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Hello, and thank you very much for listening to this episode of The Billy Newman photo podcast. Today I’m talking more about SSH. I’m sure that’s what everybody is excited to hear about. Today I was going to talk a little bit about what you can do, I guess to get to your local network from your iPhone, it’s kind of interesting how you can access an SSH server or host from a terminal SSH app on your iPhone, it’s kind of a cool way to do it. And it really visualizes the terminal pretty functionally. And it’s an interesting way to get access to all of your files that are at home. Now to do this on a more complex scale, you have to do some kind of tricky router, port forwarding. I know it’s kind of a scary set of words. But sort of on the more small scale, you can do it I guess just from your phone while you’re on your local network. Or like let’s say you’re at work and you have a bigger like work wireless network. If you’re on that local network, you can get an app like Terminus that’s the one I’m using right now you search SSH in the app store and you can find a ton of stuff but I’m using this app Terminus to log in to my home computer and then access my files or FTP, myself photographs or something like that. It’s kind of interesting, but it’s really kind of a novelty right now until I can figure out how to do some some higher level stuff with it. I’m learning how to use like back to my Mac, some of the remote login stuff to kind of also set up a shell system I get so kind of cool, but some interesting sort of geeky stuff that I’ve been been messing around with the last couple weeks that’s probably what you’ve been seeing on my Instagram stories. If you’ve been watching those, it’s just me like, hey, look at this thing in SSH. I logged into a server no way get it you can see more of my work at Billy Newman photo comm you can check out some of my photo books on Amazon. I think if you look up Billy Newman under the authors section there and see some of the photo books on film on the desert, on surrealism on camping, you cool stuff over there and wanted to jump into a couple of the things I’ve been doing through the month of July and some of the outdoor camping and travel stuff I’ve been up to I was gonna run down some of that in this podcast today I wanted to talk about a trip I did out toward Eastern Oregon I think like last week before last is when I was out in this area and I was trying to get some good observations in for comet neowise I’m not sure if any of you guys got to check that out while it was in its prime viewing section there I think that was why we had kind of like the new moon before it switched over to being gibbous moon or nearly full moon like it’s been the last week or so but I think was it around like the 15th through the 25th or so of July there’s some pretty good observations to be made of comet Neo wise and I guess after after kind of reading about it a little bit it’s not considered a great comment like Hale Bopp was or I think it was was an eye talkie in 1996 we haven’t had a great comment in a long time I’ve ever seen those when I was a kid though that was pretty cool like watching the Hale Bopp come through for it seemed like three months or something you know that you’re just kind of looking at that in the in the low corners of the northwestern and Western skies It was kind of cruising across the skyline I remember that still from from like third fourth grade when it was coming through and I also remember the year before that when when like straight up in the air you know like straight up in the sky at night for it was only like a week or so I was a kid you know but I remember for that week you can see a real bright two tailed comet those guns I think I can’t remember how to pronounce i think is how you talk here. I think it’s some it’s some Japanese name. Pretty sure but that was a really cool one that one I still remember really clearly I was only like, I don’t know seven or something when that like when when that comic came through but I really appreciate getting to make some observations with that one as a kid. I missed Halley’s Comet though back in what 87 I think was the last one it It came through and I probably will be the few years that you know that decade or two of age range that doesn’t get to see Halley’s Comet in their lifetime. So I think I think I was born in 88 of course so if I make it past 100 maybe I’ll see it what is it maybe like 80 something years so it’s probably not going to come back around until I think it’s like the 2017 or 2000 80s that I’d have to make it to for the see Halley’s Comet again.
That’d be fun, but I don’t know maybe we’ll see a future. The future is at that time. But it was really cool to get to see comet neowise It was just a little below what would be the legs and feet of Ursa Major, the Big Dipper, or like the big bear as it would kind of be observed. But if you kind of look at the deeper part that we’re all, mostly familiar with, if you kind of consider Ursa Major, the larger bear constellation that it’s structured on, if you kind of look down below the dipper is where I was able to make my observations of comet neowise. And over here in the elevation area that I’m at, in Western Oregon, it’s about 200 or 300 feet above sea level. And there’s there’s kind of a constant problem with haze and with light pollution in this area. And I think it has to do something with the well I mean, of course, the you know, the amount of population that’s around and but also, something about the air quality, or about how the air kind of flows out around here that just doesn’t ever seem to be as crisp or as dark as you can get up in the mountains. And, and really, it’s just like a stunning difference, when you’re able to get out further and make some some more clear observations, you know, the level of magnitude of stars that you’re able to reveal, just in a dark night is so much more crisp and clear. It’s just like a total difference. So it was cool to I think I first was able to spot just a little fuzzy bit of a second magnitude version of comet neowise while I was here in town, but I tried to make a special trip out toward Eastern Oregon out into the desert just to do some camping stuff. But what I wanted to do at the same time was make some good observations and also try and get some good photographs of comet neowise as it was coming through during its period, where you could, you could make some, some good sightings of it, but it was cool. So going out to Eastern Oregon, as it got dark, a little past 1030 or so as you look to the northwest, you can really see the comet and its tail spread for a couple inches in the sky. And I was really surprised to notice how little of it you could really make out I see when you’re in an area of almost any light pollution, once you’re back in town, or once you’re in a lower elevation area. With some light pollution and haze around it was really difficult to make out in the same way that I could out in the desert or out in the mountains. And so I thought that was pretty cool to get to get to see and get to check out over there. But yeah, as a blast getting to do some stuff out in Eastern Oregon, I went over to the john de river area. And I was checking out that area. There’s a lot of public land out in that area. But there’s also some a lot of private land too. It’s just kind of an interesting area, how it sort of broken up and it was cool to get to go out go out to the I headed out to Madras and then I took off and headed over East there until I ran into the john de River. And then I was able to use this map that I have to go through and find some of the open off or just the open roads that are you know, smaller gravel roads that are set up to kind of traverse the back country out there. So I was able to find a few of those that were open and travel around on those for a while. And that was pretty cool. I was able to find some dispersed campsites and set up right along the john de River, which is really cool. It’s a beautiful area out there. It’s kind of interesting, the john de river flows through this sort of, I guess it would be I don’t know it’s kind of like Canyon land and it’s also sort of these rolling grass hills that sort of make up the landscape of, of Northern northern and northeastern Oregon. And I think Yeah, as soon as you kind of get a little bit for like a little bit north of bend is when you get out of the Great Basin area and you start to get into another kind of landscape that seems to stretch up north of the Columbia River up into Washington I’ve heard that some of it’s from like really old
deposits from the river systems in the waterways that were up there and how it were like there’s old old deposits and then an erosion that’s happened from those rivers running through the area for such a long time but but really cool to see kind of the rolling hills and then some of the carved out canyons that go through the john de river area up there when I found the campsite I was at I was pretty far away from everybody and I was really far away from any substantial town I think it was near i don’t know i don’t even know what it is there wasn’t anything there when I drove through there’s a bridge and a couple little ranch houses you know real ranches right? Like just a little a little a little house like a little two bedroom house and then 100 acres of cattle to deal with so it seems uh seems like another life out there I wonder how they’re dealing with you know, kind of the way the world is things are this summer, but it was cool. Yeah, getting out there. Went to already kind of set up my campsite and stuff had my truck going. And that was all pretty easygoing. But then I waited till dark after 1030 Yeah, comment neowise is really visible up below the Big Dipper. That was pretty cool to get to see out there in Eastern Oregon really bright really clear, you could almost make out the second tail I have my binoculars with me. I think there’s some 10 by 40 twos. And those really well to view it to view the comment library really crisp through there through the binoculars and yeah, really easy to spot most of the night Even just to the naked eye, it was really easy to spot it was like, Oh yeah, it’s right there, there’s a comment, it’s just a big whisper in the sky. So it was really cool to get to view it, what I did is I set up my tripod, and I have my camera with me. So I set it up with a really wide angle. And then I was trying to get some photographs of it as it was, as the comment was sort of coming down to set on the landscape of the hillside, you know, as the hours went on into the night. So I think I stayed out until maybe one or two in the morning, when the Big Dipper was sort of scooping down a little low onto the horizon. And then at that point, the place where the comment was dipped below the horizon and then was out of view for the rest of the evening. And I think even into the morning, I think by that time when I was photographing it, it wasn’t it wasn’t visible any longer. up in the morning sky, I think they said you know, at first in early July, you could kind of view it around Capella, if you were able to get out early enough, say three or four in the morning. But as as the direction as it was moving, it was kind of creeping up pretty quickly or you know, day over day over day, it would kind of move a good chunk through the sky. And in the direction that it was moving, it was moving to be more visible at the nighttime which really offered more hours of good observation time, which I thought was pretty cool to wait until it was really dark enough in the northwest view of the sky probably about 1030 onward is when you’re finally able to make out those kind of finer points of light in the sky in that region. So it was really cool, set up the tripod, set up the camera, set up some manual focus to to get it kind of set sharp at night you can’t you can’t use autofocus when you’re trying to make photographs of the night sky, the stars because it just kind of seeps back and forth you have to set it to manual focus and then
ring out your your focus ring to infinity and then just back a little bit you’ll notice this every time if you do it, it’s really frustrating the dark because you can’t really always make it out in an easy way and edit your mistake quickly. But if you go all the way to infinity and then take fixed pictures there the night sky you’re going to notice that this points of light that are the stars sort of end up a little fuzzy and it’s because all the way to infinity for whatever reason just isn’t quite in focus at infinity. So you have to go all the way up to infinity and then back it off just a little bit. And that’ll nearly ensure that most of that part of the image is in focus the whole way and it’s difficult even even if you do have an F stop that’s a little bit more tightened out say like an f4 six or something you’re still gonna get a lot of that out of focus softness, if the focus ring isn’t really dialed into the right spot. So I try to work on that a little bit. And yeah, dialed in my focus was able to set it up with reasonable ISO to get some images of the night sky and pick up some of those finer points of light and then it was able to take a series of photographs in a few different locations out there in the john de River Valley which I thought was really cool is pretty to be out there and it was a nice night really warm in the River Canyon and really remote to like I was mentioned I think I was the only person out there for a few miles I saw another another group coming in on a like a little midsize SUV and they were going fishing out of the bend in the river a couple miles up from where I was this I took my truck down a little further and camped out just on the side of the river. It was cool nice Green River up to the kind of high desert tan rim rock that runs the area around there. So it was it was a cool evening cool campsite area it’s cool spot to check out comet neowise too. So I tried to check it out. Up until I don’t know what 130 in the morning when I couldn’t see it anymore and then spent the night out there out in the john de river area and then the next morning got up and try to check out some of the different roads and stuff that went around. You can check out more information at Billy Newman photo comm you can go to Billy Newman photo.com Ford slash support. If you want to help me out and participate in the value for value model that we’re running this podcast with. If you received some value out of some of the stuff that I was talking about, you’re welcome to help me out and send some value my way through the portal at Billy Newman photo comm forward slash support. You can also find more info They’re about Patreon and the way that I use it if you’re interested or feel more comfortable using Patreon that’s patreon.com forward slash Billy Newman photo.
For the longest time I was shooting with Nikon cameras and I’d always really liked doing that but most of that was always kind of maybe constrained by budget for I think I started with a Nikon D 40 back in mid 2007 is when I bought it the camera probably came out earlier than that, I really enjoyed kind of picking up that was like an entry level DSLR at the time, and now it’s like really antiquated. I sold that off now years ago and kind of moved it over into other other camera equipment over time. But that’s what I got while I was in college is a really good camera for me to learn on and kind of learn some of the fundamentals of working with a digital camera and I had a lot of fun working with I made it like a ton of photographs with it. then pretty soon after that. I tried to switch over to something that was more of a professional body when I was trying to take some of the work that I was doing a little more seriously and when I was trying to get hired as a photographer to do really even just student projects at the time I was trying to get a couple extra lenses and I was trying to get a couple stronger features in the in the camera body that I was using. So at the time I think it was in like 2008 2009 actually I think it was in 2009 I bought my first like professional body that Nikon D two H and at that time that was already a pretty antiquated camera I think in 2009 it probably came out in 2003 I think is what it was. So it’s already like a pretty big gap in time there there’s been at that time especially in that decade. There’s just so much advancement in the way that sensors worked in the way that the scene wasn’t even a CMOS It was like an elb caste is like an lb ca St. Named sensor. I don’t even know what that is but it was different than the CMR system that would be in a lot of cameras I think that maybe we probably find now or you know like the sensor piece in the back and it wasn’t full frame either it was in even the professional and it wasn’t full frame it was still like that crop sensor that Nikon had. So it was good for for a long time and I was really happy to use it and happy to kind of learn on that camera it had a ton of features and really I probably go back to that that full professional body of Nikon. If If I was just to pick any camera that I wanted to use, I think like a Nikon D five would be an amazing camera to work with. But at the time, what I was trying to do was get a job at a newspaper like the student newspaper when I was going to college and to try and get some jobs or you know trying to get get some activity to try and go and take different photographs in different locations. And that job was great. It was cool working for the student newspaper because you get to go to different locations and try and make some interesting photo out of something that’s probably not very interesting. It’s normally like a person talking to a to a classroom with beige walls and low level ceiling light or something like that every once in a while you get to go to a football game or something like that so that you don’t really have the opportunity to go to normally that was really fun that was interesting and it provided me a lot of opportunities to do some some different you know work with different lenses work with you know, different lighting and some sort of you know, interesting and dynamic subject matter. But a lot of the time like I mentioned it was like I think I had to go photograph that they were removing pipes from a student building on some side of campus I hadn’t been to before so it was it was the I was supposed to take a photograph of the absence of pipes didn’t really make a lot of sense it wasn’t really a very interesting photo and there was no people or story around it so it’s you know it’s always something like that or it seemed to be often something like that. That was just like had almost no subject to take a photograph so it was a challenge in that way. But it was really fun when you got to do something cool so that’s that’s why I bought that that Nikon D to H and then to a company that I think I tried to save up some money in college that was hard for me to do. I tried to save up I think like $150 or something like that to buy the 50 millimeter one eight lens there was like I don’t know the version of nifty 50 that they have over on the Nikon side It was great to use and and that that kit there that the D to H and the than the 50 millimeter was what I used to take a bunch of photographs for the next many years is a great kit of a camera to have it work really well to take I think like a bunch of the cool landscape stuff that I did on the first couple trips they did were just both with that setup. So I bought that I bought that Nikon D two h USD on eBay when I made that purchase of it. And I use that camera probably for the longest amount of time. Like I think I used that up until like around 2013 or so when I was kind of trying to shift away from it. And that’s when I was getting into more film photography stuff at that time I actually switched over to a an even or just a different camera, a Nikon n 80 film camera because I was I was doing a ton of stuff with with film and film roles at the time. And then I bought a Nikon F four s another film body camera that was from like the 90s I think is when that one was manufactured. I think it first came out in like 1988 that I probably mentioned a couple
times. Thanks a lot for checking out this episode of The Billy Newman photo podcast. Hope you guys check out some stuff on Billy Newman photo.com few new things up there some stuff on the homepage good links to other other outbound sources, some links to books and links to some podcasts. Like this blog posts are pretty cool. Yeah, check it out at Billy numina photo.com. Thanks a lot for listening to this episode and the back end. Thank you Next