free now to everybody used to be part of like the office, there’s always I work. That’s what it was called, yeah, I work and I life was where you would get like, that’s where you get iMovie and some of the other stuff. But like, if you went to numbers, pages, and keynote, you get that and I work nowadays, it’s just Apple pages, and you can get it on your iPhone for free and do all the same stuff, too. You can put it on your Mac for free, it’s great. It’s a really cool feature or the you know, it’s just a cool service. It’s available to you if you want to get into digital publishing stuff. And I really wish that these kind of tools were available at this low expense back years ago, when I was really first getting into as I could have done like a ton of digital publishing stuff back then that I wasn’t able to and I was really jealous of all the people that have access to things like things like InDesign or, or you know, some of the more advanced digital publishing tools that I was really interested in trying to get into at the time, but it’s cool, I got I got InDesign now, and I’ve got, I’ve got pages now. So I’ve got access to all that stuff. But I relayed out the whole book and all the spreads of that Western overland excursion book into a new document in the pages program. And I’ve exported that as an E book file. And so I think this EPUB file is the one that kind of holds all the contextual information together so that it doesn’t that reflow everything around it so that all the pages sort of layout in the same way that you would expect them to. So that it kind of holds the image, you know, if you put the put a title at the top and you put an image down the lower half of the screen, then it will stay there every time instead of reflowing to be on different pages like you would if like what we talked about at the beginning when it would reflow into like a text document where it’d be kind of all over the place. So it’s, it’s cool. There’s a lot of stuff you can do. There’s a lot of rich media stuff, like I’ve mentioned a couple times so far that you can add in I’ll do that in future books for for this one. It’s just the book spreads that were laid out in the document, export that as an ePub. And then I’ve been going through the process just today of uploading that
into my iCloud account, and then moving that over into the iTunes Connect side of the apple books. I don’t know what is it? Not? I can’t even think of the word but it is now in review, I guess. So now I have the western overland excursion book in review on Apple books. And I guess it should be out in a bunch of the
you know, in the apple books store sometime in the next couple weeks. So I’ll try and keep you guys updated on that when it comes out. But,
but yeah, it’s cool. I’m excited for For that book to be available on my phone, wow, I should do an audio book of it too. I guess there’s, there’s all sorts of features in that books at the apple books app, I guess you can like, record your own audio book, and then publish that through iTunes Connect also. So that you can like have that searchable into the same book title and author title, which is kind of a fun idea. You know, there’s so you can do all that sort of self publishing stuff on your own nowadays, I think it’s, it’s pretty interesting. So I really want to try and use this, this tool to get into some other stuff, like I think maybe I’ve mentioned also, is that I’ve been trying to work on a book about the high desert, which I think would be really fun. So I have a ton of images from the high desert, that I’m trying to lay out into just a photo book, a lot of the books that like the two books that I’ve done in the past, they had like a lot of text with them, and a lot of just kind of kind of just captions of what, what was going on the picture in front, like metadata information about the photograph, and now I took it, a lot of that stuff I’ll probably leave out and I want to try to make just a cleaner art book that sort of shows one image on a page, or maybe three or four images in context to each other on a page. So you can kind of like swipe through, look at the images, look at the photographs and a clean, sort of nicely laid out presentation of the images. And, and so you just kind of go through a certain collection that I put together. And I want to try and do that with a bunch of different topics that I have, you know, like I have a, maybe a portfolio I want to put together, or, or like a collection of stuff from the night sky that I’m trying to figure out how to do right now. Like I just mentioned stuff from Eastern Oregon that I have, there’s probably like a whole number of different things, I can try and put together of different collections of books that I want to try and do. But in addition to that, I want to try and do a little bit of multimedia stuff like I was talking about. So I’m going to try and go through and learn pages a little bit better and sort of learn how to do some more custom formatting stuff in there. But what I’m looking at is you can put in anything like I was mentioning, you can put in like a video piece in there. So I have a lot of video clips that were sort of clips that accompany photographs that I’ve taken, you know, on trips that I’ve been on. And so what I want to try and do is get some of those video clips and get some of those photographs and sort of merge them together. In sort of in a in a multimedia collection piece, I can have a page with an audio clip, maybe like a podcast recording piece, sort of like this, that’s just sort of specially made for the ebook presentation, then have like a video clip that’s embedded into the page and then have a photograph on a page. And with a little bit of text on it too. So there’s just like a whole bunch of different stuff that you can do that is kind of an interesting way of laying out content that that haven’t really been able to do before, or the why I’m sure I could have done it before but but haven’t been doing before. So I’m looking to try and get into that. But it was something that was a goal of mine for a long time to get it up into the apple books store. And so now I finally done it for the western overland excursion book and the second book that I did the following year, the the working with film ebook that that books also the one that’s available on on my site, Billy Newman photo calm down at the bottom of the page, you can pick it up for free anytime it’s just a PDF copy that you can open up in your browser or download your computer. But what I’m trying to do is Yeah, make it make it available on the apple bookstore. So I’ve submitted that one today as well. That was a cool one that working with film book. I really like I think I took a bunch of the stuff that I had learned from that first experience of doing the western overland excursion book, and definitely
learned a lot about what to write what to do, how to lay things out how to make things look good.
And man, that book is just like a huge move forward in what I understood about doing digital publishing stuff. So I’m really excited about that one. on the iPad two. I think I formatted it for iPad as opposed to the first book that was formatted for, like a Kindle, like like a Kindle tablet, I think is what I had imagined that when going on. It’s like a Kindle tablet or maybe like a widescreen computer is sort of how I had it set up first. Oh, and you know, actually it was for the printed book. I think that was what it was mostly for was like the printed book option size that I had in blurb for doing like a landscape sized page. But the second book, The working with film book was all laid out and titled for for like an iPad page. So what I’m gonna do now is or at least I guess what I’ve already been doing is taking the spreads from the working with film book where I went through all of these film photographs that I take, it’s all film photographs, which I mean isn’t really like a hyper special thing. digital photographs are also great too. But instead of a collection of cell phone pictures and film photos and digital photos, it was all these film photographs that I put together in a collection and a lot of the writing about it was just sort of analysis he definitely that I’ve definitely I’ve grown a lot as an artist and I was a younger man at the time that I wrote all these things years ago. So So now I look at it and kind of a way that makes me cringe a little bit like Oh, did you say that in that way about this thing? That sounds dumb. I don’t think that when you read it for the first time, but it was really fun to put together it was, it was a great way of kind of walking through all these film photographs that I had, from a couple different cameras that I had, it really was just about the process of doing things in an analogue way where you had to you had to focus a camera manually, you had to set your aperture manually, you had a look at your film speed and you couldn’t change like your ISO, you can’t, you can change that anywhere you want with a digital camera. But on a film camera, you’re kind of set with that when you put it in, and the film stock has a huge effect into the way, the way that the image fields or the image looks when it comes out like actor film is like really crisp and contrast II. Whereas like portrait film is like really soft, and sort of pastel colored in a way. Or there’s like other cheaper Fuji film stuff, or like Kodak film that you get this some Kodak 200 speed film, there’s like a green tinge to it. Sometimes it’s interesting how it sort of moves around other people and are probably notice different things about it. But I love shooting with film. And I loved sort of the way that it looks. And that’s sort of what I got into a lot with that book of why it was cool to shoot, or why it was cool to kind of slow down with your cameras to sort of use just something that was really old, goes go back to kind of an older process, try and do things manually try and take time with photographs and to change the dials move the settings around. And what I was really talking about was that that was a really interesting way for me to learn how to do photography better to just kind of focus in on trying to use a manual film camera and figure out the types of photographs that I could I could learn how to make by doing that. And so over probably the course of a year or so, put together a ton of it, I think I would shoot like a roll of 24 images every week. And over that time. Like I put together a bunch of photographs in a collection that I thought were pretty cool at the time, at least for me. And then now I think Oh man, I have so many more interesting film photographs that should have been in that book, you know, years later, like over 2013 2014 2015 2016 got really into film photography stuff when I was working with the I think like the Nikon and 80 I didn’t even really get into it at the time, like the whole working with film Buck was our shot on this f j 20. Camera, f g 20. I think it was an F g 20 Nikon film camera that with a with a manual focus, 50 millimeter lens, and maybe a couple other like a couple other manual focus lenses that I would have had around at the time, but I think almost everything was shot. Just with that camera. It was a great, simple fun camera to use, I was really interested in it. And then later on, I moved over to a Nikon en ad, which was I think I still have that one around I have the body and the battery grip around great camera, I love that camera, it’s really inexpensive to find on eBay now to but it had a lot of the mic is not automatic. But a lot of the more advanced features that you’d find in modern cameras, like you know, DSLR cameras, or SLR cameras, in this case, it’s just, it’s not digital, right? It’s just the single lens reflex camera. But I shot a ton of images with that an ad in 2013 2014 2015. And then I think in 2015 2016, I got a Nikon f4 I was a camera that’s even older than the nav that was like the the professional range camera from 1988 to 1995. Really cool. It has like a lot of knobs and dials and stuff on it, you can still use the aperture ring on the front instead of the the Nikon roller reel for your, your pointer finger.
I think it’s what they moved to with the F five after the F four, right. So I sat with that for a few more years before kind of switching out and going over to the Sony camera stuff that I did during like 2017 and 2018. And then now I’m shooting canon stuff all of a sudden, wow. So then I’ve been moving around a lot as that goes. But now the last couple years, it’s all been sort of digital stuff. But yeah, so much extra stuff that I’ve done in film photography that isn’t really captured in this book. But for like the some of the ideas that were kind of my benefit, the nascent seed of how I was sort of starting and figuring out what I wanted to do with film photography. So a lot of the thesis or the ideas are written out in that. But I wrote a lot for that book. I remember going over like drafts of that book for a long time through I think I wrote it like during January, February and March of 2013. Does that sound right? I think most of the photos, yeah, went through and he shot all the photographs in 2012 I think probably 2011 and 2012. And then I put all that together in the first couple months of 2013. And that was great. It was super valuable. That was the period of time when I moved into using InDesign and so I started working with InDesign exclusively. So I realized that like Photoshop wasn’t working to do page layout and and like, what was it called pagination, where you’re doing multiple spreads of pages with text And graphics and images all in like one place. So I kind of figured out well, if I like spend a couple hours and learn how to do this in InDesign, it’ll save me a ton of effort. And it really did, it was really cool to learn about how to do that, and how to put a document together in that way. And that honestly got me like my next couple of jobs, it was really cool. You know, like to kind of go from I think January knowing almost nothing about InDesign page layout, to by April, knowing a lot about how to move pieces around how to get into things and how to move different elements around and make new documents. That helped me out at a time when I when I got like a job that was sort of doing that sort of graphic design page layout stuff. And that’s also sort of what kind of led me into doing some of the more advanced web development stuff I started doing with a couple of the companies that I worked with afterwards. So it was really cool and valuable to learn how to use InDesign and how to get into that. But yeah, it was a lot of work. And so I put together the working with film book that came out I think, in the spring and summer of 2013. And I did it, it was really fun putting it together, that one also is now finished. Or the the new version, or I don’t know if it’s new, but the version that’s going to go up onto the apple bookstore is also finished. And I’ve submitted that one for review as well. So I think the iTunes or excuse me that while the iTunes Connect side of it is done. And now it’s under the apple books review to go up in some 53 countries, app stores, I think is how it goes. So you set it up for like your United States App Store. And then it’ll go up for approval, and then it’ll make it into the app store, or it’ll get kicked back to me to make some change or something to it. But it’ll probably get up into the app store, or books, Apple books store for free. And then you can find it under my name or under the name working with film or Western overland excursion for them, you know, two names respectively. And, yeah, you’ll be able to find a couple books that I tried to put together. So it’s kind of fun. It’s a it’s a cool little personal project that I was trying to do over the weekend here. And I’m looking forward to doing some more books, I think it’d be kind of a an interesting project to try and do some more image based photography books. And we’ll see how they go over time I really, I think like I’m talking about I want to try and get into more photo books by like shine, maybe get into more like art, and teaching books to your like kind of talking about the process of photography and talking about sort of a specific subject in a way that would be at least interesting to me for a little while. So I appreciate you guys listening through all of this jibber jabber about making ebooks and the history of what I’ve done to put together the the couple of books that I’ve put out I’ve written in the past. So it was fun. It was cool. Cool, right. And I’m in the past. And I’m hoping to do a few more of them while I’m here in Hawaii. And when I get back to the west coast someday to be fun to write up some more books and put some things together. So it’s really easy to do, I definitely recommend you guys download that pages app and maybe find like a YouTube video of somebody talking about how easy it is to start putting stuff up into the apple bookstore. If you have an interest in it at all, it’s definitely worth it to to learn how to do just a little bit, you could probably do it in an afternoon or a weekend or something like that, you know, just learning some of the basics of it. But man, what I’ve learned so far those that like picking the pieces, writing out the stuff, making the page layouts, all that takes so much more time than you think it would next time you pick up just some goofy book,
you got to think that somebody had to put all that stuff together. So it takes a lot of work to put to put a book together. I definitely have a lot of respect for the people that actually do it successfully. So to do this, definitely a cool hobby to have, you know, read books. I guess it’s not bad. But thanks a lot for listening to this other hobby of mine podcasting. So thanks a lot for listening to this Billy Newman photo podcast for early February of 2019. Appreciate you guys checking it out. Thanks a lot.